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Introduction to the LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework

Introduction to the LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework. Module 3: Self-Assessment and Individual Growth Plan. Teaching and Learning Framework Modules Overview. Objectives. To introduce the Teacher Self-Assessment To introduce the Individual Growth Plan . 3 – 2 – 1 Review Activity.

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Introduction to the LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to the LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework Module 3: Self-Assessment and Individual Growth Plan

  2. Teaching and Learning Framework Modules Overview

  3. Objectives To introduce the Teacher Self-Assessment To introduce the Individual Growth Plan

  4. 3 – 2 – 1 Review Activity • Directions: • Create a divided Circle Map. • Write responses on the Circle Map. • Share your responses with a partner/small group. 3things you remember about the Teaching and Learning Framework 1 example of how you have used the rubric or might use rubric in your practice 2 things you remember about Standard 3 – Delivery of Instruction Teaching and Learning Framework

  5. Tools for Professional Practice LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework Self-Assessment Guide the reflection, refinement, and improvement of Professional Practice Individual Growth Plan

  6. Self-Reflection of Professional Practice Observation Individual Growth Plan Self - Assessment Professional practice

  7. The Self-Assessment Handout # 1 The purpose of the Self-Assessment is to guide the reflection of professional practice.

  8. Reflection on Practice and Self-Assessment Handout # 1 Standard Component Elements Step 1: Become familiar with the Self-Assessment 8

  9. Reflection on Practice and Self-Assessment Sample • I try to develop questions in advance, considering Bloom’s taxonomy, to challenge students to think. I craft questions that help me see what my students have learned and if they understand the content. I also use SDAIE strategies to target the needs of English learners in my class. • I try to involve all my students in class discussions, but some still do not participate in whole-class and group conversations. When I assign group work, the conversations I hear are not often at a high level and do not challenge all students. 9

  10. Self-Assessment Practice Handout # 1 Step 2: Try it out! Read the rubric descriptors for Elements 3b1 and 3b2 on pg. 21 Think about evidence from your own teaching for Elements 3b1 and 3b2. Using Handout #1 – Self-Assessment, write your reflections/evidence from your own practice.

  11. Reflection on Practice and Self-Assessment Sample • I try to develop questions in advance, considering Bloom’s taxonomy, to challenge students to think. I craft questions that help me see what my students have learned and if they understand the content. I use SDAIE strategies in my lessons. • I try to involve all my students in class discussions, but some still do not participate in whole-class and group conversations. When I assign group work, the conversations I hear are not often at a high level and do not challenge all students. 11

  12. Think-Pair-Share REFLECTION Think about the questions. With a partnerdiscuss: How does using the Self-Assessment tool support the reflection process? How may this differ from your current reflection practice?

  13. Tools for Professional Practice LAUSD Teaching and Learning Framework Self-Assessment Guide the reflection, refinement, and improvement of Professional Practice Individual Growth Plan

  14. Individual Growth Plan Handout # 2 The purpose of the Individual Growth Plan is to engage in on-going reflection and learning for the refinement, improvement, and extension of professional practice.

  15. Reflection on Practice and Individual Growth Plan Handout # 2 Step 1: Become familiar with the Individual Growth Plan

  16. Sample Reflection on Practice and Individual Growth Plan SAMPLE: By May 2013, I will increase my text-based understanding by creating at least one literacy lesson involving close reading and text-dependent questioning in reading, speaking, and listening and writing. In doing so, all students will reveal their understanding of the text under discussion through their responses.

  17. SMART Goal Practice Handout # 2 Step 2: Try it out! • Read the rubric descriptors for Elements 3b1 and 3b2 • Think about your reflection from the Self-Assessment for Elements 3b1 and 3b2. • Using Handout #2, write a SMART goal.

  18. Sample Reflection on Practice and Individual Growth Plan SAMPLE: By May 2013, I will increase my text-based understanding by creating at least one literacy lesson involving close reading and text-dependent questioning in reading, speaking, and listening and writing. In doing so, all students will reveal their understanding of the text under discussion through their responses.

  19. Individual Growth Plan: Read Sample Action Plan Handout # 2

  20. Think-Pair-Share REFLECTION Think about the question. With a partner, discuss: How does the Individual Growth Plan support the reflection of your professional practice?

  21. Explore the Self-Assessment and Individual Growth Plan through MyPGS https://lausd.truenorthlogic.com Log on to MyPGS website at Use your Single Sign-On

  22. Objectives • To introduce the Individual • Growth Plan To introduce the Teacher Self-Assessment

  23. Teaching and Learning Framework Modules Overview

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