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Bringing Improvement to Scale Replicating Best Practices From High Performing Schools

Bringing Improvement to Scale Replicating Best Practices From High Performing Schools www.cbeefoundation.org. What if the practices in California’s schools should remain the same as they are today and the rate of improvement in our schools should not improve?. The answer is….

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Bringing Improvement to Scale Replicating Best Practices From High Performing Schools

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bringing Improvement to Scale Replicating Best Practices From High Performing Schools www.cbeefoundation.org

  2. What if the practices in California’s schools should remain the same as they are today and the rate of improvement in our schools should notimprove?

  3. The answer is…

  4. But, what if the rest of the schools in the state adopted theHonor Rollbest practices?And, what would happen if the all the schools in the state experienced thesame rate of improvementas the CBEE/JFTK-CA Honor Roll Schools?

  5. The answer is…

  6. LAUSD API “Growth” Analysis

  7. California High School Exit Exam Passing Rates for Class of 2006 English/Language Arts

  8. California High School Exit Exam Passing Rates for Class of 2006 Mathematics

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