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Title = IR impact today

Day 71 Opening Question. Title = IR impact today What do we see today that is a result of the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s & 1800s?. Day 71+72 Objectives. Examine the Economic and Social Effects of the Agricultural Revolution on Europe. Tech Revs never stop!. 1800s = 2 storylines.

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Title = IR impact today

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 71 Opening Question • Title = IR impact today • What do we see today that is a result of the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s & 1800s?

  2. Day 71+72 Objectives • Examine the Economic and Social Effects of the Agricultural Revolution on Europe

  3. Tech Revs never stop!

  4. 1800s = 2 storylines

  5. The Industrial Revolution 1750-1900

  6. Starts in GB in 1750 • Will last 150 years and beyond • Why is the Industrial Revolution a “Revolution?” • PERSIAGM…which is affected?

  7. Rural Life Fades Out

  8. Rise of Cities

  9. Recipefor anIndustrialRevolution • What do some (GB, USA, Germany) have that others (Poland, Italy, Spain) don’t?

  10. Agricultural Revolution comes first in 1700 Feudal Farming before 1700

  11. Why the AR leads to the IR • Innovations • Enclosure Farming comes after the innovations are made

  12. Farming Innovations

  13. Enclosure Farming • Before 1700, you had this

  14. After 1700 you have… • Who wins? • Who loses?

  15. What do these innovations have to do with this baby?

  16. Population Boom • Population in GB • 1700 = 5 million • 1800 = 9 million • Population in France • 1715 = 18 million • 1789 = 26 million • Population in Europe • 1715 = 120 million • 1789 = 190 million

  17. What do all of these Factors do to Europe?

  18. Cities will grow w/rising Pop…The IR can begin!!!

  19. Farming a Big Deal?

  20. The Future of Farming?

  21. Day 66+67 Objectives • Chronicle the new inventions and resources needed to create an Industrialized country • Analyze the reasons why GB is the birthplace of the IR

  22. Recipefor anIndustrialRevolution • Every country needs a certain combination of ingredients to industrialize

  23. Why GB? • Political • Economic • Religious • Social • Intellectual • Geographic • Military

  24. Can't have the IR without coal!!! Why do you need coal? (hint hint)

  25. Steam Power

  26. Early forms of energy weren’t goodenough! • Human (slave) • Animals • Water • Steam is stronger…what invention do you need to make then?

  27. Newcomen Steam Engine • 1717 • Thomas Newcomen • Great Britain

  28. Watt’s Steam Engine • 1769 • James Watt • Scotland

  29. Cottage Industry

  30. Cottage Industry • AKA… • Rural household industry • 2 Main Participants: • entrepreneurandrural worker

  31. Scenario 1 Entrepreneur hires willing rural workers Entrepreneur provides: Raw materials Capital(?) Entrepreneur goes to + from the worker Scenario 2 Worker is his/her own boss How the Cottage Industry works…

  32. Entrepreneur =  at first, but…  Cottage system has a flaw… SLOW Demand increased faster than supply of cloth Solution… FACTORY SYSTEM What Will End The Cottage Industry??

  33. Textile…AKA Clothing What is needed for the textile factory to replace the cottage? (2 are in the pic) Steam power Workers Inventions 1st Industry to change to factories?

  34. What about the Cottage Worker?

  35. Inventions make the Textile industry first to enter the factory age

  36. 1733 – John Kay (British) Made fabric 2x the speed of hand weavers Flying Shuttle

  37. Waterframe • 1769 • Richard Arkwright • GB • Made thread faster

  38. Spinning Jenny • 1774 • James Hargreaves (GB) • Also made thread faster

  39. Spinning Mule • 1779 • Samuel Crompton (GB) • Combined Waterframe + Spinning Jenny • Made thread even faster • Who is ?

  40. Power Loom 1785, Edmund Cartwright, Great Britain

  41. Cotton Gin • 1793 • Eli Whitney • USA • Big US1 Topic

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