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Wall. Photos. Flair. Boxes. Steve Jobs. Logout. Wall. Info. Photos. Boxes. Write something…. Share. facebook. View photos of Steve (5). Steve Jobs Finally released the Ipad 2! Hope everybody likes it! March 12, 2011. Send Steve a message. Poke Steve.
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Steve Jobs Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share facebook View photos of Steve (5) Steve Jobs Finally released the Ipad 2! Hope everybody likes it! March 12, 2011 Send Steve a message Poke Steve Steve Wozniak to Steve Jobs I got the overview video of the Ipad 2. It looks like the best thing you have ever built so far. Light, fast, and durable all mixed into one thing. February 2, 2011 Information Networks: People at Apple Birthday: February 24, 1955 Political: None Religion: Buddhism Hometown: Cupertino, CA Steve Jobs is planning to release the Ipad 2. Steve Jobs Got the chip’s idea and just need to start mass production. Hope we have enough for everyone. January 27, 2011 Steve Jobs Finally got the design down. I just need to get the chip’s idea and start mass production then. January 16, 2011 Friends Steve Jobs Thanks a lot, Steve! Just trying to figure out the designs for the next Ipad. I need a better and more sleek design. December 30, 2010 Larry Steve Bill Steve Wozniak to Steve Jobs Hope there is much more new exciting things that you are building, Steve. I really enjoy your work on the Ipod Touch. December 8, 2010 Bill Bill Randy
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Steve Jobs Logout Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: People at Apple Sex: Male Birthday: February 24, 1955 Hometown: Cupertino, CA Relationship Status: married to Laurene Powell Political Views: None Religious Views: Buddhism facebook View photos of Steve (5) Send Steve a message Poke Steve Personal Information Activities: CEO of Apple, Made Apple Products, and owns one of the most , successful companies in the world Interests: Computers, Electronics, and Gadgetry Favorite Music: The Beatles, Bob Dylan, and the Stones Favorite Movies: Chinatown, The Bourne Ultimatum, and Toy Story Favorite TV Shows: None Favorite Books: Moby Dick, Poems of Dylan Thomas, and Shakespeare’s King Lear Information Networks: People at Apple Birthday: February 24, 1995 Political: None Religion: Buddhism Hometown: Cupertino, CA Steve Jobs is planning to release the New Ipad. Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: 1955 Apple Street, San Fransico, CA 94102 Phone Number: (415)-629-5928 The Family Updated last Tuesday Apple Store Updated two months ago
Wall Photos Flair Boxes Steve Jobs Logout Steve Jobs is planning to release the New Ipad Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Steve 7 Photos facebook JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Family 5 photos The Apple Store 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo
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Citations Pictures (Conituned) 2) Davis, Jessica. "The Wisdom of Steve Jobs." Channelinsider. Ziff Davis Enterprise Holdings, 6 Oct. 2011. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <http://www.channelinsider.com/c/a/Spotlight/ The-Wisdom-of-Steve-Jobs-764990/>. 3) Jalan, Ekta. Top 10 Unheard things about Steve Jobs. OMG Top Ten. OMG Top Ten Lists, 2 Oct. 2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <http://omgtoptens.com/people/ celebs/top-10-unheard-things-about-steve-jobs-apple-founder/>. • Italiamac. Italiamac, 30 May 2012. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <http://www.italiamac.it/ steve_jobs/2012/05/ il-pensiero-buddista-di-jobs-i-suoi-appunti-allasta-a-partire-da-10-000-dollari/>. • Examiner.com. Clarity Digital Group, 27 Jan. 2010. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <http://www.examiner.com/article/ steve-jobs-calls-new-apple-ipad-magical-revolutionary-video>. • Tumblr. Tumblr, n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2012. <http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ steve-jobs-quote?before=1331928159>.