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Pharmacology. ‘Pharmac’ Medicine. Categories. Drugs are categorised according to function e.g. anti inflammatories, antihypertensives, Antibiotics Are known as group names. Drugs. Generic Name Name given to individual drugs – usually relates to chemical compounds e.g. paracetamol

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pharmacology ‘Pharmac’ Medicine

  2. Categories • Drugs are categorised according to function e.g. • anti inflammatories, • antihypertensives, • Antibiotics Are known as group names

  3. Drugs Generic Name • Name given to individual drugs – usually relates to chemical compounds e.g. paracetamol Trade or brand name • Name given to a drug by the company that made it • Names are registered and must be written with a capitol e. Panadol • Some drugs can have many trade names

  4. Routes of Administration • Drugs can be administered in a variety of ways • This depends on what type the drug is; how quickly it produces an effect & whether the patient is conscious or not • Route is described as “per” meaning through

  5. Terms and Abbreviations

  6. Terms and Abbreviations

  7. Drug Actions • Side effects – e.g. Aspirin relieves pain but can cause irritation to the gastric mucosa,and trigger asthma • Contraindications (cautioned against) – e.g. aspirin is contraindicated for people with gastric ulcers or asthma • Cumulation – some drugs can accumulate in the body if taken in high doses of over a long period of time and cause toxic effects

  8. Cumulation • Digoxin is a drug used for cardiac arrhythmias. (slows & strengthens the heartbeat • Digoxin can accumulate in the body causing the heart to slow down too much, as well as causing GIT upsets, dizziness, and confusion

  9. Tolerance • This occures as the body becomes accustomed to the drug so larger doses are needed over time to achieve the desired effect • E.g. drugs of addiction such as Pethidine, Morphine

  10. Common types of drugs

  11. Common types of drugs

  12. Dangerous drugs -2 main categories • Prescription medication – can only be dispensed with a registered doctor’s prescription • Over-the- counter medication- can be purcheased without a script

  13. Medical Practices & medications • Moderate supply is kept on the premises. • Be aware that medications & scripts are targets for theft • Poisons Act describes laws regarding storage of drugs and handling of all medications • Drugs in Medical Practices are Schedule 4 and 8.These are classed as dangerous drugs • You may be responsible for checking and recording stock numbers and ordering new supplies. • Know your responsibility and follow policy & procedure regarding medications

  14. Dangerous Drugs – Schedule 4 • Can only be bought on prescription • Include mild addictive drugs e.g. those used for sleeping disorders, as well as hormones, antidepressants and anti-inflammatory

  15. Schedule 8 drugs • Include highly addictive drugs e.g. Morphine, and Pethidine • These drugs are kept in a separate lockable cupobosrd securely attached to the wall. • All S8 drugs are recorded in a register which shows all transactions • Any loss or theft must be reported to Pharmaceutical Services Branch

  16. Consumer Product Information • Is the written information that accompanies the medication It explains • what it is • when &how it should be taken • possible side effects

  17. Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme • Is provided by the Commonwealth Government • Form of subsidy – costs less to the public • PBS Safety Net – after a specified maximum amount is paid per year, medication will be cheaper for the remainder of the year

  18. MIMS • Is a manual that describes all current drugs and product information • Includes generic and trade names

  19. Abbreviations • Refer to notes

  20. General Terms

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