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“Selected” Docline requests …. Xiao-Wei, Z., et al. (2010). Arsenic Trioxide Controls the Fate of the PML-RAR α Oncoprotein by Directly Binding PML . Dove, N. (2010). A Return to Traditional Health Care Practices: A Ghanaian Study .
“Selected” Docline requests … Xiao-Wei, Z., et al. (2010). Arsenic Trioxide Controls the Fate of the PML-RARα Oncoprotein by Directly Binding PML. Dove, N. (2010). A Return to Traditional Health Care Practices: A Ghanaian Study. Fayad, J.N. Otto, S.R. Shannon,R.V. Brackmann, D.E. (2008). Cochlear and Brainstem Auditory Prostheses “Neural Interface for Hearing Restoration: Cochlear and Brain Stem Implants”
… Not in medical journal Xiao-Wei, Z., et al. (2010). Arsenic Trioxide Controls the Fate of the PML-RARα Oncoprotein by Directly Binding PML. Science, 328(5975), 240-243. Dove, N. (2010). A Return to Traditional Health Care Practices: A Ghanaian Study. Journal of Black Studies, 40(5), 823-834. Fayad, J.N. Otto, S.R. Shannon, R.V. Brackmann, D.E. (2008). Cochlear and Brainstem Auditory Prostheses “Neural Interface for Hearing Restoration: Cochlear and Brain Stem Implants.” IEEE Proceedings, 96(7), 1085-1095. …And all supplied by non-medical academic libraries
YES!!! In 2000, Dudden debunked the perception that hospital libraries take and do not contribute to the NN/LM interlibrary loan system. Dudden, R.F. (2000). Interlibrary Loan in Primary Access Libraries: Challenging the Traditional View. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 88(4), 303-313. Is now the time to look at non-medical academic libraries??? Do they have a contribution to NN/LM???
What is a non-medical academic library? In this study, “non-medical academic libraries” are defined as academic libraries in institutions of higher education offering at least baccalaureate level degrees, but not having medical research centers or doctoral programs in the medical fields (medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, nursing, physical therapy, psychiatry). These institutions do not have separate medical nor health science libraries. Libraries in institutions with bachelor and master level programs in nursing and allied health sciences would be included if all other criteria were met.
How this all began: In May 2007, the Interlibrary Loan Service at the Frazar Memorial Library at McNeese State University in Lake Charles LA implemented Odyssey electronic delivery. In the next eight months ILL borrowing article requests nearly doubled and medical-related requests increased from 22% to 31% of total as a new market was tapped – part-time graduate nursing students who were on campus maybe one night per week.
With this dramatic increase, the Library had become a “net borrower” – borrowing more through interlibrary loan than it was lending. There was a demonstrated need for Interlibrary Loan Services to develop no cost or low cost access to medical collections. Moreover, the National Library of Medicine (NN/LM), along with some other specialized health sciences libraries, does not receive interlibrary loan requests through OCLC, even though holdings are reported in WorldCat, so access to NN/LM’s Docline system was considered.
Why Would You Want to Join??? Feedback: From a few medical libraries: You Aren’t Our Peer. You don’t have a medical school nor a medical library. What do you have to contribute? From a few other non-medical academic libraries They Aren’t Our Peer. You don’t have a medical school nor a medical library. What do you have to gain? Note: The SCR Region 5 Office was most supportive and encouraging
Serhold: Based on previous Docline experience (02809A) Medicine, health and nursing Biology Chemistry Environmental Studies Family/Nutrition Studies Radiologic Technology Psychology Social Work Veterinary Science **Library science was later included in this list
Note: In the Serhold entry process, it was found to be faster and easier to supply all subject areas. The first Docline lending request was received on June 10, 2008, from a Louisiana hospital library, requesting a 1980 article from New England Journal of Medicine. The Library joined FreeShare in late June. Borrowing on Docline started August 27, 2008, with a request for a 2008 article from AACN Advanced Critical Care. It was filled the same day by a medical center library in Arkansas. subject areas.
Year 1 Lending Requests Received 1407 1404 copy and 3 loan requests Regional CE workshops hosted 3 Percent of non-McNeese attendees >66.7%
Year 1 – 1404 Subject Analysis B Philosophy, Psychology & Religion 107 7.6% G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation 20 1.4% H Social Sciences 205 14.6% L Education 57 4.1% P Language & Literature 20 1.4% Q Science 314 22.3% R Medicine 263 18.7% S Agriculture 77 5.5% T Technology 82 5.8% ZBibliography & Library Science 36 2.6%
Unique, Or Maybe there are others? A brief survey was sent to similar libraries to support a paper for publication and presentation, but it was rudimentary study. In December 2010, the Docline Institution profiles were search for similar non-medical academic library participants. Institutional and library websites were searched. Result of 6,001 US members, 80 current Docline participants were identified as similar to McNeese State University Frazar Memorial Lib.
21 responded to research assistance request These libraries supplied copies of their DOCLINE report 1-8C Ranked List of Serial Titles - Lender (July 2009 -- June 2010) 8415 Lending Requests Received 6974 Lending Requests Filled 1712 Borrowing Requests – 4X Net Lender And answered a short survey: 5 of 21 enter all subjects in Serhold 4 of 21 only enter Medicine in Serhold 18 of 21 FreeShare
Subject areas supplied by these 21 B Philosophy, Psychology & Religion 778 11.2% G Geography, Anthropology,Recreation 117 1.7% H Social Sciences 1145 16.4% L Education 272 3.9% Q Science 827 11.9% R Medicine 3368 48.3% S Agriculture 114 1.6% T Technology 133 1.9%
Top Titles 111 International journal of nursing studies 103 Policy, politics & nursing practice 82 Home health care management & practice 74 Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 64 Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association) 64 Social science & medicine 62 Physics in medicine and biology 61 Perceptual and motor skills 61 Psychological reports 59 Journal of advanced nursing 58 Western journal of nursing Research 57 Nature 51 Nursing times 49 Medical physics 46 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 46 Science (New York, N.Y.)
Other notable titles (>20 requests Death Studies Educational & Psychological Measurement IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering Journal of Chemical Education Journal of Homosexuality Journal of Intergenerational Relationships Journal of Marriage and the Family Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology Newsweek
And some from … American Bar Assn Journal Elementary School Journal Federal Register Harvard Business Review Human Resource Management Journal (American Water Works Assn) Journal of Marketing Research New York Times Wall Street Journal
Implications & Conclusions It’s almost lunchtime. Everyone should be ready for an enjoyable meal. Non-medical requests can be made and filled through Docline. Non-Medical academic libraries are under-represented in NN/LM. (80 isn’t many) These near-peers are net lenders and provide resources in wide subject range. NOTE: Ever need an ERIC document??
Your opportunities: Encourage Three near-peer institutions to join NN/LM before 2012 NCNMLA/SCAMLA Attend 2011 PIALA 21st Annual Conference: Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia November 2011 Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Initial Study: Drake, P. B. (2010). The Value of Nonmedical Academic Libraries to Medical Libraries: A Case in Point. Journal of Access Services, 7(4), 244 – 261. (you can contact me for a copy) Related paper presented at ALIA Access 2010 Conference in Brisbane Australia, Sept 2, 2010. http://conferences.alia.org.au/access2010/pdf/Paper_Thu_1140_Paul_Drake.pdf