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The Inspirational Life of John H. Johnson: A Journey of Determination and Success

Explore the remarkable life of John H. Johnson, from humble beginnings to building a publishing empire, showcasing his resilience, achievements, and legacy.

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The Inspirational Life of John H. Johnson: A Journey of Determination and Success

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  1. The life of John .H. Johnson BY : BELLO SAMUEL JIBRIL

  2. John H. Johnson -- born January 19, 1918 in rural Arkansas City, Arkansas -- was the grandson of slaves His father Leroy Johnson was killed in a sawmill accident when "young Johnny" was eight years of age. His mother Gertrude Jenkins Johnson further impoverished did not give hope and her faith they could have more than what Arkansas offered. She saved her meager earnings as a cook and washerwoman for years until she could afford to move her family to Chicago.

  3. There, Johnson was exposed to something he never knew existed: middle class blacks. He attended an all black high school during the day and poured over self-improvement books at night. His classmates at DuSable High were Nat King Cole, Redd Foxx and future entrepreneur William Abernathy. Johnson is the founder, publisher, chairman and CEO of the Johnson Publishing Company Inc., Chicago, Ill., the largest black-owned publishing company in the world. Ebony is the nation's number one African-American -oriented magazine with a circulation of 1.7 million and a monthly readership of 11 million.

  4. Johnson Publishing Company also has a book division and employs more than 2,600 people with sales of over $388 million. Johnson Publishing owns Fashion Fair Cosmetics, the number one makeup and skin care company for women of color around the world and Supreme Beauty products, hair care for men and women and is involved in television production and produces the Ebony Fashion Fair, the world's largest traveling fashion show, which has donated over $47 million to charity. The show visits more than 200 cities in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.

  5. A Chronology of Achievement

  6. 1936 -- on graduation invited to speak at a dinner held by the Urban League. President of the Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company, Harry Pace was so impressed with Johnson's speech that he offered him a job and a scholarship to attend college part-time. Late 30s dropped his studies at the University of Chicago 1939 -- 21 years old and becomes editor of Pace's in-house magazine. Collecting articles culled from national publications, Johnson realizes he's struck gold. 1941 -- married Eunice Walker and assumed a full-time position at Supreme Liberty Life.

  7. 1941 -- married Eunice Walker and assumed a full-time position at Supreme Liberty Life. 1942 (November) -- borrowed $500 against his mother's furniture and started Johnson Publishing Company. Got idea for Negro Digest, the forerunner of Ebony, while selecting articles for Pace to keep abreast of current events of interest to blacks. 1942 -- launched the Negro Digest, which took a serious look at racial issues and featured articles from prominent black and white writers. Office of Johnson Publishing Co. on the second floor of Chicago's Supreme Life Insurance Co. building in a room in the private law office of Earl B. Dickerson. 1942 (June) -- circulated 50,000 of Negro Digest, modeled on Reader's Digest but aimed at African-Americans.

  8. From 1938 till date the impacts and achievements of John H John is been felt all around the world. This can be proven by the various award and accomplishments he has made as an individual and you may wonder how some on with so little to start with could end up being the master and commander of so many prosperous business ventures. Well your answer is as simple as this DETERMINATION BREEDS SUCCESS in other words with much hope and faith combined with an undying thirst for knowledge you will get there.

  9. Tips to help you become the person you are destined to be!! • Even in the face of impossibility always show enthusiasm. • Worry less about the problem and think of the best solutions. • Never set a limit for yourself. • Be more a listener than a talker. • Pick your friends that can be of positive impact to you as the fruits of a • good friendship is the impact made. • 6. Be ever positive. • 7. Do not be satisfied with what you have so you can get what you need. • 8. Your greatest tool to success is your ability to think so think well. • 9. There is always another choice. • 10. Take joy in what you do.


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