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Installing and Operating Central Equipment

Central Control Unit. Central Control Unit. Extension Power Supply. Max. 50m. Max. 100m. 65 W. 65 W. Extension Power Supply. 85 W. 65 W. 65 W. 85 W. 85 W. 130 W. 130 W. 255 W. 85 W. 85 W. 85 W. 255 W. Audio Expander. Audio Expander.

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Installing and Operating Central Equipment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Central Control Unit Central Control Unit Extension Power Supply Max.50m Max. 100m 65 W 65 W Extension Power Supply 85 W 65 W 65 W 85 W 85 W 130 W 130 W 255 W 85 W 85 W 85 W 255 W Audio Expander Audio Expander Installing and Operating Central Equipment • Centralised powering • De-Centralised powering I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  2. Installing Optical network setup • Basic optical network • Redundant cabling I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  3. Navigation and operation I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  4. Menu item Menu item with sub-menu Central Control Unit menu structure up to SW version 2.18 I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  5. To next slide Central Control Unit menu structure from SW version 2.4 I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  6. From previous slide Central Control Unit menu structure SW version 2.4 I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  7. Language setting delegate/chairman units • The 6 default fixed languages in a stand-alone system available are displayed as follows: • English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch • Optional as 5 languages can be changed with a temporary PC (download and licence tool) or in a system with PC-Control: 5 of total 21 • English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Catalan, Finnish, Latvian, Swedish, Japanese, Czech, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Lithuanian, Slovenian, Polish, Slovak, Romanian. • Notes: • English is always in the system and can not be changed! I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  8. Intercom setting • Assign ‘Stand-alone’ Intercom Operator or Chairman. • Only one Unit can be set with the intercom operator function. • Only units equipped with hand-set can be set as the intercom operator. I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  9. 4I 4I 4I Initialize the system • De-Initialize all units connected to the DCN system. All system units will need a new address after this action. The De-initialisation process is started by entering the submenu and confirming your choice. • Note: All system units that must be initialized must be connected before executing this function. I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  10. Menu item Menu item with sub-menu Audio Expander menu structure I&U Instructions DCNNG SA IO Installing

  11. Installing and Operating Central Equipment End of section SA IO Menu DCNNG SA IO Installing

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