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Pet Kings was established in 2001 as a retail shop in the UK with an aim to provide pet owners with top of the line pet flea treatment products in near-cost price. We believe that every pet out there deserves the best treatment It gets and we're here to facilitate.<br>https://www.petkingsupply.com/<br>
If you need to learn how to get rid of fleas, chances are you have been bit. Flea bites can be rather painful, causing a red mark that can swell and itch for up to two weeks. In some cases, they are worse than mosquito bites, as they tend to linger longer and cause equal discomfort. Like mosquitoes, they can transmit diseases to those they feed off of, which makes them a concern to many. The first thing you need to do in order to get rid of fleas is to find out where they are coming from. In many cases, fleas are brought in from outside due to your pets. Resolving the source is very important in stopping a flea infestation. If it is from your pets, you need to get them on anti-flea medication immediately. This medication will not only lower the number of fleas that come into your home, they will also help kill the fleas that have already made their way inside. Once you have taken measures to prevent fleas from entering your home, then next step you need to take in order to get rid of fleas is to kill the fleas that are now inside. This can be done in several ways. While slow, the anti-flea medications you should be feeding your pet will help kill them off. The medication is designed to be poisonous to fleas while safe for your pet. A faster, though more toxic way, is to use a flea bomb or fogger in all of the rooms of your house. It takes around five hours per room to prepare it, use the bomb, and air it out for use again. If you spend a weekend bombing your home, you can expect to see a large decrease in flea bites. Once you have begun the process, it is easy to get rid of fleas and keep them away. You can use non toxic herbs, such as Pennyroyal, Citronella and Lemongrass, toward your home from fleas. Flea traps and rock salt can also be used to help kill off any fleas that might come into your home. While you may think you can get rid of fleas quickly, this is not true. From the last occurrence of a flea bite, it takes a minimum of two years before there is no chance of a flea outbreak reoccurring. This is due to the fact that a flea egg can survive for up to two years without hatching. https://www.petkingsupply.com/