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WALKING THE TALK The National Academy of Public Administration’s Contribution to Social Equity. A Panel at the American Society of Public Administration’s 2009 District IV Conference Omaha, Nebraska October 1-3,2009. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Presented By Blue Wooldridge
WALKING THE TALKThe National Academy of Public Administration’s Contribution to Social Equity A Panel at the American Society of Public Administration’s 2009 District IV Conference Omaha, Nebraska October 1-3,2009
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Presented By Blue Wooldridge Fellow, and Member-Elect Board of Directors, National Academy of Public Administration and Chair NAPA’s Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION and ProfessorThe L. Douglas WilderSchool of Government and Public AffairsVIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITYRichmond, VA 23284-2028 bwooldri@vcu.edu With invaluable contributions from Mr.Herbert N. Jasper, Fellow
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION “LEADERS ADVISING LEADERS” The National Academy of Public Administration is a non-profit, independent coalition of top public management and organizational leaders who tackle the nation’s most critical and complex challenges. With a network of more than 650 distinguished Fellows and an experienced professional staff, the Academy is uniquely qualified and trusted across government to provide objective advice and practical solutions based on systematic research and expert analysis. Established in 1967 and chartered by Congress, the Academy continues to make a positive impact by helping federal, state and local governments respond effectively to current circumstances and changing conditions. (napawash.org).
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Fellows are the Academy's primary vehicle for addressing emerging issues and contributing to the intellectual and popular discourse on government. Fellows elect new members of the Academy each year. The principal criterion for selection is a sustained and outstanding contribution to the field of public administration through public service or scholarship.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION In 2000 the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) established the Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION At its February 2000 retreat, the Academy Board of Trustees authorized the establishment of a Standing Panel on Social Equity. The charter of this panel is to: 1. review and evaluate developments in public administration, including existing and emerging issues and problems, new ideas and current opinions, significant research and research needs, institutional development, and critical matters in social equity and governance in need of attention;
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 2. provide general guidance and evaluation of related problem-solving project activities of the Academy relating to social equity and governance; 3. inform the Academy membership of important developments in social equity in governance; 4. initiate or sponsor educational meetings to communicate with a wider portion of the public administration community;
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 5. prepare papers on social equity and governance of public release, when judged appropriate; 6. serve as a forum where interested Fellows can interact with each other to learn about issues and development in social equity and governance; 7. serve as a means of identifying ideas, issues, and projects in social equity and governance; 8. provide or recommend witnesses, and/or draft or review testimony, for congressional hearings related to social equity and governance.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Participation in the Panel is from Members (Fellows of the Academy) and Associate Members. Individuals willing to become Associate Members should contact me, with a description of their interests.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION The Panel developed the following definition of Social Equity “The fair, just and equitable management of all institutions serving the public directly or by contract; the fair, just and equitable distribution of public services and implementation of public policy; and the commitment to promote fairness, justice, and equity in the formation of public policy.”
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION In its 2005 Strategic Plan the Academy elevated Social Equity to be recognized as the fourth pillar of public administration. G O A L 2 of this Plan states: “The Academy’s Board of Directors adopted social equity as the fourth pillar of public administration, along with economy, efficiency and effectiveness. To pursue social equity with the same success as it has pursued the other pillars, the Academy will:
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • _ Increase recognition of the Academy as a leader in social equity in governance. The Academy will become a leader in defining social equity benchmarks, barriers and best practices. • _ Increase the diversity of Fellows and staff. The Academy will continue to diversify its Fellowship and Academy staff, and provide opportunities for minority and female professionals to serve as associates on panels, work groups and other initiatives. • _ Improve the Academy’s capacity to address social equity issues. To meaningfully pursue social equity with external audiences, the Academy will continue to build social and intellectual capital among Fellows, staff and clients. • _ Pursue social equity concerns in studies and programs. The Academy will pursue social equity issues in its studies and programs. It will develop a series of papers and tools that outline operational and implementation approaches to do so.”
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Since its inception the Panel has conducted the following activities:
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • (almost) Monthly meetings on the 2nd Friday of each month and presentations at the NAPA Fall meeting. Recent topics have included: Integrating Social Equity into Academy Studies: FEMA Study -- Working Group to Regularly Review New and Current Academy Studies for Social Equity Content, Issues and Enhancement Potential --Breaking the Political Glass Ceiling: Women and Congressional Elections--Promoting Social Equity: Strategies and Initiatives-- Social Equity Activities in the Public Administration Community--Social Equity and Immigration: The Role of the Public Administrator--The Economic Cost of Poverty-- Making a Economic Case for Social Equity-- Social Equity and the Consumerism--Social Equity and Public Affairs Education—The Working Poor Families Project. (this list was compiled with the assistance of Mary Appah former staff assistant to the Standing Panel.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Co-Sponsorship of Leadership Conference on Social Equity. Initiated and arranged local sponsorship of 8 annual conferences beginning in 2001. The Fifth Social Equity Leadership Conference “Taking Social Equity to the Streets” was co-sponsored by the University of Nebraska, Omaha in February, 2006.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Frequently remind Board and staff of Goal 2 of the Strategic Plan and work with staff to attempt inclusion of social equity considerations in Academy contract work.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Participated in the Academy’s “Big Ideas” initiative. At its 2004 Winter Retreat, the Academy’s Board of Directors identified 10 key issues—“Big Ideas”—that it felt were important to public governance in the years ahead and deserved Academy attention.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • The Standing Panel developed papers on three topics of current interest and concern to public administrators and proposed one major project. The project recommended the: • Development of indicators for social equity; • Examination of barriers to the successful implementation of programs designed to create equity; and • Development of a curriculum for public administrators that will provide tools and strategies to improve governmental decision-making to achieve equity in all governance processes.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Initiated Academy focus on Africa, leading to the establishment of the Africa Working Group as an ongoing Academy activity. • Stimulated other SE activities such as NASPAA's Committee on SE and Public Affairs Education
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • Publications: “Justice For All “ edited by James Svara and Norman Johnson (forthcoming), and numerous articles and presentations.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION • DEVELOPED USEFUL RESOURCES The Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance of the National Academy of Public Administration has developed a useful website of resources for those wishing to integrate concepts of Social Equity into their instruction and practice. It can be accessed through the NAPA website at: http://www.napawash.org/aa_social_equity
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION In the memory and the spirit of Academy Senior Fellow, Philip J. Rutledge, one of the founders of the Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance, please join us in this important work bwooldri@vcu.edu