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PlazZza. Content discovery with PlazZza. Saturday, 06 September 2014. Introduction: insights on wap Plazzza offer (SMS & WAP) How does PlazZza work? Way to proceed + communication plan Q&A’s. Contents. Introduction Growing importance of wap. Some insights. OFF-portal.
PlazZza Content discovery with PlazZza Saturday, 06 September 2014
Introduction: insights on wap Plazzza offer (SMS & WAP) How does PlazZza work? Way to proceed + communication plan Q&A’s Contents
Introduction Growing importance of wap Some insights
OFF-portal Large offer of independent content providers (“COSPs”) Billing: premium sms + Proximus M-Pay Growing off-portal content offer ON-portal Limited “exclusive” content Billing: Wap content billing
Mobile content Mobile customer • Direct WAP billing • Portal = entry-point • Marketing ! It’s about getting the right content… to the right customer (1/2) VIA THE OPERATOR’S PORTAL (“on portal”)
Mobile content Mobile customer It’s about getting the right content… to the right customer (2/2) OUTSIDE THE OPERATOR’S PORTAL (“off portal”) DIRECT to customer Premium sms (Wap = download bearer)
“Off net” is increasingly attracting both more customers and content providers In France, the “Gallery” model is having considerably success In Japan the key content providers are migrating to Off-net and 32% of DoCoMo’s revenues are generated Off-net In Europe20% of users would like/ or have accessed URLs outside the portal Wap Off Net Market
Wap 3rd party wholesales environment “Mobile Internet” directory of partner sites in a WAP Off Net environment Vodafone”enables” their business to sell its brands and digital content outside the Vodafone live! Portal Partners are fully responsible for their “labelled” proposition to the end-user Access methods to Mobile Internet via Vodafone Live!-menu the search engine specifics URL (eg : “http://mobileinternet.gr”) Wap push mechanism Off-net browsing pricing for the end-user Purchased items : max € 7.00 vat incl. per transaction WAP browsing : 0.6€/100kbytes vat incl.( time-based model soon) Vodafone Greece: “mobile internet” (1/2)
Vodafone Greece: “mobile internet” (2/2) • First results (from 06/03/06 till 26/03/06) • 8 major local 3rd party providing in total 39 off portal wap sites • “Chat & Contact”, “Erotic” and “Ringtones” represent 75% of the total transactions • Average number of transactions per day : 171 (start up phase) • Total number of transactions : 3427
Gallery France: the right direction (1/4) • Launched in October 2003 by the 3 French MNO’s • February 2005 : 40 million pages seen • In July 2005 :520 services and more than 200 famous content providers • Total Turnover in 2005 ( premium content) = 25 M€ • In March 2006 : 876 services active and an average of 25 new services per month
Gallery France: the right direction (2/4) Type of content (2006) • Increasing average transaction price: • From 1.97€ (Q1 2004) to 2.58€ (Q4 2005) • evolution of the Mobile Multimedia Market in terms of • Content (Java games, realtones, video,…) • Handsets capabilities (3G, …) • Pricing aspects • Purchased items : max € 7.00 vat incl. by transaction • WAP browsing :0.10€/minute vat.incl.
France: More and more brands are discovering the power of the mobile channel (wap) and introduce it consequently into their marketing mix (if applicable combined with mobile payments) Gallery France: the right direction (4/4)
PlazZza Mobile content discovery… on the Belgian market
It all comes down to triggering an action of your customer… Content discovery is about AID(A) Awareness Interest Desire Action See Read Know Buy React …
WAP content discovery is about creating awareness, interest, desire in order to trigger off-portal transactions… PROXIMUS M-PAY “PlazZza” Content discovery is about AID(A) Awareness WAP CONTENT DISCOVERY Interest Desire Action PAYMENT See Read Know Buy React …
Mobile market & its customers becoming more mature (psms) Increasing off portal content offer Increasing focus on choice Mobile searching + browsing Why a mobile discovery mechanism on the Belgian market? Customer desire shifting from impulsivity to choice
PlazZza Initiative by Proximus, Mobistar & Base in order to stimulate the off-portal wap market It is a WAP content discovery mechanism Allowing mobile customers to easily find your mobile content outside of the operator’s portal Entry point to off-portal content via wap or sms Transparency for end-user & content provider Common brand (&logo) Common basic user functionalities Common PlazZza shortcodes (4444 and 7890) Mobile payment (Off-portal): Proximus M-PAY With PLAZZZA, the Belgian operators want to stimulate the off-portal market Direct to customer
Your brand/content available via wap DIWO DIGITAL WORLD Welcome ENTER How does PlazZza work? • By subscribing to PlazZza you request at the Belgian operators • an exclusive HITCODE (e.g. Your business “Digital World” could get “DIWO”) • 5 generic keywords linked to your business (e.g. “Info”, “Business”, “Games”, …) • 3 according Categories … and you’re ready for your off-portal business…
Customer sends free sms with your hitcodeto the PlazZza short number4444 DIWO …or in a magazine DIGITAL WORLD Welcome ENTER Find us on PlazZzaSEND “DIWO” to 4444 DIGITAL WORLD Find us on PlazZzaSEND “DIWO” to 4444 How does PlazZza work?Content discovery via SMS And is directly forwardedto YOURwap site… Customer sees your“hitcode” on a billboard…
Mobilemarketing Transparancy for content providers & end-users Call to action (e.g. linked to a campaign) Off-portal content sales with Mobile payment(via PROXIMUS M-PAY) DIWO DIGITAL WORLD Welcome ENTER How does PlazZza work?Content discovery via SMS
DIWO DIGITAL WORLD Welcome ENTER Look beyond the operator’s portal: content discovery via WAP Vodafone Live! = entry point to PlazZza wap homepage Customer enters yourhitcode or service name (or keyword search) … and is directed to the content provider’s wap page(discovery + payment!)
Your account will be charged6,95 €.Your transaction number is UTI_12345.Thank you for using ProximusM-Pay. Welcome to Proximus M-Pay Please validate your payment:Item: Game DonkeyIIIPrice: 6,95 €Seller: Donkey Games Mobile Payments:Proximus M-Pay enables you to sell direct to your customer Digital content directly sold to your customer, via WAP or WEB
Content discovery for 2 types of mobile content MOBILE MARKETING( = BRANDS) DIGITAL MOBILE CONTENT DISCOVERYPAYMENT (M-PAY) Types of actions / content to discover via PlazZza DISCOVERYCALL TO ACTION
PlazZza PlazZza PlazZza PlazZza: model supported by 3 operators Content provider/brand Wireless application service provider (WASP) hitcodegeneric keywords (via request doc) PlazZza SUPPORTED BY BELGIAN OPERATORSEACH OPERATOR MANAGES OWN DATABASE (CFR PSMS)
@ Proximus • REQUEST DOC (via WASP) • specify PlazZza content providers • … and according hitcode & keywords • 1 service name (e.g. Digital World) • 1 hitcode (e.g. DIWO) • 5 generic keywords (e.g. games, logos) COSP is referenced in PlazZza (Proximus back end) 48 HRS Start your action !!
PlazZzaRequest • Via WASP • Your hitcode • Your keywords & according categories • … DIWO DIWO GO! within 48hrs! DIGITAL WORLD Welcome ENTER Your content available via the mobile channel M-Payments option? via M-Pay enabled partner Request @ Proximusvia your partner WASP Way to proceed at Proximus
Short term communication plan on PlazZza by Proximus SEPT-OCT 2006 Proximus Mobile Business Solutions Magazine (COR+SME) MAY 2006 Press Release Proximus/Base/Mobistar • JUNE 2006 • PlazZza on www.Proximus.be • E-Zine (newsletter via mail) • ProxiNews(postpaid invoices) • Vodaphone Live!’s What’s News? JUL-AUG 2006 Proximus Shop Magazine(dealers)