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The Immune Security Guard

The Immune Security Guard. By- Jonathan Birl, Alex Iveroth and Travis Williams. What is the immune system?. The immune system is one of our nine systems. It tries to prevent you from getting sick. In many ways it is like a security guard.

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The Immune Security Guard

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Immune Security Guard By- Jonathan Birl, Alex Iverothand Travis Williams

  2. What is the immune system? • The immune system is one of our nine systems. • It tries to prevent you from getting sick. • In many ways it is like a security guard. • For example the immune system keeps out bad germs/guests. • It has four main organs, but a total of nine.

  3. Our immune system.

  4. Our immune system.

  5. Our immune system.

  6. Our immune system.

  7. Tonsils

  8. Thymus

  9. Spleen

  10. Lymph Nodes

  11. Bone Marrow

  12. Appendix

  13. Lymphatic Vessels

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