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Web Applications & Web Services development using Zend Framework

Web Applications & Web Services development using Zend Framework. Sayed Ahmed B. Sc. Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering M. Sc. in Computer Science sayed@justetc.net 1 647–624–8509 http://sayed.justetc.net http ://www.justetc.com http://www.justetc.org. Overview. Purpose

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Web Applications & Web Services development using Zend Framework

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  1. Web Applications & Web Services development using Zend Framework Sayed Ahmed B. Sc. Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering M. Sc. in Computer Science sayed@justetc.net 1 647–624–8509 http://sayed.justetc.net http://www.justetc.com http://www.justetc.org

  2. Overview • Purpose • Web Application Development • Web Services Development • Overview on Zend Framework • Based on Object Oriented PHP (100% OOP) • Supports PHP 5.1.4 and later • Based on MVC architecture • Component based • Components can be used almost independently • Uses loosely coupled architecture for the component architecture • Components when used together create a very powerful and extensible framework sayed@justetc.net

  3. Overview • Some Features • Simple to use database abstraction layer (Zend_db) • Forms component that implements • HTML form rendering • Form validation • Form filtering • Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl • provide user authentication and authorization sayed@justetc.net

  4. Zend Framework Quick Start • Steps • Zend Framework & MVC Introduction • Create Your Project • Create A Layout • Create a Model and Database Table • Create A Form sayed@justetc.net

  5. Zend Framework and MVC • Zend has many components that can be used independently • However, to establish a basic structure for your Zend Framework applications • Zend provides an advanced MVC implementation • Zend MVC includes components such as • Zend_Controller • Zend_Layout • Zend_Config • Zend_Db • Zend_Db_Table • Zend_Registry sayed@justetc.net

  6. MVC Architecture sayed@justetc.net

  7. Create Your Project • Install Zend Server • http://www.zend.com/en/products/server-ce/downloads • Or Download the Zend Framework and extract it • http://framework.zend.com/download/latest • Create the project structure • Run the command • % zf create project quickstart sayed@justetc.net

  8. Basic project Structure sayed@justetc.net

  9. Loading Initial Components and Resources • The Bootstrap class loads the initial resources and components • application/controllers/ as the default directory in which to look for action controllers sayed@justetc.net

  10. Initial Configuration of your application • File used • application/configs/application.ini sayed@justetc.net

  11. Action Controllers [IndexController] • Associated Directory • /controller/action sayed@justetc.net

  12. Error Controller sayed@justetc.net

  13. Views • Views are written in plain old PHP • View scripts are placed in • application/views/scripts/ • And further categorized • using the controller names • Hence, we can create • Sub-directories • index/ • error/ • Within these subdirectories • you will find and create view scripts • that correspond to each controller action exposed • Our default case • index/index.phtml • error/error.phtml. sayed@justetc.net

  14. Create Virtual Host sayed@justetc.net

  15. Update Hosts File • C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc • quickstart.local sayed@justetc.net

  16. Fire Your Application • Point your browser to the server name • As you configured in the previous section • You will see a welcome page sayed@justetc.net

  17. References • http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/ sayed@justetc.net

  18. http://www.developly.com/creating-3-step-layouts-with-zendlayouthttp://www.developly.com/creating-3-step-layouts-with-zendlayout sayed@justetc.net

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