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Bright Sparks – Caribbean Primary Mathematics, Revised Ed. 2011 Sales Conference, Jamaica. Is Bright Sparks a serious contender against the entrenched, long-term competition? Yes. Absolutely!
Bright Sparks – Caribbean Primary Mathematics, Revised Ed 2011 Sales Conference, Jamaica
Is Bright Sparks a serious contender against the entrenched, long-term competition? Yes. Absolutely! The revised edition is content strong, design streamlined and easy to use, has a wider syllabus to meet recent changes and regional needs, updated technological content, new engaging materials and each component is closely cross referenced to make it easy for teachers.
Components of Bright Sparks Revised Ed • SB Student Books • WB Workbooks (all levels) • CD Inserted in SB1-6 • TB all levels • Website Free, downloadable resources for teachers
Children need a chance to learn in ways that fit their abilities and learning styles.
Bright Sparks is well-liked by teachers and students. It encourages students who might not otherwise succeed, by offering a variety of exercises, activities, puzzles and learning styles. The new edition builds on what works best for all students.
Overall – we kept what makes the series strong, including: • the emphasis on problem solving and reasoning • Caribbean real life examples • activities and variety to help students fully engage, and learn to love and become successful in Mathematics • colourful, appealing student friendly texts • explanations and steps that are easy to understand • the many examples, which parents particularly like • artwork and interesting student scenarios • the features like Challenge, and Hint, that push thinking • The exam preparation in the upper levels
Research behind changes: • Extensive analysis of the syllabusesof Trinidad, OECS, Barbados, Jamaica, Belize, Bahamas and Guyana • The creation of a blended syllabus that fits the needs of each territory, and offers some additional extensions • The work that meets the common part of the syllabus is first, and the work that only some countries use is in a further section (e.g. 1-10 might apply to all countries, while 11-15 might be extensions only used in one or two countries) • The most current university research on how children learn mathematics has been included in the lessons • The challenges and needs told us by teachers in the workshops in Grenada, St Vincent, Barbados, St Lucia, Dominica, Antigua, St Kitts, and Belize, as well as in school visits in Trinidad, Jamaica and Guyana, were heard and answered, resulting in some of the changes built into the revised edition
Now 2 Kindergarten books – KA and KB 6 levels of SBs and WBs – Books 1 – 6 + and a ‘Transition’ level book, which bridges the end of Primary and the first year of Secondary. It is called Standard 6, meeting the needs of the additional year of Primary School in Belize, but we think it has a lot of potential to be used in Lower First or in Extended Primary Schools across the region.
Overall changes: • the books are more teacher friendly, with syllabus concepts easily found in the Contents, Index and Scope and Sequence in each book • Developmental steps (spiralling curriculum) is now made more obvious • Additional review at each level • More variations of money examples to suit more regional currencies • New features, such as Mathematical language • Simplified reading level in the word problems • Reorganization of the order of the material • Updated – current technologies, sports heroes, scientific breakthroughs, digital tools and games • Tighter and consistent use of terms • More photographs, artwork, more variety of names and settings to reflect the wider region
Changes to the design and layout The explanation and the example that begin the lesson is set out in a tinted box At the end of each unit is a Check Up, and a Summary box with key points The expected outcomes for each unit are set out in the TB Partner, and project work sections are clearly set out The paper quality in Books 1 and 2 is less shiny and easier to write on
More changes to the design and layout SB and WB Units, sub-units and exercises are numbered and easy to follow, and are cross-referenced in the TBs Consistent use of colour – each feature (Hint, Short Cut), has one colour throughout all levels, as do the Assessments, Enrichment, etc. Discussion, calculator work, links to CD practice, etc all have assigned icons that become familiar to students through all levels
Exam preparation and assessments – More types of assessments have been added: Self tests and self progress charts, for students Informal review, Unit Checks, Partner work, and Tests are both diagnostics and informal assessments Full tests for midterm and end of term, and end of year full examinations The final exams in Books 4-6 and BZ Std 6 all have a multiple choice section, as well as open response
A better quality CD 72 or more different activities on each CD Each CD has 6 major topic areas, then each of these has subtopics- and these too have additional practice.
A better quality Teacher book • Makes clear the connection to other subjects, within Maths, and to real life • Has ideas for adding games, and active learning • Offers suggestions re: formal, informal and self assessment • Shows exactly what WB and CD practice matches the SB lessons • Includes some theory, e.g. the benefits of task or project based learning • Includes sample lesson plans for each unit • Supports teachers to use new teaching approaches, with suggestions and examples • Encourages teachers to have students talk about their reasoning • Shows different strategies students might try for problem solving, and common misconceptions • Gives ideas for helping slow learners and extensions for quick students • Supports untrained teachers while giving experienced teachers new ideas to try.
SB and wb overview SB In addition to the changes noted earlier: • Additional practice with review before problematic areas (e.g. fractions) • Calculator icons to show where they may be useful • Clear, easy and familiar design themes through all levels WB • Each exercise refers to the exact lesson in the SB for which it provides practice • Self checks and informal assessments for student to do on their own • Can be used for homework, for review or make up • Gives students a chance to draw, fill in tables, show their working and explain their thinking.
Teacher Resource Website Lesson plans Games, puzzles and activities Practice worksheets Templates for geometry or measurement Free, online downloadable resources for teachers
Bright Sparks matches and surpasses the competitors in content, variety and interest, syllabus coverage and extensions, and with teacher support materials that are clearly-linked, useful, and help promote student success. The new Bright Sparks Revised Editions take what teachers and students already prefer, and make it even better, to meet the Ministries’ description of an excellent course.
Thank you! For all you have done to promote Bright Sparks For those of you who set up the excellent Teacher Workshops or helped organize school visits And thank you as well, for all that you will do in the future