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Thinking outside the box

Thinking outside the box. Putting pedagogy not technology first in the support of PDP. Sue Riddell – Learning and Teaching Coordinator Su Westerman – Learning Technologist Canterbury Christ Church University Faculty of Health and Social Care.

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Thinking outside the box

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thinking outside the box Putting pedagogy not technology first in the support of PDP Sue Riddell – Learning and Teaching Coordinator Su Westerman – Learning Technologist Canterbury Christ Church University Faculty of Health and Social Care

  2. A tale of three attempts to embed PDP and lessons learnt Use of an in-house system to support study skills and PDP Use of the Blackboard VLE e-portfolio tool to support PDP Plans for use of a portfolio of reflective evidence in a new programme to be supported by a wiki 4) Questions and discussion

  3. tale one: development of an in-house system to support PDP in a large UG programme

  4. Thinking outside the box - tale one • Why we did it • Institutional need to provide means for students to reflect on their PDP • Trialled range of products, decided these didn’t do what we wanted • Request from some staff for a system to support study skills testing • First attempts of faculty to support PDP (in addition to practice portfolio) • What we did • In-house system developed. Tailored for use by University programmes • In the Health programme students were encouraged to reflect on six key areas • Carrot and stick approach (blog – personal, statements – sent to tutor) Pass/fail • Students and staff inducted on the system • PDP (e-portfolio) was separate to practice (paper) portfolio • What we learnt • The tool worked, but….. • Some tutors disliked the process, others the tool, others both • As a result of this many students did not engage • Need to ensure that you have skill base to maintain in-house tools

  5. tale two: initial pilot of the Blackboarde-portfolio to support reflection amongst a group of PG students

  6. Thinking outside the box - tale two • Why we did it • Continuing institutional commitment to supporting PDP and now e-portfolio • Drive to use e-portfolio at centre of staff CPD • Institutional commitment Bb and perceived flexibility of the tool • Programme requirement to meet demands of Royal College • What we did • Initially offered a number of tool options to the programme, but then went with Bb • Trained and encouraged programme team to use the system for their own CPD • Students were advised which areas they might reflect on and evidence • Trained the students to use the system and evaluated their use of it • What we learnt • Not easy for students to use an e-portfolio “on practice” • The tool was not user friendly • Students did not like the tool and were not sure what to reflect on/evidence • Staff were comfortable with the notion of self-refection, but also did not like the tool

  7. tale three: plans for use of a portfolio of reflective evidence in a new programme to be supported by a wiki

  8. Thinking outside the box - tale three • Why we are doing it • Recognition amongst staff of the need to help students articulate their skills • Understanding of the need to integrate PDP and reflection • Consideration of a number of tools led to selection of the Bb wiki as best suited to support learning aims and providing a user-friendly technology experience. • What we are doing • Programme will begin with long-thin module focusing on Professional Development. This has PDP at its core. It will be delivered by the personal tutor. • Students will use a paper portfolio and wiki to develop evidence and reflections which will contribute to an assessed reflective piece of work • Workshops are being provided for staff on how they will support the module and on how to access and assess the wiki. • Students will receive technical training at induction and guidance throughout module • What we hope • That in letting the pedagogy lead the choice and use of technology, staff and students will engage in PDP in a far more integrated and organic way. • And that in using a tool which is proving very user friendly, the technology will aid not inhibit the process of PDP.

  9. Questions/comments?

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