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CIDER. Clinical Investigation Data Exploration RepositoryJoint venture of BJC

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Presentation Transcript

    1. CIDER Clinical Investigation Data Exploration Repository

    2. CIDER Clinical Investigation Data Exploration Repository Joint venture of BJC & WUSM Data repository to contain routine patient care (inpatient and outpatient) data Advanced Query functionality through web interface Restricted data access / Role Management Data Interface to external systems like CSMS Controlled Vocabulary support

    3. Need for CIDER Clinical & Translational research goals Rapidly convert novel advances in basic science to Patient care Get quick feedback on customized diagnostics and therapeutics for further refinements back to the bench Need to analyze complex biomedical data Clinical Information Routine laboratory tests, imaging, biospecimens Molecular profiling and genome annotation

    4. Need for CIDER contd Data sets must be co-analyzed & visualized to gain a comprehensive understanding of underlying processes occurring in multi-factorial diseases Easy access to this data for physicians, clinician-scientists, and bench scientists Reduce barrier between basic science and clinical research

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