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Most important –ve finding in evaluation of health quality services in al shatrha PHC sector are : . Less of immunization coverage of children under 5 years . Less of antenatal care visit to PHC .
Most important –ve finding in evaluation of health quality services in al shatrha PHC sector are : Less of immunization coverage of children under 5 years Less of antenatal care visit to PHC
my present study To analysis of factors effecting on above –ve finding and apply simple quality improvement planning and analysis of results Apply of simple Q.I planning Study to analysis of factors effecting on most important –ve finding Analysis of results Recommendation
study to analysis of effecting factors :title : Assessment of associated factors effecting on immunization coverage of children under 5 years in five PHC centers in al shatrha city and apply of simple Q.I plans.
Aims of study: • 1- To Assessment of immunization coverage of children under 5 years in 5 primary health care centers in shatrha city . • 2- To Find out any association between demographic • characteristic and vaccinated status of children • 3- apply simple quality improvement planning in same PHC to improve these –ve finding.
Sampling collection : 150 stratified random sampling collected in 5 PHC in al shatrha by use of special questionnaire with following method :حجم العينة المأخوذة من كل مركز =(عدد النفوس ضمن الرقعة الجغرافية للمركز الواحد / مجموع النفوس التي تغطيها 5 مراكز) * حجم العينة المطلوبة hyalmuilmin= (36132/159190)*150=34al-kudus=(36462/159190)*150=34 al-arroba=(18670/159190)*150=18 al-kalssa=(33149/159190)*150=31 al-fatahea=(34777/159190)*150=33 sample size =34+34+18+31+33=150
From this table show the number of children under 5 years with complete immunization schedule 110 (73.3%) and (26.6%) not complete immunization schedualin present study
Pv=0.33 X2=4.348 • This table shows that (52 %) of urban area children were completely vaccinated and (18 %) from them were non completely vaccinated . There is significant of statistical association betweenimmunization coverage of children & their residence. at (Pv<0.05)
Pv=0.040 X2=13.181 • From this table show the highest percentage of children with complete immunization schedule for secondary education level of father (26%), highest percentage of children who not complete her immunization schedule among primary education level of father about (9%) from total children in present study & there is significant of statistically association between education level of father and vaccinated status of their children (Pv<0.05).
Pv=0.073 X2=6.578 • From this table show the highest percentage of children with complete their immunization for women with housewife occupation (56%),while the highest percentage of non completely vaccinated children (20%) among housewife women also &there is not significant of statistically association between occupation at women and immunization coverage of her children Pv>0.05.
Pv=o.042 X2=12.586 • From this table show the highest percentage of completely vaccinated children in their time spending to reach to PHC 20 min (36%),while the highest present of non completely vaccinated children (13%) who spending 10 mint time to reach to PHC & there is significant of statistically association between vaccinated status of children and time spending (Pv<0.05).
X2=4.750 Pv=0.856 • From this table show highest percent(28%)from compeletly vaccinated children in children those have 3-5 brother child while the highest percentage of non completely vaccinated children (9%) in those have 1-2 another brother child,there is not significant of statistically association between vaccinated status of children and number of her child(Pv>0.05).
Pv=0.049 X2=19.669 • From this table show the highest percentage of completely vaccinated children (25%) come to PHC to take vaccine ,while the high percentage of non completely vaccinated child (10%) to treat of disease , there is statistically association between vaccinated status of children and the reason to their visit PHC at(Pv<0.05).
Intervention( simple QI plan ) in al kalasa & al fatahea model PHC to increase of immunization coverage of children under 5 years : • call reminder • SmS message • Health education • Increase of home visit team
Simple intervention in al kudus & al dowyea model to hypertensive • patient to follow visit : • Call reminder • SmS message • Health education • Home visit
Intervention : Call reminder & SmS & health education for hypertensive patient to follow up visit to al kudus PHC
Simple intervention in Akkad PHC increase of antenatal care visit in sub center • Training heath worker visit from main to sub center • Essential laboratories of pregnancy • Health education
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