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Defensive Driving A nnual Recertification. Center of Hope Foundation.
Defensive Driving Annual Recertification Center of Hope Foundation
It is the mission of the Center Of Hope Transportation Services to provide timely, Safe and efficient transportation to individuals served by COHF, Inc. following all rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Developmental Services, transportation funding agents and Massachusetts General Law. MART and Agency Driving Rules and Regulations
1. No program member(s) may be left in the vehicle with out a staff member present. • If a van driver must assist an individual in walking to the van, the van and it’s occupants must be in clear view at all times. • At no time should a staff member enter a building and leave occupants unattended. • Please be advised that such an action could result in termination. Transportation Rules and Requirements
2. Drivers and monitors must wear in plain view a uniform photo ID card clearly displaying his/her picture, full name and the Transportation Provider’s name. • MART Inspectors will fine individuals failing to do this with amounts up to $100, which will be the drivers responsibility to pay. • 3. Drivers and monitors must assist all consumers upon entering and exiting the vehicle and assist in securing and releasing seat belts, as needed. Mary Hope Id 123456
4. Each agency vehicle has an assigned cell phone so that the Transportation Coordinator knows how to contact the staff person doing the transport. • Please remember to turn phone on in the vehicle. • Staff must pull off the road in order to answer and make a call on a cell phone. • 5. There is no eating, drinking, or smoking in agency vehicles at any time.
6. All trash must be removed from vehicles at the end of time using the vehicle. • 7. Mileage must be logged in on Vehicle mileage Form. • 8. A pre and post walk around inspection using the ‘Daily Vehicle Check List’ needs to be performed daily and turned into the Transportation Assistant at the end of the day. • Please let the Transportation Assistant know verbally if you have noted any repairs or problems on your checklist, upon return of the vehicle. • 9. Staff members must lock the vehicle each time it is parked. The doors of the vehicle are closed and locked while vehicle is in motion (except for rear emergency door of vehicle which must remain unlocked during transit)
10. Staff member must place a ‘Vehicle Empty’ sign on dash board of an empty vehicle. • 11. Staff must follow the prescribed route on van runs. This is so we can find you if your van breaks down. This is also an agency policy. • If you need to alter your route you need to call the transportation department and notify them of the change. • At no time should van drivers be going off route to get coffee or to do other errands.
12. All staff must return agency vehicles with the gas gauge reading 1/2 tank or more. • All vehicles housed at the Center’s main building should be filled using Southbridge Tire PO system or the gas cards that are in the Transportation Office. • No fueling of the vehicle is conducted while consumers are on board during a transportation run (am or pm). • 13. All moving vehicle violations, such as speeding tickets and or toll violations are the responsibility of the driver and occurrence of such must be reported to the Personnel office immediately. • Drivers are also responsible for any MART violations that carry a monetary consequence.
14. Each transportation Route has an assigned vehicle. This vehicle must be used at all times unless otherwise stated by the transportation coordinator and then only when the vehicle is off the road for maintenance. 15. Only authorized staff are permitted to operate lifts or board and un-board passengers. 16. Whenever possible, vehicles should pull into driveways, but only when there is sufficient space for vehicle to turn around and exit the driveway forward facing. No vehicle shall back out of a driveway onto the street.
17. The Center of Hope must report Consumer No-shows to MART. The Center of Hope cannot initiate or demand a suspension of services to a Consumer. • 18.Drivers and monitors (if present) should provide verbal reports of acts of assault and/or seizure activity by the Consumer or any other significant incident to the Transportation Coordinator. • All incidents must be reported to MART before the end of the business day and a report faxed within 24 hours. • The transportation office is available to assist any driver who may need help to fill out a report.
19. Drivers operating non-ambulatory vehicles must receive hands-on training in order to ensure that they understand and are able to properly follow the procedures for proper securement of wheelchairs in vehicles prior to transportation. 20. Drivers and dispatchers must be aware of the locations and telephone numbers of emergency facilities. These are located in the van books. 21. Shut off vehicle and remove the keys when not occupying the driver’s seat (not applicable for vehicles when operating hydraulic lift).
21. Monitors should constantly observe/monitor the consumer to whom they assigned while transit. 22. Monitors should provide one-to-one assistance to assigned consumer, but also provide supervision and assistance to other consumers on the vehicle when necessary. 23. A driver shall wait until at least five minutes after the scheduled pick-up time before departing without the consumer, unless otherwise directed by the Transportation Coordinator. Notify transportation, using van cell phone, of no shows before departing. A driver may remain longer than five minutes for certain consumers due to the presence of physical limitations, behavioral challenge or extreme weather conditions. 5 min
When using an agency vehicle for a transportation run or a program trip and you are involved in an accident, the following procedures should be followed. • 1. If you are involved in an accident: • A. Remain calm and check your passengers. • B. Notify the state or local police, being sure to get the officers name • C. Get names and addresses of any witnesses. • D. Get the insurance company information of the driver. • E. Use the Auto Accident Information Sheet to get the driver’s name, address and phone. • F. Do not discuss or admit to fault regarding the incident. • G. Get an accident form from the police department and complete it. One copy is to be given to the police and one to the Personnel office. • They will also assist you in filling out the report if needed. Emergency Procedures
2. If the accident occurs between business hours notify Luke Jajliardo and your direct supervisor (508)764-4085 immediately. Another vehicle will be sent to pick up passengers. • A. If the accident occurs outside the above hours. You should do the following. • 1. Contact Rachel Reyes (860) 928-4673 to notify her of the situation. • 2. Call a local garage to have the damaged vehicle returned to the Center of Hope. Be sure to document the name of the towing company and forward any paperwork that is given to you to the administrative offices as soon as possible.
3. In the event of injuries to yourself or passengers, seek medical treatment immediately. • 1. If an individual refuses medical services and does not appear to have any injury, staff must honor this request, however staff should encourage the individual to see their primary care physician. • 2. Contact program Administrator or Rachel who will notify the individual’s family or care provider and the person’s service coordinator. • 4. The following telephone numbers are to be used as contacts in the event of an emergency. These are also located in your van book. Center of Hope 508 764-4085 Luke Jajliardo 774-230-4155 Transportation 774-230-6571 Rachel Reyes 508-450-9773
When using an agency vehicle for a transportation run and are involved in a breakdown, the following procedures should be followed. 1. Steer your vehicle to the side of the road as soon as you are aware of a problem. 2. Turn the key to the off position. Leaving it in an on position can drain the battery. 3. Do not unload [passengers unless there is a threat of danger. Breakdown
4. Place triangles in front and behind the vehicle put on and your flashers. 2. Use your cell phone to notify the Center of Hope. If you are in a “Dead Zone” just sit and wait for someone to see the triangles and flashers. Someone should stop to help and you can ask them to call the Center of Hope. 3.Let your passengers know in a calm manner what is happening and that help will be coming soon. You are to stay with your passengers until you are relieved by another staff.
1. What causes skidding? • It is the result of some or all of your wheels lose friction with the road surface. • 2. What causes skidding? • Many conditions such as rain, mist, sleet, snow or ice can coat the road and prevent wheel contact. • Loose sand or gravel , even wet leaves on the road, can cause loss of traction. Transportation Emergency Braking and Skidding
3. if you encounter such conditions, taking the following precautions will help you avoid a dangerous skid: • 1. Reduce your speed to well below the posted speed limit. The slower you drive the more grip you’ll have. • 2. Select the proper gear before going down hill. • 3. Slow down well in advance when approaching other vehicles, intersections, curves, or railroad crossings. • 4. If you do not have ant-lock brakes, utilize a stab braking technique. Panic braking with conventional brakes can result in wheel lockup and put you into a skid. With ABS make a hard , steady application of the brakes. • 5. On icy or snow-packed roads, be sure you have appropriate tires.
1. Front-Wheel Skids: • If the front wheels lock up or lose grip on the road, you enter a front-wheel skid. • To Correct the skid stay off the gas pedal until the wheels reestablish rolling friction. Then stab brakes or on ABS press down firmly to stop. Correcting a Skid
2.Rear-wheel Skids: • When the back wheels lose their grip, the vehicle enters into a rear-wheel skid. Which can cause the vehicle to turn completely around spinning in a half circle. • To correct a rear wheel skid, stay off the gas, stay off the brakes until steering control is regained and counter steer.[keeping front wheel in direction you want vehicle to go] If the back of the vehicle starts to swing out, steer in the direction you want the vehicle to go. You want to keep the vehicle aimed at the center of the lane in which you want to be traveling. It may take several quick counter-steering maneuvers to get back on track. Once you regain control use proper braking stabbing or ABS pressing firmly to come to a stop.
3. All-wheel Skid happens when you jam your brakes. Causing all four wheels to lock. The vehicle can then slide unpredictably in any direction. • To correct an all-wheel skid stab brakes or in ABS depress brake firmly without stabbing. • 4. Hydroplaning • At speeds up to 35 mph, tires can push water off the road surface much as a windshield wiper clears the windshield. However, as the vehicle’s speed increases the tires lose their ability to clear water and the tires start to ride a film of water known as hydroplaning. • To correct hydroplaning take your foot off the accelerator and let vehicle slow down on its own. If you skid ABS depress brakes firmly other vehicles utilize
You have now completed your Defensive Driving recertification. Please proceed to the testing portion and complete the follow-up test. Upon completion results will be sent to the training office where you will be notified of your status of Pass or Fail. Accommodations will be made for any staff who is not able to complete the online testing. Please notify your supervisor.