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LMS More Than Software

LMS More Than Software. Congratulations You Were. Just asked to teach online. Let the Excitement Begin. Life is Good. Or Were You “Persuaded”. Suddenly. Reality Sets In. Confusion. Now What?. Were You Well Trained?. Have a Good Support System?. Where Do You Turn for Help?.

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LMS More Than Software

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LMS More Than Software

  2. Congratulations You Were

  3. Just asked to teach online

  4. Let the Excitement Begin

  5. Life is Good

  6. Or Were You “Persuaded”

  7. Suddenly

  8. Reality Sets In

  9. Confusion

  10. Now What?

  11. Were You Well Trained?

  12. Have a Good Support System?

  13. Where Do You Turn for Help?

  14. Not just LMS questions

  15. but, teaching questions

  16. Ever Felt All Alone?

  17. Teaching Online is Isolating

  18. LMS More Than Software

  19. LMS More Than Glenn R. Golden Chief Architect Vivie Sinou Executive Director

  20. LMS More Than Core Team

  21. A Team of Trainers DE Leadership Background Courses in Pedagogy Intern in training sessions Lead many training sessions

  22. A Team of Trainers

  23. Etudes Faculty over 10 Years over 2,500 trained faculty 18 California Community Colleges

  24. Confidence Starts with Quality Training

  25. Quality Training Begins With Community

  26. Etudes Faculty From a Fullerton College Instructor: I have to admit that I was very reluctant to see the features of Etudes...All I have to say now is that I am very impressed and completely in love with this system.

  27. Etudes Faculty Another instructor’s feedback on the training: "This was really a terrific class, on an amazing tool. I have been a user of Blackboard, and this is such a better tool. I am anxious to begin loading curriculum into my Etudes sites.”

  28. Community Continues With Active Users Group

  29. Community Continues

  30. Community Continues

  31. Community Continues

  32. Community Continues

  33. Community Continues

  34. Community Continues By giving the faculty a voice to express their needs.

  35. Community Continues Faculty Drives the Evolution of Etudes Tools and Features

  36. Etudes Listens As educators we can focus on our faculty’s pedagogical goals and needs.

  37. Etudes Listens As a non-profit that is all we have to focus on

  38. Etudes Responds Instead of limited releases of new versions Etudes Releases early Releases often Always improving

  39. Community Updates We don’t just update the software We update the community

  40. Etudes Faculty The Etudes community is amazing! In all the years I've been teaching, I have never had this level of support. What a difference it would have made if I had had access to a community like this when I was a youngster first starting out. Leslie HopeEnglish InstructorLos Angeles Valley College

  41. Etudes Faculty I've grown professionally so much since I started using Etudes. I've never enjoyed my job as much or worked as hard as I am doing now. Leslie HopeEnglish InstructorLos Angeles Valley College

  42. Etudes Coordinators As a Distance Education Coordinator, I love the support that all the faculty get from Etudes. Even though I am very available to them, the fact that they can go into the Etudes Users Group and get immediate help and guidance on their own makes a huge difference. Dr. Wendy Bass, Distance Education Coordinator

  43. Etudes Administrators Our college was on the brink of three years of declining enrollments. When our college decided to go with Etudes to build a distance learning program, we not only got a big college support network, but we got a price that was affordable for our college to move students ahead Diane Rosner, former Dean of InstructionLake Tahoe Community College

  44. Etudes Information Officers My network systems aren't built to deliver 99.999% of reliability on a 24/7 basis. That's the risk! With Etudes, I don't worry. We've been with Etudes for three years now. We have had no down-time and no glitches. I don't get any complaints. That's a good thing for me. Dr. John Wagstaff, CIOEl Camino College

  45. Etudes Information Officers The other thing that attracted us to Etudes is the cost point. Because Etudes is a non-profit consortium, the membership isn't in the business of making money. It is in the business of covering its costs and evolving the product. Dr. John Wagstaff, CIOEl Camino College

  46. Etudes Information Officers And that means, from El Camino College's point of view, that we'll pay less than we would with a commercial vendor - in fact, we pay a lot less. Dr. John Wagstaff, CIOEl Camino College

  47. Etudes Family You’re never alone

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