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Hebre ë rs 11:1-3

Hebre ë rs 11:1-3. Ingenooi deur God. Ons raak bewus van ons diepste behoeftes, vrae en vrese en gee ons oor aan God. You turn the key Then close the door behind you Drop your bags on the floor You reach for the light But there's darkness deep inside And you can't take it anymore

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Hebre ë rs 11:1-3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hebreërs 11:1-3

  2. Ingenooi deur God Ons raak bewus van ons diepste behoeftes, vrae en vrese en gee ons oor aan God

  3. You turn the key Then close the door behind you Drop your bags on the floor You reach for the light But there's darkness deep inside And you can't take it anymore 'Cause sometimes living takes the life out of you And sometimes living is all you can do

  4. Life is hard, the world is cold We're barely young and then we're old But every falling tear is always understood Yes, life is hard, but God is good You start to cry 'Cause you've been strong for so long And that's not how you feel You try to pray But there's nothing left to say So you just quietly kneel

  5. In the silence of all that you face God will give you His mercy and grace Jesus never said It was an easy road to travel He only said that you would never be alone So when your last thread of hope Begins to come unraveled Don't give up, He walks beside you On this journey home and He knows

  6. Life is hard, the world is cold We're barely young and then we're old But every falling tear is always understood Yes, life is hard, but God is good

  7. Ingaan in God se tyd Ons betree God se wêreld en gaan in God se vrede in

  8. Luister na God se Woord Ons luister dieper na die Woord en ontmoet God

  9. Wat geloof is

  10. Luister na mekaar God maak ons ’nluisterende gemeenskap en praat ook deur ander mense met ons

  11. Luister na ander en die tye Ons stel onsself oop om God van onverwagse kante af te hoor

  12. Luister weer na God se Woord Ons fokus op die Gees se beweging in ons hart en gedagtes

  13. Die muise in die klavier

  14. Geloof is om te glo wat jy nie kan sien nie, en om dan te sien wat jy nie kan glo nie Maarten Luther

  15. Geloof is om met ander oë na die wêreld te kan kyk

  16. Om blind te wees, is erg, maar om te kan sien en nie te sien nie, is erger Helen Keller

  17. Die ‘blinde’ man wat in die woestyn verdwaal het

  18. Fokus op wat God nou doen Ons fokus op wat God nou doen en waarheen God ons lewe rig

  19. Antwoord met ons lewe Ons besluit op ’ngepaste reaksie op wat God gegee/ gedoen/ gesê het

  20. Oorwinnend leef

  21. Leap of faith

  22. Where was the victory for Abraham? When he took that first step on his journey to Canaan and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary

  23. Where was the victory for David? When he took that first step forward, bent to pick up a rock and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

  24. Where was the victory for Noah? When he took that first step and drove the first nail into the ark and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

  25. Where was the victory for Moses? When he took that first step away from Pharaoh's family and joined his own people and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

  26. Where was the victory for Joshua? When he took that first step on his march around Jericho's walls and blew the first blast of air into that trumpet. The rest was commentary.

  27. Where was the victory for Nehemiah? When he took that first step and laid down the first new stone on Jerusalem's walls and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

  28. Where was the victory for Esther? When she took that first step down the aisle towards King Ahasuerus and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

  29. Where was the victory for Jeremiah? When he took that first step and bought a tiny plot of ground and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

  30. Where was the victory for Daniel? When he took that first step into Nebuchadnezzar's presence and claimed God's promise. The rest was commentary.

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