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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. By C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis Biography. Born in 1898 in Belfast, Northern Ireland Moved to England after mother died of cancer Attended Oxford University where he later taught English (also taught at Cambridge) Best friend was J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe By C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis Biography • Born in 1898 in Belfast, Northern Ireland • Moved to England after mother died of cancer • Attended Oxford University where he later taught English (also taught at Cambridge) • Best friend was J.R.R. Tolkien • Wrote mainly religious books and novels • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was his first children’s novel • He died in 1963
Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe ~ Chapter 1 • Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter are sent away from London to stay with the old Professor in the country because of the air raids (WWII) • The children explore the house and Lucy finds a wardrobe (closet) which leads to Narnia where she meets Mr. Tumnus
What Lucy Found There ~ Chapter 2 • Lucy goes to tea at Mr. Tumnus’s house • Mr. Tumnus confesses that he works for the White Witch and he is in the process of kidnapping Lucy • Mr. Tumnus feels horrible and helps Lucy escape and get back to “Spare Oom” in the city of “War Drobe”
Edmund and the Wardrobe ~ Chapter 3 • Lucy returns from Narnia and none of her siblings believe her story of visiting Mr. Tumnus in Narnia because when Susan and Peter check the wardrobe it is just a wardrobe • Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy play hide and seek • Lucy and Edmund hide in the wardrobe which once again leads to Narnia • Edmund meets the White Witch (aka “The Queen of Narnia”) while he is looking for Lucy
Turkish Delight ~ Chapter 4 • Edmund talks with the White Witch about humans (Daughters of Eve and Sons of Adam) • She gives him enchanted Turkish Delightwhich he becomes addicted to immediately • She promises him more Turkish Delight and the opportunity to become Prince (and later King) of Narnia if he secretly brings his siblings to her castle
Back on this Side of the Door ~ Chapter 5 • Edmund denies going to Narnia, thus hurting Lucy’s feelings and reputation for telling the truth • Peter and Susan speak to the Old Professor about Lucy’s lies • The Old Professor tells Peter and Susan to believe in Lucy and the possibility that Narnia exists • All four siblings hide in the wardrobe in an attempt to stay away from Mrs. Macready and the guests she is touring through the house
Into the Forest ~ Chapter 6 • All four Pevensie children hide from the mean Mrs. Macready in the wardrobe and enter Narnia • They go to Mr. Tumnus’s house only to find the cave ransacked and Mr. Tumnus missing • They find a note saying Mr. Tumnus has been arrested and is awaiting trial for treason • They decide to rescue Mr. Tumnus • A Red Robin leads the way through the forest
A Day with the Beavers ~ Chapter 7 • The Red Robin leads the Pevensie’s to Mr. Beaver and then flies away • The children have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver • Mr. Beaver tells the story of Aslan and discusses the prophecy of Cair Paravel • Edmund goes missing
What Happened after Dinner ~ Chapter 8 • Peter, Susan, Lucy and the Beavers discover Edmund has gone off to meet the White Witch and they try to figure out how much of their conversation Edmund heard before he left • The three Pevensie’s and the Beaver’s prepare to leave the dam before the White Witch and Edmund return
In the Witch’s House ~ Chapter 9 • Edmund arrives at the White Witch’s castle • The courtyard is filled with stone statues • Edmund tells the Witch what the others are planning and that they are going to meet with Aslan
The Spell Begins to Break ~ Chapter 10 • The Pevensie children and the Beaver’s leave the dam • They spend the night hiding in a secret old beaver cave • Father Christmas arrives and gives the children and the Beaver’s presents (Peter = sword and shield, Susan = bow and arrows and a horn, Lucy = a vial of magic healing potion and a dagger)
Aslan is Nearer ~ Chapter 11 • The White Witch and Edmund try to beat the others to the Stone Table • The snow is melting, rivers are running, the air is warm, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping ~ Spring has arrived!
Peter’s First Battle ~ Chapter 12 • Peter, Susan and Lucy meet Aslan • Maugrim, the White Witches Chief of Police, tries to attack Susan and Peter kills him • Aslan knights Peter (Sir Peter Wolf’s-Bane)
Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time ~ Chapter 13 • The White Witch plans to kill Edmund on the Stone Table but Aslan’s army rescues Edmund in the nick of time • Deep Magic ~ The White Witch says “Every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have a right to kill.” • The White Witch makes a claim on Edmund’s life • “He knows that unless I have blood as the Law says all Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water.” • Aslan and the White Witch walk and talk alone • Aslan and the Witch make a deal ~ “I have settled the matter. She has renounced the claim on your brother’s blood.”
The Triumph of the Witch ~ Chapter 14 • Lucy and Susan can’t sleep • They go outside and see Aslan walking away into the night ~ they follow him • Aslan goes to the Stone Table to meet the White Witch • In exchange for allowing Edmund to live, the White Witch kills Aslan on the Stone Table (while Lucy and Susan watch from their hiding place in the bushes)
Deeper Magic from before the Dawn of Time ~ Chapter 15 • The White Witch and her army go off in search of the Pevensie children • Lucy and Susan come out of their hiding place to mourn Aslan • The Stone Table breaks in two • Aslan is resurrected because “when a willing victim who has committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backward.”
What Happened About the Statues ~ Chapter 16 • Aslan breathes on the statues in the White Witch’s castle and they come back to life • Lucy finds Mr. Tumnus and Aslan breathes life back into him • Rumblebuffin breaks down the castle gates and Aslan and his new army go to join the battle already in progress • When the new army arrives on the battlefield, Peter is fighting the White Witch in hand to hand combat • Aslan attacks the Witch
The Hunting of the White Stag ~ Chapter 17 • The battle ends with the death of the White Witch • Edmund is gravely wounded in the battle and knighted on the battlefield by Aslan • Lucy uses her magic healing potion to revive the injured • Aslan and his followers go to CairParavel • Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are named Kings and Queens of Narnia where they reign for many yearsbefore returning to the Old Professor’s house through the wardrobe in the spare room
Character Review ~ The Pevensie Children • Lucy ~ youngest sibling. She is the first to enter Narnia • Edmund ~ one year older than Lucy. Second to enter Narnia. Betrays his siblings and sides with the White Witch. • Susan ~ second born. She takes on the role of “mother” while the children are staying at the Old Professor’s house in the country. • Peter ~ oldest child. Edmund envies Peter for being the eldest. Peter protects Lucy.
Character Review ~ Narnian’s • Mr. Tumnus ~ faun who befriends Lucy on her first visit to Narnia. He betrays the White Witch when he helps Lucy escape and the White Witch turns him into stone. • Mr. and Mrs. Beaver ~ friends of Mr. Tumnus who help the Pevensie children find Aslan. • Father Christmas ~ brings the Pevensie children gifts to help them fight and destroy the White Witch and her evil army. • Aslan ~ the great lion. “He’s the King. He’s the Lord of the whole wood…” He has returned to save Narnia from the White Witch. Symbolizes Jesus Christ. • The White Witch (Jadis) ~ part Jinn part giant. She is NOT human. She has placed a spell on Narnia making it always winter and never Christmas. She turns Narnian’s into stone when they betray her. Symbolizes all that is evil. • Maugrim ~ grey wolf. Captain of the White Witch’s secret police.