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ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA- “THE LAND BETWEEN TWO RIVERS”. ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA- DEFINITIONS. CITY STATES- self-governing unit made up of a city and its surrounding villages and farmland. Monotheism: worshiping one god. “Mono” – means one Polytheism: worshiping many gods. “Poly” – means many.
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA- DEFINITIONS • CITY STATES- self-governing unit made up of a city and its surrounding villages and farmland. • Monotheism: worshiping one god. • “Mono” – means one • Polytheism: worshiping many gods. • “Poly” – means many
GEOGRAPHY • Located between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers • Present-day Iraq
POSITIVE abundant amount of clay easy till-able soil water supply from Tigris-Euphrates Rivers NEGATIVE few natural resources minimal protection from deserts and mountains ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA- GEOGRAPHY
Basic Facts: • Settled around 3500 BCE • Divided into city-states ---WHY?? • Region developed first forms of poly - and monotheism • Created one of the earliest forms of writing
SOCIAL • What do you know about the social aspects of Mesopotamian society? • Social hierarchy: kings, priests, nobility, merchants, farmers, slaves • Slaves - POW • Women: unequal to men; men own and inherit land
City-States • Always in constant conflict over water and land rights • Created walls for protection, with moats along the outside • Farms located along the outside of the city
Hammurabi’s Code • Hammurabi - King of Babylon (r. 1792-1750 BCE) • 282 laws. • Based on equal retaliation. • Laws were varied for the wealthy and powerful.
Intellectual Contributions: • Wheel • Time – 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute • 12 month lunar calendar • arch • ramp
Polytheistic; gods based on nature; vengeful • Ziggurats: pyramid site of the temple of the main gods. • Each city-state had their own gods and goddesses • Sun god – most important. • Life after death was an extension of life.
ECONOMY • Make, sell or barter goods. • Trade helped expansion. • Development of money will evolve over time. • POOR • Farmers • craftsman • RICH • government officials • religious leaders • traders
Before You Leave… • How do the primary sources read in class (Hammurabi’s Code, Gilgamesh and Genesis) illuminate aspects of Mesopotamian culture, society and politics? • Write 1-2 paragraphs – in complete sentences!
River Valley Civilizations:Egypt, Indus Valley and Shang China Unit 1 Foundations, 8000 BCE – 600 CE AP World History
Objective • To identify the major social, political, cultural and economic features of the Egyptian, Indus and Chinese early civilizations • To compare these features to those of all river valley civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and India) • To create a foundation upon which to study the Classical Civilizations (China, India, Greece, Rome)
Egypt 3100 BCE – 343 BCE Unified by King Menes Nile River Sahara Desert Shang China 1750 – 1027 BCE Yellow River (loess – fertile soil) Isolated b/c of Gobi desert and Himalayan Mountains and Mongolian Plateau Very Hot and Dry Foundation and Geography • Indus Valley • 2500-1500 BCE • Current day northern India and Pakistan • Indus River – irregular; had to build flood barriers • Khyber Pass
Egypt Social structure similar to Mesopotamia Tax collection heaviest on lower classes Slaves – POW Women had most rights here – own property, businesses, no formal education; informally involved in politics Indus Valley Unknown class structure b/c can’t read writing Merchants at top of social structure Female goddesses worshipped so women may be treated better than in China and Mesopotamia; several fertility goddess statutes found Eventually gives way to caste system Social Aspects of River Valley Civilizations • China • Low social mobility • Few slaves – not as many as M. or E. – WHY? • Peasants not much better than slaves • Palaces for the emperor; dependent on military to help run gov’t so they were given many gifts • Strong patriarchal – infanticide
China Dynastic cycles Kings are descendants or links to gods King = priest Isolated towns and villages Centralized Government Egypt Pharaoh Very strong army focused on expansion of territory and economy (gold, silver, etc) – given to Pharaoh as tribute Slaves = POW Priests and Nobles help P. manage empire = Bureaucracy Dynastic Cycles Few Female Rulers Centralized Government Political • Indus Valley • No palaces found in ruins • Businessmen, Craftsmen and Farmers provided organization and justice for civilization • Unified; centralized government • Two major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
Interactions • Mesopotamians trade with India • Egyptians trade with Mesopotamia, Nubia and Kush • China stays isolated by geography and choice • Indus Valley – destroyed by natural disaster or invasion (Indo-Europeans) • Slavery – direct result of warfare • Interactions b/w Hebrews and Egyptians
Egypt Polytheistic, strong belief in afterlife; mummification Hieroglyphics (Rosetta Stone) Architecture – Pyramids; Sphinx; Valley of the Tombs; Imhotep Strong collection of literature, songs, poetry Egyptian Book of the Dead; Hymn to Aton Calendar Math = created system of 10 and geometry Astronomy Knowledge of medicine – first heart surgeries India Polytheistic (nature goddess) Public bathing pools Unable to translate writing Complex City Organization = grid formation Advanced Drainage system Indoor plumbing Wheels for transportation Bronze tools and weapons Cultural China • Mandate of Heaven • Middle Kingdom • Worshipped ancestors and nature gods • Oracle bones – early form of writing; at least 2000 characters or symbols • Walled cities • Silk clothes; jade and bone jewelry
Economics • All civilizations dependent on agriculture for economic gain • Some specialization of labor b/c of surplus of food • Cloth, pottery, jewelry • Architects – Egypt • Egypt trades a great deal – Mediterranean World; Nubia and Kush (to South) • Merchants – looked down upon by Chinese
Questions –Write a 1-2 paragraph response. Complete Sentences • How does geography play a role in the development of a civilization? Use examples from Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China to support your response • What are some things that are similar throughout all 4 (or most of the 4)? Why? • Due Tomorrow (9/1)