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Knowsys Vocabulary

Knowsys Vocabulary. Group 23. Group: 23 220 _. addict aˈ dikt N HEALTH a person who is slavishly devoted to something else As an admitted addict, Allen knew he did not have the will power and self control to stop smoking cigarettes all my himself.

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Knowsys Vocabulary

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  1. Knowsys Vocabulary Group 23

  2. Group: 23 220 _ addict aˈ dikt N HEALTH a person who is slavishly devoted to something else • As an admitted addict, Allen knew he did not have the will power and self control to stop smoking cigarettes all my himself. addiction, addictive 7th

  3. Group: 23221 _ epidemic e pə deˈ mik N HEALTH something contagious or that affects a large number of individuals within a region at the same time • Every winter there is a flu epidemic, affecting thousands of people in our region. 7th

  4. Group: 23222 + impunity im pyüˈ nə tē N HEALTH exemption from harm or punishment • Many teenagers seem to think they have impunity so nothing and no one can ever truly harm them.

  5. Group: 23223 _ plague plāg N HEALTH 1) A widespread disease that results in many deaths or 2) a widespread evil • In the Middle Ages, the bubonic plaque, known as the Black Death, killed millions of people around the world. 7th

  6. Group: 23224 _ toxic täkˈ sik A HEALTH poisonous • The toxic waste from the plant seeped into the underground water system and contaminated the drinking water. 7th

  7. Group: 23225 + unscathed un skāthdˈ A HEALTH Not harmed or injured • Amazingly, the woman survived the terrible accident unscathes; she did not even get a single scratch! scathing 7th

  8. Group: 23226 kindle kinˈ dəl V NATURE 1)to light, 2) to start, or 3) to stir up • The movie trailer kindled the public’s interest in the film and produced buzz about the film long before it ever premiered. kindling 7th

  9. Group: 23227 omen ōˈ mən N NATURE A sign of something good or bad about to happen • Surprisingly, rain on one’s weddng day is said to be an omen of a long and happy marriage. ominous 7th

  10. Group: 23228 _ orbit orˈ bit V NATURE to circle • The earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 days. orbital 7th

  11. Group: 23229 smolder smōlˈ dər V NATURE To burn slowly and without flame • Sam failed to put the campfire out fully; as a result, the fire smoldered until some dry leaves fell on it and burst into flames. smoulder 7th

  12. Group: 23230 sphere sfir N NATURE 1) a rounded body in the shape of a globe or 2) a particular social arena • Sally’s social sphere is small because she does not make the effort to get to know other people. spherical 7th

  13. Study!! • Your Group 23 quiz is Friday, May 3rd .

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