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Hi-Touch Healthcare. Emotional Intelligence. What to Expect in this Presentation. Emotional Intelligence Assessment Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Definition of Emotional Intelligence 4 Clusters of Emotional Intelligence with Activities Conclusion.
What to Expect in this Presentation • Emotional Intelligence Assessment • Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare • Definition of Emotional Intelligence • 4 Clusters of Emotional Intelligence with Activities • Conclusion
Importance of Soft Skills “Communication is the skill that can possibly have the greatest impact on effective healthcare delivery. It really is the key to clinical governance and demands as much attention, respect and sustaining as other seemingly ‘harder’ targets. However, often the mere mention of the importance of communication causes less than positive reactions in healthcare professionals.” (Jelphs, 2006, senior fellow at the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham)
EQ vs. IQ Research shows that IQ can help you be successful 20% of the time and the remaining 80% is dependent on your EQ.
Emotional Intelligence and Healthcare “As in many demanding jobs, healthcare is a stressful work environment with many high-stakes challenges…In the face of these pressures, professionals must carefully manage their reactions and interactions (within themselves, with each other, and with patients) to achieve optimal patient outcomes.” Fariselli, Freedman, Ghini and Valentini. (2008). Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Performance in Healthcare
Emotional Intelligence • The ability to understand our own feelings and the feelings of others in order to help reach desired outcomes • People Smarts • Emotional Intelligence includes: • Self-awareness • Self-management • Social awareness • Relationship management
Self-awarenessQuestion You are on an airplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side to side. What do you do? • Continue to read your book/magazine or watch the movie trying to pay little attention to the turbulence. • Vigilantly look for an emergency exit, carefully monitoring the flight attendant and reading the emergency instructions card. • A little of A and B • Not sure – I wouldn’t notice anything happening.
Self-awareness • The ability to accurately sense and identify personal feelings • Strategies to improve self-awareness: • Pay attention to your physical reactions during stressful situations. • Ask for constructive feedback about your actions and behaviors from those who you feel comfortable. • Think of someone who has self-confidence and then adjust your thinking and behavior to model theirs.
Self-management Question You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for work that you have done. What do you do? • Immediately and publicly confront the colleague over the ownership of your work. • After the meeting, take the colleague aside and tell them that you would appreciate in the future if they credit you when speaking about your work. • Nothing! It’s not a good idea to embarrass colleagues in public. • After the colleague speaks, publicly thank him/her for referencing your work and give the group more specific details about what you were trying to accomplish.
Activity: Self-management • Everyone line up in a straight line. Depending on how comfortable you are with the described situations, take the following steps forward: • 0 steps: I am not confident in my ability to manage this situation. • 1 step: I am minimally confident in my ability to manage this situation. • 2 steps: I am moderately confident in my ability to manage this situation. • 3 steps: I am completely confident in my ability to manage this situation.
Self-management • People with better self-management skills are open to change and emotionally consistent in stressful situations. • Self-management includes emotional self-control, trustworthiness, and optimism. • Developing Self-management: • Identify triggers and have a strategy • Use relaxation • Examine values – do behaviors match? • Examine your reputation -- Can people count on you to do what you said you would do? • Reflect-- Catch yourself when you think negatively and change your perspective!
Social Awareness Question You are trying to calm down a colleague who has worked themselves into a fury because the float schedule is incorrect and they have to float when it is not their turn. What do you do? A. Tell your colleague to forget about. It’s only one day. B. Try to distract your colleague by getting them a snack. C. Join your colleague in complaining about their float assignment. D. Tell your colleague you understand and point out that you had to float yesterday when it wasn’t your turn.
Activity: Social Awareness • Find a partner • Partner 1 will be the speaker and will talk about something work related that s/he feels strongly about (floating, holiday work schedules, patient intake procedures, charting, etc.) • Partner 2 will listen intently without interrupting, reflecting back what s/he heard.
Social Awareness • Social awareness is very important for creating and maintaining good working relationships with other people. • People with social awareness can feel what other people are feeling and put themselves in their shoes. Socially aware people consistently demonstrate good social skills. • Strategies for developing social awareness: • Consider the feelings of those you interact with – do they feel heard? • Practice compassion.
Relationship Management Question A discussion between you and a coworker has escalated into a shouting match. You are both upset and in the heat of the argument. Both of you start making personal attacks which neither of you really mean. What is the best thing to do? A. Agree to take a 20 minute break before continuing the discussion. B. Stop talking, no matter what your coworker says. C. Say you are sorry and ask your coworker to apologize. D. Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts, and then restate your position again.
Activity: Relationship management • Find a partner. • You will each be given instructions describing your role. • Please do not share your instructions with your partner. • Once both partners have read his or her instructions, begin the role play activity. • Continue until instructed to stop.
Relationship Management • Social skills are the basic skills everyone needs to have in order to be effective at anything they do. • Social skills include – inspirational leadership, communication, conflict management and teamwork. • Strategies for developing social skills: • Talk with others about their dreams. • Pay attention to non-verbal cues. • Face conflict rather than avoid it. • Look for win-win solutions. • Help make everyone feel part of the team.
Emotional Intelligence “People may forget what you said and forget what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou
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