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Energy Sources and Matter Properties

Learn about vocabulary related to density, displacement, physical and chemical changes, state of matter, renewable and non-renewable resources, and various energy sources. Explore concepts like potential and kinetic energy, hydropower, wind energy, nuclear power, and more.

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Energy Sources and Matter Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2nd 6 weeks Vocabulary

  2. Density Amount of mass (g) in a given volume (cm3) of a substance or object; found by dividing the mass of the object by its volume. D= m/v

  3. Displacement Occurs when an object is placed in water or fluid and the object pushes the water out of the way and takes its place.

  4. Physical Change Occurs when one or more physical properties of a substance are changed; many physical changes can be undone by physical means

  5. Chemical Change Occurs when one or more substances are changed into new substances with different properties; cannot be undone by physical means

  6. State of Matter

  7. Phase Change A change in the state of matter of a substance. Phase changes are physical changes.

  8. Matter The material that all objects and substances are made of; anything that has mass and takes up space

  9. Non-renewable Resource Natural resources that cannot be replaced within our lifetime, such as oil, coal, natural gas, and minerals.

  10. Renewable Resource Natural resources that can be renewed or replaced by nature, such as food crops and solar energy

  11. Inexhaustible Resource Natural resources that can never be use in their entirety

  12. Depleted To use up or empty a resource.

  13. Biomass A renewable energy source that comes from living, or recently living organisms.

  14. Potential Energy Stored energy an object has because of its position or shape.

  15. Kinetic Energy energy due to the motion of an object

  16. Hydropower Power that comes from the force or energy of moving water.

  17. Wind Energy The converting (changing) of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity.

  18. Nuclear Power Power that is created from the heat from splitting atoms.

  19. Geothermal Energy Thermal or heat energy generated and stored in the Earth.

  20. Solar Energy Radiant light and heat from the sun.

  21. Coal A type of nonrenewable fuel source made mostly of carbon formed from the remains of plant matter.

  22. Oil A nonrenewable fossil fuel formed from the remains of dead plants and animals.

  23. Natural Gas A nonrenewable energy resource created from the remains of dead plant and animals. It is used mostly for heating homes. Natural gas drilling rig

  24. Energy the ability to do work

  25. Force A push or pull Force has size and direction 4 N

  26. Motion Motion is always described relative to some reference point. All motion involves a change of position.

  27. Graph

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