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Australian Wool Quilt Product at Halcyon Dreams Pty. Ltd.

There are different australian wool quilt products that you can buy on affordable price. By having standard wool quilt quality product you can use this product for all season. For more details you can reach at 1300 653 482.

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Australian Wool Quilt Product at Halcyon Dreams Pty. Ltd.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Australian Wool Quilt Products at Halcyon Dreams Pty. Ltd.

  2. Australian Wool Quilt Products There are different australian wool quilt products that you can buy at affordable price. 1. 700GSM Premium Australian Wool Quilt 2. 1000GSM Premium Australian Wool 3. 500GSM Premium Australian Wool Quilt

  3. Features of Australian Wool Quilt Product 1. Warmth and Comfort 2. Premium Quality 3. Health & Environment 4. Safety 5. Care & Cleaning 6. Better Sleep

  4. Why Australian Wool Quilt Product? 1. Regulates Temperature to Keep You Warm in Winter, Cool in Summer 2. Easy to Keep Clean and Maintain 3. Doesn’t Attract Dust and The Associated Dust Mites. 4. A Perfect Solution for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers. 5. Eco Friendly Renewable Resource 6. Fire Resistant

  5. Some Consideration Before Purchasing Australian Wool Quilt Product 1. Filling Type and Quality of Filling 2. Quality and Material Casing and Stitching Finish 3. Place of Manufacture 4. Manufacturing Standards – (Beware of companies sending Australian wool to china for manufacture) 5. Warranties and/or Guarantees 6. Returns Policy 7. Shipping Costs To Your Area

  6. Hurry , Get these offered products At affordable price

  7. Contact Us http://www.halcyondreams.com.au/ 193-197 Warren Rd, Smithfield NSW 2164 1300 653 482 089-399-6957 info@halcyondreams.com.au

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