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Lecture 6: Public Key Cryptography

Lecture 6: Public Key Cryptography. RSA Diffie-Hellman Zero-Knowledge Proof Schemes. Public Key Algorithms Features. two different numbers: e and d e and d are inverses; using one reverses the effect of the other you shouldn’t be able to compute d from e

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Lecture 6: Public Key Cryptography

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  1. Lecture 6: Public Key Cryptography RSA Diffie-Hellman Zero-Knowledge Proof Schemes

  2. Public Key Algorithms Features • two different numbers: e and d • e and d are inverses; using one reverses the effect of the other • you shouldn’t be able to compute d from e • if must be efficient to find a matching pair of keys • it must be efficient to encrypt and decrypt

  3. Example: Simple Algorithm • multiplication modulo p (where p is a prime, why prime? easy to compute e and d, more later) • let p=127 • Choose e and d so that e*d=1 mod 127 • e.g. e=53 and d=12 • To encrypt a number, multiply by 53 mod 127 • To decrypt a number, multiply by 12 mod 127 • Decryption must restore the initial value! • 12 is an inverse of 53 in multiplication modulo 127(multiplicative inverse) what’s an inverse in (regular) multiplication? Addition? • problem: not secure • the number 127 is too small. You could compute d from e by trying all possible values • modular division is possible - the inverse can be computed quickly even when p is large (Euclid’s algorithm…patent long expired)

  4. Modulo Exponentiation • an integer x is relatively prime to n if the only common factor is 1 • totient functionF(n) is # of integers < n and relatively prime to n • If n is a prime, F(n) = n-1 • Euler proved: xF(n) mod n = 1 • So xkF(n) mod n = 1 and xkF(n)+1 mod n = x (if x<n) • If we can find d*e = 1 mod F(n), they’d be exponentiative inverses to n • that is: xde mod n = x • observe that given two primes p and qF(p*q)=(p-1)(q-1) – remove multiples of p and multiples of q

  5. RSA • Named after its inventors: Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman • pick two large primes p and q, let n be p*q • pick e such that it is relatively prime to F(n) that is e=1 mod F(n) • since p and q are known F(n) is easy to compute (how?) • find a number d such that it is a multiplicative inverse of e mod F(n) • that is d*e=1 mod F(n) • in this case: xed mod n = x • encryption is: ciphertext = plaintexte mod n • what’s is decryption process? • why is: xed mod n = (xe mod n)*(xd mod n) mod n ? • what is public key? private key? • how does digital signature work? • security of RSA hinges on difficulty of factoring large numbers – n (to compute F(n))

  6. Finding Large Primes • If factoring is hard, how do you find large primes? • primes get progressively “thinner” as the numbers increase • ten digit number: probability 1/23 • hundred digit number (needed for secure RSA) 1/230 • It turns out you can test a number for primality easily even though factoring is hard! • Pick random large numbers and test them until you find a prime one • Fermat’s theorem: x p-1mod p = 1 if p prime • So to test if n is a prime, pick x and raise x to n-1. If it’s not 1, n definitely not prime • But can it be 1 even if n not prime? Yes, but probably not. • for a 100-digit number, the non-prime prob. is 1 in 1013 • Can use different x’s

  7. Optimizing Exponentiation • brute force exponentiation of (100-digit numbers for both base and exponent) is not possible • optimization – compute intermediate reminders a*a mod b = ((a mod b)(a mod b)) mod b • another optimization: instead of multiplying the number by the same factor multiple times – repeat squaring a4=(a*a)*(a*a) • can the two optimizations be combined?

  8. Optimizing Encryption Operations • Turns out RSA secure even if e in (e,n) is small (like 3 or 216+1) • 65537=216+1 is popular because it’s prime and easily represented in binary • if e is small – what operations are efficient? • can we also make d small? • problems with 3 • if m is smaller than cube root of n then m3 mod n = m3this makes m easy to discover, why? • to solve – pad small message • p and q must be chosen so that 3 is relatively prime to • choose p and q so that 3 is relatively prime to bothp-1 and q-1 • other threats • sooth numbers (factors of small primes) threat • multiple message threat • Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) standardizes use of RSA to minimize threats

  9. Diffie-Hellman • Allows two individuals to agree on a secret key, even though they can only communicate in public • Alice chooses a private number and from that calculates a public number • Bob does the same • Each can use the other’s public number and their own private number to compute the same secret • An eavesdropper can’t reproduce it agree on g,pg<p, p - large prime Alice Bob choose random A choose random B TA=gA mod p TB=gB mod p compute TAB compute TBA agree on gAB mod p

  10. Security of Diffie-Hellman • We assume the following is hard: • Given g, p, and gX mod p, what is X (computing discrete logarithm of gX mod p)? • With the best known mathematical techniques, this is somewhat harder than factoring a composite of the same magnitude as p

  11. Encryption with Diffie-Hellman • D-H needs a response from both Alice and Both to initiate communication • this does not have to happen in real time • suppose Bob publishes <g,p,T> in advance somewhere where Alice cat get it • then Alice, without Bob’s further participation, can • select A, • compute TA, andKAB=gAB mod p • use KABto encrypt the message (with secret key crypto) to produce C • send TA and C to Bob • Bob is able to compute KAB and decrypt the message

  12. Man-in-the-Middle Attack • D-H provides no authentication and is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack Alice Bob Trudy TA=gA mod p TT=gT mod p TT=gT mod p TB=gB mod p agree on gAT mod p agree on gTB mod p {data}gAT mod p {data}gTB mod p {data}gAT mod p {data}gTB mod p • can Alice and Bob prevent this attack if they agree on a secret password/answer in advance (is the fish green?/no, it is blue) • exchange personal information Trudy does not know?

  13. Signed Diffie-Hellman(Avoiding Man-in-the-Middle) if you have keys, why use D-H? • forward secrecy – prevents intruder from decrypting the conversation in the future even if she records all the conversation and later discovers all the keys then available Alice Bob choose random A choose random B [TA=gA mod p] signed with Alice’s Private Key [TB=gB mod p] signed with Bob’s Private Key verify Bob’s signature verify Alice’s signature agree on gAB mod p

  14. Stronger than RSA and D-H • security of RSA and D-H are based on complexity of solving certain mathematical problems • which ones? • the complexity of these problems is shown to be the same • there are solutions that are • subexponential (less than exponential), but • subpolinomial (more than any fixed degree polynomial) • because of that the (private) key size is selected larger than it needs to be – expensive private key operation • elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) – no known subexponential solution • private keys are small

  15. Zero Knowledge Proofs • zero knowledge proof systems are used for authentication only • allows Alice to prove that she knows the secret without revealing it to Bob • graph isomorphism • two graphs are isomorphic if they are identical up to vertex renaming • deciding if two graphs are isomorphic is NP-complete, generating two isomorphic graphs and verifying isomorphism is trivial • algorithm • Alice generates two large (about 500 vertices) isomorphic graphs A and B and sends them to Bob • Alice then generates a new set of graphs G1, G2 … Gk isomorphic to A and B • Bob asks Alice to show isomorphism for each of G1 … Gk to ether A or B (but not both or Bob learns isomorphism between A and B) • Trudy can generate graphs isomorphic to A or B and she has 50% chance of guessing which isomorphism Bob wants her to prove • if k is large, say 30, the probability of Trudy succeeding is very small

  16. Zero Knowledge Signatures • Assuming Alice and Bob share graphs A and B • Alice supplies the graphs G1, G2 … Gk in advance • for a message to be signed (and send to Bob) Alice computes a digest • a binary version of the digest is considered to be a request to provide isomorphism to either A (zero) or B (one). • say, the digest is 1011, then for G1, Alice provides isomorphism to B, for G2 – to A, for G3 and G4 – to B. • why cannot Trudy replicate that? • the graph isomorphism-based schemes is too inefficient to be used in practice, instead • a Fiat-Shamir protocol using methods similar to RSA is used

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