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Metro RESA Metro Area Instructional Leaders’ Job Alike September 13, 2006. Georgia’s AYP Determination Steps Participation at 95% in reading/English language arts and math based on students continuously enrolled during state testing window;
Metro RESA Metro Area Instructional Leaders’ Job Alike September 13, 2006
Georgia’s AYP Determination Steps Participation at 95% in reading/English language arts and math based on students continuously enrolled during state testing window; Academic performance in reading/English language arts and math based on Full Academic Year (FAY) students; Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Absolute Bar Confidence Interval Multi-year Average Safe Harbor Federal Flexibility for schools and districts not making AYP based solely on SWD group scores (approved for 2006 AYP) Second Indicator; Menu of Indicators for Elementary & Middle Schools Graduation Rate for High Schools
2005-2006 Amendment Approved: Hurricane Subgroup For the 2005-2006 school year, each school and school district has been using a series of 900 codes to identify students displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. • Data from these displaced students will be included in a newly created displaced Hurricane subgroup. Only this subgroup’s TestParticipation Rate will be included in the school, system, and state AYP determinations. • Georgia’s minimum subgroup size of 40 for participation rate calculations also applies to Hurricane subgroups. • Georgia will report achievement for the displaced students’ subgroup at the state and system levels just like other subgroups on its 2006 State Report Card.
2005-2006 Amendment Approved: Federal Flexibility for SWD Group • A mathematical adjustment to the Students withDisabilities (SWD) proficiency/advanced rates applied only for schools and LEAs that did not make AYP based solely on the SWD group scores. (See the next slide for the federal formula used to calculate the mathematical adjustment or proxy percent.)
Federal Calculation Steps for Determining the SWD Proxy Percent Determine the percent of SWD assessed within the State. (138,954 SWD divided by 1,106,615 = 12.5%) Divide 2% by the percentage of SWD assessed. (2% divided by 12.5% = 15.9 rounded to 16%) Add the proxy percent (16%) to the original percent proficient/advanced for SWD for any subject reading/English language arts and/or math that falls below the state AMO. Determine if the proxy percent is equal to or greater than the State AMO. http://www.ed.gov/news/pressreleases/2005/04/04072005.html
QCC-based Assessments to GPS-based Assessments In order for Georgia to preserve continuity by keeping the same methodology for computing AYP that has been used for each of the past three years, US ED required GA to equate the QCC-based assessments to the GPS based assessments.
Equipercentile Amendment • Equipercentile is a statistical application Georgia is using to compare QCC based assessment data to GPS based assessment data for use in the calculation of multi-year averaging, safe harbor, and progress on the second indicator for AYP purposes. • Without the equipercentile, Georgia would not be able to use assessment data from previous years needed for determining if a school or system made AYP based on multi-year averaging, safe harbor, and/or progress on a second indicator.
Minimum Number Amendment Began with 2004-2005 AYP Determinations On June 14, 2005, US ED approved Georgia’s request to adjust the minimum group size. The minimum number adjustment allows AYP groups to be more proportional to the overall student population in AYP grades. Group N size = 40 or 10% of students enrolled in AYP grades, whichever is greater (with a 75 student cap) for AMO and Second Indicator calculations only. Note: The minimum number for Participation Rate remains at 40 or more students.
Graduation Rate Amendment • Beginning last school year (2004-2005) : Schools and systems includedsummer graduates after 12th grade. • Beginning 2005-2006 school year: Schools and systems can, on a case by case basis (with documentation), count LEP/ELL students in their high school graduation rate if these students graduate with a regular diplomawithin 5 years and a summer.
Enhanced GHSGT Performance Levels for AYP Purposes • Mathematics • Basic: Scale scores 400 to 515 • Proficient: Scale scores 516 to 524 • Advanced: Scale scores 525 to 600 • Language Arts • Basic: Scale scores 400 to 510 • Proficient: Scale scores 511 to 537 • Advanced: Scale scores 538 to 600
Menu of Second Indicators for Elementary/Middle Schools Meet or exceed standard or show progress from the preceding year Selection in effect for 2004-2005, 2005-2006, and 2006-2007 Attendance: 15% or less of students absent more than 15 days or show progress Percent Meeting/Exceeding: CRCT Science – 80% or show progress CRCT Social Studies – 80% or show progress Percent Exceeding: CRCT Reading – 35% or show progress CRCT English Language Arts – 15% or show progress CRCT Mathematics – 15% or show progress CRCT Science – 15% or show progress CRCT Social Studies – 15% or show progress (Standards subject to revision as a result of data analysis from assessments aligned with GPS.)
For Elementary and Middle Schools Selecting Attendance as a Second Indicator Attendance Rate Criteria: Schools or systems with 15% or less of students absent more than 15 days or show progress over the previous year will meet the Second Indicator. To show progress for attendance a school or LEA must reduce the percentage of students absent more than 15 days from the previous year. Attendance Rate Explanation: Students in AYP grade levels who miss more than 15 days while enrolled at any time in school A will be included in school A's Attendance Rate formula. The days a student misses in another school is not added to school A’s rate. Attendance Rate Calculation: Attendance rate is calculated by dividing the number of students in AYP grade levels who were absent more than 15 days by the total number of students in AYP grade levels.
Georgia’s Graduation Rate • Georgia’s Graduation Rate Standard: Schools and districts must be at or above a 60% Graduation Rate or show progress from the preceding year. • Current Graduation Rate Calculation: (worksheet available on www.gaosa.org) Numerator: # of students who graduate with regular diplomas Denominator: # of dropouts in 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th from appropriate years + graduates + other completers • Georgia’s Graduation Rate: 2002 = 61.8 % 2005 = 69.4% 2003 = 63.3 % 2006 = 69.5% (as of 7/14) 2004 = 65.4%
Fast Facts • Students with Disabilities(SWD):SWD who receive Special Education Services at any time during the school year are included in the SWD group for AYP purposes. • Science and AYP: NCLB requires that states develop academic content standards in science by 2005-06 and aligned assessments based on those standards by 2007-08. The science assessments must be administered at least once in each of three grade spans: 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12. We are required to have Science assessments for the 07-08 school year but it is unclear whether they will become part of AYP or not. (NCLB Act: section 1111 (K)
Fast Facts • Confidence Interval: A statistical calculation used to provide more confidence in the data. (The critical z is 1.645 for a population proportion, which means the programs are running a one-tail test at the 95% level of significance.) This application allows one to establish a measure of certainty regarding whether a calculation/percentage is characteristic of a school/system. A table is created to indicate an adjusted Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) based on group size. The smaller the group, the larger the adjustment. In comparison, if you were conducting a survey, the confidence you have in the conclusions you might draw from the results depends on the number of participants in the survey. The following is a link to the 2006 Confidence Interval worksheet: http://www.gaosa.org/documents/2006ConfidenceIntervalUpdated.xls
Fast Facts • ACCESS:First Year in US ELL students who take the ACCESS may receive a deferment from the Reading/ELA portions of the state test (CRCT or GHSGT). Their participation in ACCESS will serve as a proxy participation for those subjects, and the score is not used for AMO. Regarding math, the students must take that portion of the exam and participation is awarded accordingly, but because they are First Year in US school students, the math score is not used for AMO.
School-Level Consequences Needs Improvement (NI) status shall be determined by AYP. Not making AYP for two consecutive years in the same subject Math – 95% Participation or AMO Reading/ELA – 95% Participation or AMO Second Indicator A school shall be removed from the list by making AYP for two consecutive years.
School District Consequences NI status shall be determined by AYP status. Not making AYP for two consecutive years in the same subject at both Elem./Middle and High School levels Math – 95% Participation or AMO Reading/ELA – 95% Participation or AMO Second Indicator Districts are removed from the list by making AYP for two consecutive years.
Data Sources Student Data Demographic and Enrollment Assessment Processing (Matching) Links assessment data (test scores) with student data.
Student data/Assessment Processing/AYP Data Flow One-time load of Assessment Data (GHSGT, GAA, CRCT) District Uploads/Enters student data Information is fed into Assessment Processing Application Information is loaded into AYP Reports during the nightly refresh District matches records that were not automatically matched on System ID, School ID and Student ID and enters LAB/Medical Emergency data DOE Activities On-going until student data/Assessment Data is signed-off
Assessment Processing The Assessment Processing (formerly the No Child Left Behind - NCLB) application allows users to match and enter assessment data to student data. Components of the Assessment Processing application include the ability to: Match Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT), Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT), Middle Grades Writing Assessment (MGWA), ACCESS and Georgia Alternative Assessment (GAA) records to student data. Code a student as having a medical emergency. Code a student as a “First Year in U.S. School” student. Review summary and detailed reports on a district and school level.
Assessment Processing – Tips and Tricks Assessment Matching Goal is to match assessment records to student data. If there is no data available on the assessment record for matching, e.g. first name and last names are swapped or invalid, test ID is incorrect or birth date is null or incorrect, the record can still be matched by creating an upload file. File layouts are available in the Documents section of the MyGaDOE Portal. Only match an assessment record to an “Unable to Match Reason” when the student who took the exam is not reported in student data, e.g. students who returned to complete graduation requirements. If an assessment record is matched to an “Unable to Match Reason” in error, it can be “unmatched” by selecting the “Reset Unable to Match” option from the main menu.
Assessment Processing – Tips and Tricks Assessment Matching Please do not sign off on student data until all assessment data is available, i.e. GAA or ACCESS data, which is usually the last to become available to GaDOE. If student data are different on the assessment record than what is reported in the student data, e.g. grade level, then the student data will override what is on the assessment record. Tip – Assessment records are “auto-matched” to student data based on System ID, School ID and Student ID matches. Verify that the records were correctly matched through the auto-match process by reviewing the matched students report. Tip – Sometimes when a student cannot be found for an assessment record, it is determined that the student data is incorrectly matched to another assessment record. To correct, un-match the incorrect match and then the student data will be available for matching. The un-match option is located under the Un-match option on the main menu.
Assessment Processing – Tips and Tricks Coding a Student as a Medical Emergency Should only be used for students who experienced a significant Medical Emergency and could not participate in testing. Contact your GOSA Case Manager with any questions. A student who is coded as having a Medical Emergency will be removed from the number of students enrolled during the state test window, i.e. the denominator in the test participation calculation. Districts and schools must keep documentation of the Medical Emergency.
Assessment Processing – Tips and Tricks Available Reports Matched Assessments – Provides a list of Assessment Records that have been matched to student data. Un-Matched Assessments – Provides a list of Assessment Records that have not been matched to student data. Un-Matched Students – Provides a list of student data that have not been matched to Assessment Records. Unable to Match – Provides a list of Assessment Records that were matched to an Unable to Match Reason. Errors and Warnings – Provides a list of Errors and Warnings generated by the data. Percentage Matched Report – Provides information regarding how many Assessment Records have been matched to student data and the percentage remaining to be matched. Summary – Provides summary information regarding all assessments. Previously was the Sign-off report.
Adequate Yearly Progress Reports The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report application will assist Districts and Schools with understanding their AYP status prior to the finalization of student data, so that data can be verified and corrected, if needed. The reports contain: Three years of Test Participation results Current year’s Academic Performance results Two years of Second Indicator results Districts can “drill through” the reports to review the student level data that is included in each of the measurements to determine if data correction is required. Excel downloads of assessment and graduation class data are also available. Note: These elements are only available within the MyGaDOE portal – they are not included in the public release.
Adequate Yearly Progress Data – Tips and Tricks Data Verification The following student demographic elements should be reviewed for all students: Student Grade Level Gender Race Economically Disadvantaged (ED) Status * Student With Disability (SWD) Status ** English Language Learners Status (ELL/LEP) *** Migrant Days Absent (excused & unexcused) Days Present Latest Withdrawal Date Latest Withdrawal Reason Code * Students who are eligible for Free or Reduced Priced Meal. ** Students who are coded as receiving special education services at anytime during the school year. *** Students who are identified as either English Language Learners (ELL) Proficient or have exited the program and are being monitored for two years.
Support Resources On the web: • Georgia Dept of Education - www.gadoe.org • My GaDOE Portal – Documents • AYP User Guide • AYP Quick Reference • Assessment Processing User Guide • Summer Graduates User Guide • Governor’s Office of Student Achievement - www.gaosa.org • Case Manager List (Joanne Leonard, Nancy Haight and Cowen Harter) • U.S. Dept of Education – www.ed.gov • Consolidated State Accountability Application Workbook
Annual State Report Card Prepared and distributed by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Education.
Annual State Report Card • (K-12 Report) • Consists of 7 Major Sections: • 1.Accountability (SSAS) • 2. Georgia Tests • 3. National Tests • 4. School Performance Indicators • 5. Student and School Demographics • 6. Personnel and Fiscal • 7. Comparability Section
Update: • Case managers from the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement have been assigned to all school systems to address questions and provide support. • The Annual Report Cards at the school, system, and state levels are anticipated to open during the month of September. • Georgia’s Single Statewide Accountability System of Awards are projected to be announced in October.
It is not of importance where we stand, but in what direction we are moving.- Oliver Wendell Holmes -
Governor’s Office of Student Achievement205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, 1966 Twin Towers EastAtlanta, GA 30334Phone: 404.463.1150 Fax: 404.463.1163 GOSA Website:www.gaosa.org Martha Reichrath, Ph.D. - Executive Director (404) 463. 1152 Nancy Haight - Accountability Projects (404) 463.1166Cowen Harter, Ed.S. - Accountability Projects (404) 463. 1168Joanne Leonard, Ed.S. – Director Accountability Projects (404) 463.1538Marylou Mandell, M.S. - Education Research and Accountability Specialist (404) 463.1179 Debbie Moss - Office Manager (404) 463.1158Laura Peace - Administrative Assistant (404) 463.1150Pam Smith, Ed.S. – Director Standards, Research, and Policy (404) 463.1175 Joanna Vahlsing – Education Research and Accountability Specialist (404) 463.1539