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+post date: Oct 9 -expiry date: Nov. 14 Event/Group/Organizer Guidance. Mulock | Report. Volunteer Opportunity Santa Clause Parade Sunday, Nov. 17 th Cedar Street, Holland Landing Contact Heather 905-836-6492 ext. 105 hablas@egpl.ca. +post date: Oct 18 -expiry date: Oct 25
+post date: Oct 9 • -expiry date: Nov. 14 Event/Group/Organizer Guidance Mulock | Report Volunteer Opportunity Santa Clause Parade Sunday, Nov. 17th Cedar Street, Holland Landing Contact Heather 905-836-6492 ext. 105 hablas@egpl.ca
+post date: Oct 18 • -expiry date: Oct 25 Event/Group/Organizer Oliver Mulock | Report OLIVER! If you are interested in being a member of the pit orchestra for Oliver, check out the bulletin board outside the music room. Sign up for an audition either Wednesday or Friday. All musicians welcome!
+post date: Oct 22 • -expiry date: Oct 25 Event/Group/Organizer Holland Exchange Mulock | Report HOLLAND EXCHANGE If you are interested in participating in our Holland Exchange please see Ms. Willemse or Ms. Mastro in the office ASAP. We need to know by Friday if you are interested!
+post date: Oct 23 • -expiry date: Oct 25 Event/Group/Organizer Social Justice Mulock | Report Are you an aspiring artist looking to showcase your talent? We are searching for artists to help create a mural for the cafeteria. If you have a design idea, get an application from your homeroom teacher or the main office.
+post date: Oct 25 • -expiry date: Nov 8 Event/Group/Organizer Music Council Mulock | Report Hey Mulock! Music Council’s Annual Mulock Idol is happening again soon! Auditions are on November 8th and 11th after school. Sign up on the bulletin board outside the music room starting today. We hope to see you there!
+post date: Oct 25 • -expiry date: Oct. 29 Event/Group/Organizer Intramural Soccer Mulock | Report Intramural Soccer To all participants in the Mulock Soccer League, there will be no more outdoor soccer after school, however there is a brief meeting in the gym Tuesday October 29 @ 3 pm. Please bring your uniforms to the meeting.
+post date: Oct 23 • -expiry date: Oct 25 Event/Group/Organizer English Dept. Mulock | Report Attention England/Scotland travellers and potential travellers. Brief but important meeting Friday after school in room 128. We only have 6 spots left for this amazing opportunity.
+post date: Oct 23 • -expiry date: Oct 24 Event/Group/Organizer Student Council Mulock | Report Hey Mulock! Do you have an idea for this year’s semi-formal theme? If you do, be sure to submit your idea to the suggestion box outside the Student Council office. All suggestions are due Friday!
+post date: Oct 23 • -expiry date: Oct 31 Event/Group/Organizer Black Law Students of Canada Mulock | Report BLACK LAW STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Friday October 25th 6:00 – 8:30pm Woodbridge Public School Join an interactive discussion on careers in law and applying to law school. Register: info@bfcn.ca or call 416-566-2731 (Cheryl)
+post date: Sept 24 • -expiry date: Oct. 26 Event/Group/Organizer Guidance Mulock | Report Volunteers Needed! Tom Taylor Trail Ten Miler Sunday, Oct. 27th Go to www.4tmiler.ca to get information and a volunteer form. Bring completed forms to Newmarket Running Room.
+post date: Oct 23 • -expiry date: Oct 31 Event/Group/Organizer International Co-Op Mulock | Report COSTA RICA International Co-Op Summer 2014 Earn 2 credits Work in Costa Rica ! Information Session: Wednesday October 30th Sir William Mulock SS Library - 7:00 pm Be there !!
+post date: Oct 1 • -expiry date: Oct. 25 Event/Group/Organizer Peer Tutoring Mulock | Report Peer Tutoring Applications are now available in guidance. If you achieve more than 80% in Math, Science, English or French and love helping other students in school, then Peer Tutoring is for you. Tutors will assist students at lunch and after school. Also counts as community service hours!
+post date: Sept 27 • -expiry date: Oct. 25 Event/Group/Organizer Guidance Mulock | Report Volunteer Opportunities Oct. and Nov. Heart & Stroke Evening P2P Callers Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays. Fashion Show Volunteers for October 27th For more info. call 905 853 6355 or 905 853 7961
+post date: Sept 3 • -expiry date: Sept 30 Event/Group/Organizer Link Crew Mulock | Report Have a great day !