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An Exploratory Study of Balanced Score Card – Strategic HR Perspective. Swatee Sarangi- Assistant Professor - HR & OB- SIMSR Divya Saluja – HR- SIMSR. INTRODUCTION 1.1 STRATEGIC HRM & ITS IMPLICATIONS. SHRM: Typically variegated
An Exploratory Study of Balanced Score Card – Strategic HR Perspective Swatee Sarangi- Assistant Professor - HR & OB- SIMSR Divya Saluja – HR- SIMSR
INTRODUCTION1.1STRATEGIC HRM & ITS IMPLICATIONS • SHRM: • Typically variegated • HR systems and models may be unique at different levels with in an organization • Mostly planned but some of them are emergent in nature
INTRODUCTION1.2BALANCED SCORECARD Lag: Performance measures focusing on results at the end of a time period Lead: Performance measures that “drive” or lead to the performance of lag measures
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Objective: • To build a model that integrates SHRM initiatives in the BSC framework. • Data Analysis: • Exploratory and descriptive • Qualitative • Sample: • 3 organizations drawn from different sectors • Data Representation: • Case Study Approach
SUCCESS STORIES OF THE PAST“THE INTERNATIONAL GLIMPSES” • Mobil Oil increased cash flow by $1.2 billion and ROI from 6% to 16% between years 2 and 5 after implementing BSC • UPS (United Parcel Service) increased revenues by 9% and net income by 33% within 2 years after BSC implementation • Wells Fargo Bank increased its customer base by 450% after 3 years of BSC implementation • Chemical Bank increased its group company profits 20- fold over a 4-year period after BSC implementation • The world famous advertising firm Saatchi and Saatchi achieved a five-fold increase in market capitalization within 3 years of implementation of BSC • Texaco Refining and Marketing increased profitability by $29 million & 1,500% return on investment from their BSC initiative
HOSPITALITY SECTOR“THE TAJ HOTELS” • Linked the customer information system and the central reservation system • Expandable • Capable of integrating other standalone warehouses
MANUFACTURING SECTOR“PHILIPS” • The initiative to implement the BSC system came from the top management at its headquarters in the Netherlands. • All the subsidiaries were instructed by their quality departments about the implementation. • An interesting concept of traffic light system was adopted by the management of Philips
EMERGING PLAYERS“SMEs” • SMEs should also implement BSC • BSC should be in their priority list and not utopian list
LINKING STRATEGY & HR • Companies implementing BSC have an underlying essence that employees need to be an integral part of their strategy • Organization needs to communicate its goal, vision and mission to its employees to achieve performance par excellence • Each perspective of the BSC act as a building block for the following • Learning & Development - Base of the building
“Just as firms will be faced with inefficiencies when they try to implement new strategies with outmoded structures, so they will also face problems of implementation when they attempt to effect new strategies with inappropriate HR systems. The critical management task is to align the formal structure and the HR systems so that they drive the strategic objectives of the organization” -Fombrum et al (1984)
THE MODEL • Organization’s culture and structure play a very important role in shaping that strategy • EXTERNALLY -Market factors call for organizations to adapt instantaneously to ever changing environment • INTERNALLY -Organizations need to change and evolve quickly that leads to building employee knowledge, competencies and skills • Employee development has recently received its due importance • Evident with the types of performance measures used: • Number of employees trained • Testing scores • Imbibing Learning culture in organizations is the latest trend
CONCLUSION • The suggested model gives a holistic & comprehensive view of the organization and its vision • It can not only build new objectives & targets for the organization but also easily integrates the traditional assessment tools of the organization • Effectively used if its foundation is built on robust HR processes and initiatives that nurture organization’s talent pool NOTE: This exploratory study highlights ‘best practices’ of implementation of BSC. Organizations are advised to ascertain their own ‘best fit’ following the suggested model for successful implementation of BSC.
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BIBLIOGRAPHY • www.apinstitute.com/Balanced%20scorecard%20and%20the%20small%20business.hml • www.ap-institute.com/downloads/080129%20What%20is%20a%20BSC_0.pdf • www.ap-institute.com/resources_whitepapers.asp • www.ap-institute.com/resources_whitepapers.asp • www.balancedscorecard.org/BSCResources/AbouttheBalancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default.aspx • www.business-standard.com/india/storypage.php?autono=267870 • www.crm2day.com/content/t6_librarynews_1.php?news_id=EpAluVZkAplsbblvIM • www.iba.org.in/ibacdr.asp • www.icmrindia.org/casestudies/catalogue/Business%20Strategy/Balanced%20Scorecard%20Implementation%20at%20Philips.htm • www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/IIT-MADRAS/Management_Science_I/slides/9_5s.pdf • www.papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=629249