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Diocese of Nottingham SCHOOL PRAYER BOOK. 2008. NOTES This prayer time is intended for use in form period time. It can be used as a resource to support busy teachers in the vital task of developing spirituality in young people. Leading The Prayer
Diocese of Nottingham SCHOOL PRAYER BOOK 2008
NOTES This prayer time is intended for use in form period time. It can be used as a resource to support busy teachers in the vital task of developing spirituality in young people. Leading The Prayer The settling and preparation of the class for a brief prayer is very important. Ideally the desks should be clear. The students can be invited to rest their head in their hands or put their head on their folded arms on the desk. Ask the students to be quiet and still for a moment before starting the prayer. Structure A scripture reading from the day & a prayer In addition there could be added a Common Prayer from the page opposite A blessing to conclude prayer Feel free to improvise and ask for intentions to be prayed for at the start Acknowledgements Front design with thanks to G Sfougaras St Paul’s Catholic School. Icon of Christ painted after a pilgrimage to Mount Athos Monastery, Greece. Adopted as the Icon for prayer for Vocations, Nottingham Diocese Readings are from The Lectionary (Cycle Year II), Sunday’s Gospel reading (Year A - Matthew) or adapted from the Good News Bible Form Blessings adapted from Blessings for teachers by Fr David O’Malley SDB, Thornleigh College, Bolton.
COMMON PRAYERS Glory be to the Father and to The Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. AMEN Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. AMEN Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. AMEN Use one of these prayers each morning Prayer of St Richard Day by Day, O dear Lord, three things I pray, to see you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly Day by day Prayer for the dead Eternal rest grant to them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
The week of ASH WEDNESDAY February 6th Ash Wednesday Jesus said: “No-one will know you are fasting except your Father in heaven, who sees all that is done in secret: and your Father will reward you.” (The Gospel of Matthew) Lord, help us to listen well in the service today, so that we may feel your presence in our lives and grow closer to you. Amen February 7th Thursday after Ash Wednesday Jesus said: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let them renounce themselves, take up their cross every day and follow me.” (The Gospel of Luke) Lord, help us to follow you each of the days of Lent, even when times get hard. Amen. February 8th Friday after Ash Wednesday St Josephine Bakhita born in Darfur, Sudan. Kidnapped at 7 and sold into slavery, ending up in Italy. She was baptised in 1890 and took the name Josephine. She managed to win her freedom and became a religious sister, working in a local school. She was loved by the children and all who met her. She was made a Saint in the Year 2000. “This is the sort of fast that pleases me, let the oppressed go free, share your bread with the hungry and shelter the homeless.” (The Prophet Isaiah) Lord help us to be thankful for all that we have in our lives, but may we always remember those who are still in slavery. May we do all that we can to bring freedom to everyone we meet. AMEN BACKGROUND: Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the church’s season, known as Lent. Ashes are marked on the forehead in the sign of a cross as an ancient sign that the 40 days of fasting and preparation for the Feast of Easter has begun. Lent is a time to look at our lives and be prepared to change to follow God’s will better.
First Week of Lent Monday 11th Our Lady of Lourdes World day of prayer for the sick “Jesus’ mother said to them: “Do whatever he tells you.” (Gospel of John - full account of the Miracle at Cana John 2:1-11) Compassionate & healing God, we pray today for all who are sick or injured. Let your hand of healing and protection be upon them. May they know you are with them today and hold them always in your loving embrace. Amen (Adapted from the World day of prayer for the sick 2008 prayer Sr Jane McConell OSF) Pray for all who care for the sick in our diocese especially the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary in Nottingham and the Presentation Sisters in Matlock. February 12th Jesus said “You should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be holy, your kingdom come & your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive those who are in debt to us. And do not put us to the test, but deliver us from evil.” (The Gospel of Matthew) Lord, we were taught by Jesus to call you our father. We want to love you as your children by the way we live our lives. Help us today to work for the coming of your Kingdom, to try and forgive people and to not be led into evil. Amen BACKGROUND: The Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Lent from Matthew 4:1-11 speaks of Jesus being tempted by the devil in the desert.
Wednesday 13th “Be merciful to me, O God, because of your constant love. Create a new heart in me O God, and put a loyal and generous spirit in me.” (Psalm 51:10) Lord help us to change our lives in any way we can to become better caring people. Send the Holy Spirit upon us so that we may grow closer to you and be generous with the gifts and talents you have given us. Amen Thursday 14th St Cyril & St Methodius Patrons of Europe Brothers born in Salonika about 825 AD. Translated the Bible into the Slavonic language. Methodius was a Bishop in Hungary. St Valentine for the romantics! Jesus said: “Your light must shine for all to see, so that seeing your good works, they may give praise to your Father in heaven.” (The Gospel of Matthew 5:16) Lord, help us to look at our lives today. Do people see good works in us and thank God for us, or do they see darkness and thank God when we leave? Loving Father help us to be filled with your light. AMEN
Friday 15th CAFOD FAST DAY www.cafod.org.uk “If you are bringing your offering to the altar and remember that you have something against someone else, leave your offering and go and be reconciled with them, and then come back and present your offering.” (The Gospel of Matthew 5: 24) Lord, help me to be a real friend to those around me. May I be someone who tries not to argue or fall out with people, but tries to build peace with those I care about. On this CAFOD Fast Day may I think of those in our world who struggle to survive. I give something up today for them as my offering. AMEN. CAFOD FAST DAY Lent is a time for personal reflection and for changing ourselves. Our theme is to think about changing the way we relate to creation. In many CAFOD-funded projects, people are caring for the earth and seeking alternative livelihoods. It’s not about lifestyles - it’s a matter of survival. If we believe creation is a gift from God to be cherished, then climate change is a dire warning that we should be treading more lightly on God’s earth. We're trying to live sustainably ... are you?
Second Week of Lent Monday 18th Jesus said: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves, do not condemn & you will not be condemned, grant pardon and you will be pardoned.” (The Gospel of Luke 6:37) Lord, sometimes we judge people wrongly, perhaps because they annoy us or they are different to us. If we are to build a world, a country, a family, a school, we need to stop judging and start understanding. Help us to understand people better. Amen. Tuesday 19th Jesus said: “The greatest among you must be your servant.” (Gospel of Matthew 23:12) Lord we are used to seeing great people as rich and famous celebrities and the risk is to want to be like them. But you teach us that the only way to true happiness, in this world and the next is to be of service to others. Help me this day to find some way to be of service to someone. AMEN. Wednesday 20th “A blessing on those who put their trust in the Lord, with the Lord for their hope. They are like a tree by the stream, that thrust their roots into the water, when the heat comes the leaves stay green and do not shrivel up, and never cease in producing fruit.” (The Prophet Jeremiah 17: 7-8) Lord, help us to put our trust in you, even though trusting you may be difficult and we may be ridiculed for doing so. But we know if we trust in you, you will help us to grow in courage AMEN Please pray for Mike Williams who will receive the ministry of Acoloyte in Beda College, Rome today. BACKGROUND: The Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent has Jesus taking Peter, James & John up a high mountain, where the prophets Elijah & Moses appear and Jesus’ face is transfigured (Matthew 17;1-9)
Thursday 21st Jesus said: “The Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (The Gospel of Matthew 20:28) Lord, you are the greatest of teachers, because you were prepared to give up everything, even your life for us. Help us to thank you for such a great gift by helping our community—our school and our families to grow and develop and be a better place because we are part of it. AMEN Friday 22nd The Chair of St Peter This feast commemorates Christ choosing Peter to sit in his place as the Servant of the Church. “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.” (Psalm 22) Father, you built your Church on the rock of Peter’s confession of faith. Strengthen our belief and keep your Church united, through the name of Jesus your Son and united with the Holy Spirit, as one God, for ever and ever. Amen Pray for our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI
Third Week of Lent Monday 25th “O send forth your light and your truth, let these be my guide. Let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.” (Psalm 41) Lord, help us to be guided by the truth, to seek the truth in all things and to always stand by the truth. AMEN Tuesday 26th “Lord, make me know your ways. Lord teach me your paths. Make me walk in your truth, and teach me: for you are God my saviour.” (Psalm 24:4) Lord, to know your ways is to discover the life that you want us to live. Help us to discover this Lent more about the people that you created us to be and more about you, our saviour. AMEN. Wednesday 27th “Jesus told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. He said to the man who looked after the vineyard, “Look here, for three years now I have looked for figs on this tree and found none. Cut it down: why should it be taken up the ground?” “Sir”, the man replied “ leave it one more year and give me time to dig around it and fertilise it: it may bear fruit next year, if not then you can cut it down.” (The Gospel of Luke 13:8-9) Lord, may we work for equality in our world, through the choices we make when buying food and other goods. May we be careful stewards of your Creation. AMEN BACKGROUND: The Gospel reading for the Third Sunday of Lent has the account of Jesus meeting the Samaritan Woman at the well (John 4:5-42)
Thursday 28th Jesus said: “They who are not with me are against me: and they who do not gather with me scatter.” (The Gospel of Luke 11:23) Lord, help me this Lent to get rid of anything in my life that will not bear any fruit and to encourage the things that will help me to grow. AMEN. Friday 29th Jesus said: “You must love your neighbour as yourself.” (Gospel of Mark 12:31) Lord, help us to realise that everything we do has an effect on someone else in our world. Through our efforts to care for the world’s resources may we know that we are caring for all our world wide brothers and sisters. Amen.
Fairtrade Fortnight is the annual campaign to raise awareness and promote products carrying the FAIRTRADE mark. Every year campaigners around the country organise events to promote Fairtrade products. By encouraging our communities to make small changes and buy Fairtrade products regularly we can trigger a positive change in the lives of producers. Our choice could tip the balance in favour of the poor and lighten the load of those weighed down. We could level inequality and distribute warehouse mountains share out the wealth that was never ours to hoard. Turn the tables on those who play the markets we could stockpile generosity And speculate in hope Sell up our shares in selfishness And settle for the dividends of solidarity. (Sophie Staines, CAFOD)
FourthWeek of Lent 3rd March “The Lord listened and had pity. The Lord came to my help. O Lord my God I will thank you forever.” (Psalm 29:11-13) Open our eyes O Lord to see your face in everyone we meet. Take away the blindness of prejudice and anger and heal me with your compassion and love. AMEN 4th March “Come, consider the works of the Lord, the magnificent deeds he has done on the earth.” (Psalm 45: 9) Compassionate & loving God, you created the world for us all to share, a world of beauty and plenty. Create in us a desire to live simply, so that our lives may reflect your generosity. AMEN. 5th March “I tell you most solemnly, whoever listens to my words, and believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life, without being brought to judgement, they have passed from death to life.” (The Gospel of John 5:22) Creator God, you gave us responsibility for the earth, a world of riches and delight. Create in us a desire to live sustainably, so that those who follow after us, may enjoy the fruits of creation. AMEN. BACKGROUND: The Gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent has the account of Jesus healing the man born blind (John 9:1-41)
Thursday 6th “Jesus heard they had driven the blind man away, and when he found him, he said to him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man.” “Sir” the man replied, “tell me who he is so that I may believe in him.” Jesus said, “You are looking at him; he is speaking to you.” The man said, “Lord, I believe,” and worshipped him. (Gospel of John 9:37-38 - from last Sunday’s Gospel) Lord we believe in you, help our unbelief. AMEN Friday 7th St Perpetua & St Felicity Perpetua was a young Roman girl and Felicity her slave. Both were martyred (killed) for their Christian faith in the public stadium in Carthage in 203 AD. “The Lord is close to the broken hearted, those whose spirit is crushed he will save. Many are the trials of those who are just, but from them all the Lord will rescue them.” (Psalm 33:19) Lord, be close to us at any time that we feel lonely, upset or angry. Rescue us if we turn away from you, for you are closer to us than the air we breathe. AMEN. WORLD BOOK DAY is celebrated in over 100 countries to celebrate books and reading. Originally (& still is for everywhere in the world except UK & Ireland) celebrated on Shakespeare’s Birthday 23rd April, which is also St George’s day. On this Saint’s day in Catalonia gifts of books would be given to loved ones. The date was moved in the UK & Eire so that schools could take a full part in the day www.worldbookday.com
FifthWeek of Lent Monday10th “Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord’s house shall I dwell forever and ever.” (Psalm 22) Lord, help us to share your goodness and kindness with everyone we meet this week. In this the final week of Lent may we Tuesday 11th “When you have lifted up the son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself: what the father has taught me is what I preach; he who sent me is with me, he has not left me to myself, for I always do what pleases him.’ As he was saying this, many came to believe in him.” (The Gospel of John 8: 29-30) Lord, over the next two weeks the story of your death and resurrection will be thought about throughout the world. Help us to believe that you died to save us, because you love us so much. AMEN. Wednesday 12th When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus had died, Jesus came to the tomb four days later. He ordered the tomb to be opened and ordered the dead man to come out and live again. Then he said to the crowds: ‘Unbind him, let him go free.’ many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and had seen what Jesus did believed in him.’ (Gospel of John 11:45) Lord, unbind us from anything that holds us back from loving you and loving those around us, for then we shall be living freely. AMEN. BACKGROUND: The Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday of Lent has the account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45)
Thursday 13th Jesus said: “If I were to seek my own glory that would not be glory at all; my glory is given to me by my Father.” (Gospel of John 8:57) Lord, we remember your crucifixion. It is hard to see that you were in glory on the cross and yet through your death we are set free. May we think of the great sacrifice you offered for us every time we make the sign of the cross. Amen Friday 14th Jesus said to them: “If I am not doing my Father’s work, there is no need to believe me; but if I am doing it, then even if you refuse to believe in me, at least believe in the work I do; then you will know for sure that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” (Gospel of John 10: 39) Protect us Lord from feelings of pessimism when things go wrong. Rather give us fresh understanding and insight into your life at work in creation, now and always. AMEN Today our Sikh friends celebrate the beginning of their New Year - the Nanakshahi, which takes it’s name from the last of the Guru’s, Guru Nanak Singh. This year will be year 539 in the Sikh Calendar
Is your school registered for the eco-schools scheme run by the Foundation for Environmental Education? Why not register to undertake an environmental review of your schools eco-friendliness. www.ecoschools.org.uk
HOLY WEEK Monday17th MONDAY of HOLY WEEK “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom my soul delights. I have endowed him with my Spirit, that he may bring true justice to the nations.” (Isaiah 42:1) Lord, as we begin this holy week, may we focus our eyes on you. As we think of your life, death and resurrection may we grow closer to you and proclaim you as our Lord and Saviour. AMEN Tuesday 18th TUESDAY of HOLY WEEK “Now has the Son of Man been glorified, and in him God has been glorified. If God has been glorified in him, God will in turn glorify him in himself, and will glorify him very soon.” (Gospel of John 13) Lord, through your suffering and death comes the glory of your Resurrection. May we seek the glory of service and sacrifice. AMEN
Wednesday 19th WEDNESDAY of HOLY WEEK “For my part, I made no resistance, neither did I turn away. I offered my back to those who struck me” (Isaiah 50:7) Pray for all our priests in our Diocese who will gather today with Bishop Malcolm to celebrate the Mass of Chrism. During this Mass the priests will renew their vows and oil will blessed for use throughout the diocese in anointing those to be baptised, those to be Confirmed and those who are sick or dying. Pour your blessings down O Lord on all who you have called to serve your Church as priests, May they model their lives on you, the Servant King, share the eucharist to feed us and proclaim your kingdom to all who will listen. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. AMEN HOLY THURSDAY20th “If then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you should wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you.” (Gospel of John 13:15) Lord, by your Cross and resurrection you have set us free. You are the Saviour of the world. AMEN (Memorial Acclamation)
Handing on our Faith Prayer Father, Our faith is a gift from you. Help us by the power of your Spirit to grow in love, so that we may be Faithful to our baptism Alert to the needs of the world Inspired to proclaim your Word Tireless in upholding justice Hopeful in forming the future. By handing on our faith as gift, may we share the hope given us by Jesus your Son. Amen
FORM BLESSINGS Blessing 1 (for safety) May God keep us safe from all harm today May we learn more about the goodness hidden in our hearts And find God through all that happens. And may God bless us all In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit AMEN Blessing 2 (for friendship and peace) May we find peace today, peace to share with each other May spiritual friendship grow between us And kindness and cheerfulness support us all day. And may God bless us all In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit AMEN Blessing 3 (When restless and tired) May we be patient with one another today And be relaxed when we are under pressure May we grow in knowledge and be aware of God in every breath. And may God bless us all In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit AMEN
Blessing 4 (when there has been tension) May God be with us to keep us peaceful May anger and jealousy give way to kindness May God’s compassion come to us through one another And may God bless us all In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit AMEN Blessing 5 (when there has been sadness) May God be a comfort to us in our sadness May God’s love lighten our hearts And teach us to keep trusting in troubled times. And may God bless us all In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit AMEN Blessing 6 (When things are celebrated) May God bless us in our success and achievements May our confidence in our gifts increase And may fun and friendship grow in our hearts And may God bless us all In the name of the Father And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit AMEN
The Diocese of Nottingham Vocations Prayer Come Holy Spirit… Give me the understanding to hear your Voice Give me the awe and wonder to see GOD in others Give me the right judgement to accept your Call, Give me the knowledge of when to Act Give me the courage that I may Tell others of my calling, Give me the reverence to Invite you into my life, Give me the wisdom to FOLLOW where you lead And I ask that your presence will inspire me Now and for ever. Amen
Vocations Director Fr David Cain Contact: St Peter’s, 21 Hinckley Road, Leicester LE3 0TA Tel: 0116 2519370 E-mail: frdavid@nrcdt.org.uk www.rucalled.com Useful sites: www.ukvocation.org www.ukpriest.org
Produced by Séamus O’Looskan of St Paul’s Catholic School Chaplaincy, Spencefield Lane, Leicester LE5 6HN Tel: 0116 2414057 seamus@rucalled.com on behalf of Nottingham Diocesan Vocations Commission.