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ECA Practice Quiz : Language Conventions

ECA Practice Quiz : Language Conventions. 1) Which sentence lacks parallel structure?.   A) I suddenly felt nauseous, anxious, and like I might vomit. B) The teacher said she wanted to teach us to read, write, and think.

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ECA Practice Quiz : Language Conventions

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  1. ECA Practice Quiz:Language Conventions

  2. 1) Which sentence lacks parallel structure?   A) I suddenly felt nauseous, anxious, and like I might vomit. B) The teacher said she wanted to teach us to read, write, and think. C) Peyton searched for the football under the deck, on the porch, and inside the toy chest. D) The index is useful for many things such as locating page numbers, defining key terms, and finding short cuts.

  3. 2) Choose the sentence in which quotation marks are used correctly.   A) "The Scarlet Ibis" is one of the best short stories in our anthology.  B) "The Scarlet Ibis is one of the best short stories in our anthology.“  C) "The Scarlet Ibis" is one of the best short stories in our "anthology". D) "The Scarlet Ibis" is one of the best "short stories" in our anthology.

  4. 3) Which sentence demonstrates correct use of capitalization?   A) The civil war enthusiast portrayed Robert E. Lee at saturday'sbirmingham reenactment. B) The Civil War enthusiast portrayed Robert E. Lee at Saturday's Birmingham reenactment.  C) The civil war enthusiast portrayed Robert E. Lee at saturday's Birmingham reenactment.  D) The Civil War enthusiast portrayed Robert E. Lee at saturday's Birmingham reenactment.

  5. 4) Which sentence demonstrates correct use of the apostrophe?  A) Who's driving to the conference? B) He could'nt have made an A on that test. C) It'l be a while before the bill is passed. D) Why is'nt anyone ordering the lobster bisque?

  6. 5) Which sentence demonstrates correct use of the apostrophe?  A) The childrens' teacher found Ms. Andersons car keys in the hallway.  B) The childrens teacher found Ms. Anderson's car keys in the hallway.  C) The children's teacher found Ms. Andersons' car keys in the hallway. D) The children's teacher found Ms. Anderson's car keys in the hallway.

  7. 6) Choose the sentence that has CORRECT punctuation.  A) I am going to bring my lunch in a brown, paper bag. B) If you forget your sunscreen you'll probably get burned. C) It was Julia, not Karmen, who blocked the winning goal at the soccer game. D) My best friend, a star on the swim team will probably swim some laps in the lake.

  8. Contact your English Teacher for the ANSWERS

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