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Pemerintah Pusat/Daerah Karyawan Para pesaing Partai-partai Politik PERUSAHAAN Serikat pekerja/karyawan Stakeholders Lembaga-lembaga keuangan Kelompok pemerhati Tunggal M.
Business Challenges Very tough competition Fickle customers Short product-to-market cycle Analysis market trends Monitor quality, efficiency, and costs Management Redesign production and supplier processes Information System Business Solutions Organization Monitor quality Forecast demands and capacity more accurately Reduce costs Increase revenue Improve customer service Deploy Powerway Deploy Global Supplier Portal Deploy Integrated Volume Planning system Technology Tunggal M.
Alliance with Subcontractors Boundary of Firm A virtual company uses the Internet, intranets, and extranets to form virtual workgroups and to support alliances with business partners Alliance with a Major Suppliers Customer Response and Order-Fulfilllmnet Teams Intranet Extranets Alliance with a Major Customer Manufacturing Teams Alliance with a Competitor Who Provides Services That Are Complementary Alliance with Small Suppliers Cross-Functional Teams Engineering Teams Tunggal M.
Hardware Business Strategy Rules Processes Database Software Interdependence Tele-communi-cations Organization Information System Tunggal M.
Let customers place orders through distribution partners Let customers place orders directly Bagaimana bisines berfokus-nasabah membangun nilai dan loyalitas mempergunakan teknologi Internet. Internet Internet Extranet Build a customer database segmented by preferences and profitability Transaction Database Customer Database Link employees and distribution partners to databases and customers Let customers check order history and delivery status Make loyal customers feel special with website personalization Give all employee a complete view of each customer Internet Build a Web Community of customers, employees, and partners Intranet Tunggal M.
BUSINESS ENVIRONEMENT (PRESSURE) Organizational Performance Response Electronic commerce Customer focus and service (CRM, self-service Strategic systems Business alliances Continuous improvement efforts (just-in-time, TQM),KM,ERP Information Technology Better data management On-demand made-to-order mass customization Intelligent data management Business process restructuring and management (BPM) Tunggal M.
Business Environment (Pressure) Terrorist attack and homeland security Global economy and strong competition Need for real-time operations Ethical issues Economic (Market) Social/Political/legal Changing workforce Organizational Performance Response Social responsibility Powerful Customers Compliance with government regulations and deregulation Technological innovations and obsolescence Information overload Technology Tunggal M.
Competitors The community Control Management Customers Feedback Government Agencies Information Systems Economic Resources Business Processes Goods and Services People Money Material Machines Land Facilities Energy\ Information Market, Develop, ,Produce, and Deliver Products, and Services Support Customers Other Processes Products Services Payments Contributions Information Other Effects Stockholders Suppliers Output Processing Input Financial Institutions Labor Unions Tunggal M.
Sebelumnya dibedakan antara Sistem-sistem informasi (SI) atau Information Systems (ISs) dengan Teknologi Informasi (TI atau Information Technology (IT) Berdasarkan konsep bahwa Informasi adalah setara dengan sumber-sumber serta dengan definisi tetang sistem informasi menurut Whitten cs. 2004. Menurut Turban cs., 2007, Data items refer to an elementary description of things, events, activities, and transaction that are recorded. Data items can be numeric, alphanumeric, figured, sounds, or images. Database consists of stored data items organized for retrieval. Information is data that have been organized so that they have meaning and value to the recipient. Knowledge consists of data and/or information that have been organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning, and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity. Tunggal M.
Electronic Business and Commerce 1990s – 2000s Internet-based e-business and e-commerce systems Web-enabled enterprise and global e-business operation and electronic commerce on the internet, intranet, extranet, and other networks Perkembangan peran beberapa aplikasi sistem-sistem informasi. Strategic and End Users Support: 1980s – 1990s End user computing systems Direct computing support for end user productivity and workgroup collaboration Executive information systems Critical information for top management Expert systems Knowledge-based expert advice for end users The Expanding Participation of End Users and Managers in IS The Expanding Roles of IS in Business and Management Strategic information systems Strategic products and services for competitive advantage Decision Support: 1970s – 1980s Decision Support: 1970s – 1980s Decision support systems Decision support systems Management reports of pr-specified information to support decision-making process Interactive ad hoc support of the managerial decision-making process Management Reporting: 1960s – 1970s Management information systems Management reports of pre specified information to support decision making Data Processing 1950s – 1960s Electronic data processing systems Transaction processing, record-keeping, and traditional accounting application Tunggal M.
Whitten at al.(2004),System Analysis & Design methods,6th ed, McGrawHill, New York, NY. Sistem Informasi (SI) suatu aransemen dari (1)orang, (2)data, (3) proses dan(4) teknologigi informasi (TI) yang berinterkasi (4.1) mengumpulkan, (4.2) pemproses, (4.4) menyimpan, dan (4.5) menyediakansebagai keluaran informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung suatu organisasi. Menurut Turban cs., 2007. An information system (IS) as one that collect, processes, store, analyzes, and disseminate data and information for a specific purpose. The composition of information systems is usully the same: each containts hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. Another possible component of an information system is one or more smaller information systems, Information systems that contain smaller systems are typical of large companies. Sehingga bila membicarakan suatu Sistem Informasi (SI), sekaligus harus membicarakan Teknologi Informasi (TI). Tunggal M.
Menurut ITMRA = The Information Technology(IT) Management Reform Act of 1996, USA, INFORMATION TECHNOLGY – (A) The term information technology, with respect to executive agency means any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment, that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information by the executive agency. For purpose of the preceding sentence, equipment is used by an executive agency if the equipment is used by executive agency directly or is used by a contractor under a contract with the executive agency that (i) requires the used of such equipment, or (ii) required the used, to a significant extent, of such equipment in the performance of a service or the furnishing of a product Tunggal M.
The purpose of the Information Technology (IT) management function within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is to establish accountability for IT management in the a Department of ….. and to implement an IT Investment Management process for selecting, controlling, and evaluating IT investment. The Clinger Cohen Act 1996 calls for executive branch agencies to designate a Chief Information Officer who has overall responsibility for this management function. Di Indonesia belum ada semacam UU atau PP yang mengharuskan adanya OCIO dalam suatu Departemen. Tunggal M.
(B) The term information technology includes computer, ancillary equipment, software, firmware and similar procedures services (including support services), and related resources. Ditambah keterangan lagi: “The term information technology does not include any equipment that acquired by Federal contractor incidental to a Federal contract.” INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM An IT system is the process and procedure that utilizes IT resources to store, process, retrieve or transmit data of information using IT hardware and software. Automatic Data Processing (ADP) IT resources whose primary is the storage, retrieval, and processing data will be considered ADP. All hardware, software. Or services (including support services) resources associated with computer will be considered ADP. For IT management purposes, local area network (LANs), including the desktop computer, will be considered ADP System Tunggal M.
Telecommunications IT resources whose primary purpose is the transfer of information will be considered TC (Telecommunications). All hardware, software, or services (including support services) resource associated with telephone, pagers, radios, television, facsimiles or electronic mail will be considered TC. IT Architecture Information Technology Architecture means an integrated framework for evolving or maintaining existing information technology and acquiring new information technology to achieve the agency’s strategic goals and information resources management goals Tunggal M.
IT MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY The basic philosophy of the ITMRA for the management of IT includes the following concepts: • Each of ICD (Institutes, Centers and Divisions) should establish effective and efficient capital planning processes for selecting, managing, and evaluating the results of all of its major investments in IT systems • The IT management process should be integrated with the processes for making budget, financial, and program management decisions within the ICD investment. • The process should provide identifying, for a proposed investment, quantifiable measure for determining the net benefits and risks of the investment • The process should provide for evaluation of the work process to determine the best for it to be performed and the best way for it to be performed before the process is automated. • The process should provide the means for senior management personnel of th ICD to obtain timely information regarding the progress of an investment in an information system, including a system of milestones for measuring progress, on an independently verifiable basis, in term of cost, capability of the system to meet specified requirements, timeliness, and quality. • The acquisition of commercial off the shelf (COTS) IT hardware and software should be handled in the same manner as furniture, supplies and other types of commodity equipment and materials. • The amount of management activity expended i\on IT should be commensurate with the size and complexity of the IT activities . Tunggal M.
Information System (IS) is arrangement of people data, processes, and Information Technology (IT) that interact to collect, process, store, and provide as output the information to support an organization. Information Technology (IT) is a contemporary term that describes the combination of Computer Technology(hardware and software) with Telecommunications Technology(data, image, and voice network) Tunggal M.
THE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (SDLC)a method of system development Project planning phase Analysis phase Design phase Implementation phase Support phase Tunggal M.
Ada isitlah “sistem” yang perlu menjadi perhatian. Blanchard at al., 1998 mengadopsi definisi sistem dari The Random House Dictionary of English Language sebagai berikut. A system is an assemblage or combination of elements or parts forming a complex or unitary whole, such as a river system; any assemblage or set of correlated members, such as a system currency; an order and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, or doctrines in a particular field of knowledge or thought, such as a system philosophy; a coordinated body of methods or scheme or plan of procedure, such as a system of organization and management; any regular or special method of plan of procedure, such as a system of marking, numbering, or measuring Ada siklus hidup sistem dari mulai munculnya konsep sampai dengan sistem itu pensiun atau obsolete. Tunggal M.
MATRIKS KERANGKAKERJA UNTUK REKAYASA SISTEM-SISTEM (siklus hidup suatu sistem) Steps of the the fine structure Sesuai dengan Logic Phase of the coarse structure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time Program planning 1. Problem definition Project planning 2. Value system design 3. System synthesis System development 4. System analysis Production/ Construction 5. Rank (optimize) alternatives Distribution/ dissemination 6. Decision making 7. Planning for action Operation & Maintenance Tunggal M. Retirement/Obsolete
Top Managers Information systems support of people in organization Strategic Systems Staff Support Management Systems Operational Systems Office Automation and Communication Systems INFORMATION INFRASTUCTURE AND TPs Knowledge workers Professional Middle Manafgers Line Managers, Operators Clerical Staff Tunggal M.
Networks Schematic view of the information architecture, which combines the functional areas the general support systems, and the infrastructure TPS MIS DSS AL EIS Personnel Harware FINANNCE ACCOUNTING MANUFACTURING MARKETING HRM Software Database The infrastructure Tunggal M.
General Types of information Architecture The information architecture model Strategic Managerial Human Resource Architecture User-Computing Architecture Decentralized Operatiopnal Systems Architecutre Computer Architecture Communication Architecture Data Architecture Centralized Business Architecture Tunggal M.
Managing Information resources The responsibility for the management of information resources is divided between two organizational entities: • the information systems department (ISD) and • the end users. Pertanyaan : Which Resources are Managed by Whom? Apa perannya ISD? Halaman 72 Turban cs. Tunggal M.
Business Intelligent Corporate Performance Management Executives – Strategic Decisions Intelligent Systems, DSS Business Intelligent Systems Staff Support – Knowledge Workers Business Intelligent, ADS, Intelligent Systems Functional Systems, MIS Middle Managers – Tactical Decisions Lower-level managers and Frontier employees - Operational Decisions ADS (intelligent Systems) Functional IS, MIS Marketing IS Human Resources IS Accounting IS Finance IS POM IS Office Automation Group, e Mail, Personal Productivity, Software Clerical Staff System Development IT Services TI Infrastructure Managing Security and Risk Data Management Portals Databases Wireless Communication Files Tunggal M. IT components Telecommunication and Networks Data warehouse Software Hardware
A Client/server architecturedivides networked computing units into two major catagories, clients and severs, all of wich are connected by local area networks and posibbly by private wide area networks. A client is a computer such as a PC or a workstation attached to a network, which used to access share network resource. A server is a machine that is attached to this same network and provides clients with these services. Servers are a database server that provides a large storage capacity and a communication server that provides connection to another network, to commercial databases, or to a powerful processor. In some client/server systems there are additional computing unit, referred to as middlewares. Other information Architecture: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Legacy Systems Tunggal M.
Information Systems Support of Business Operations Operation Support System Management Support Systems Support of Managerial Decision Making Specialized Processing systems Process Control Systems Management Information Systems Executive Support Systems Information Tailored for Executives Control of Industrial Processes Prespecified Reporting for Managers Transaction Processing Systems Enterprise Collaboration Systems Decision Support Systems Specialized Processing Systems Processing Business Transactions Team and Workgroup Collaboration Interactive Decision Support Functional Business Systems Strategic Information Systems Knowledge Management Systems Expert Systems Expert Advice to Decision Makers Support Competitive Advantage Support Basic Business Functions Tunggal M. Manage Organizational Knowledge
Projectis a planned undertaking that has a beginning and an end, and that produces a predetermined result or productPhaseis a division of SDLC where similar activities are performed Tunggal M.
Investigation Developing Information System Solutions (Changes) Maintain Analysis Implement Design Dengan asumsi sistem informasi sudah ada tetapi mungki tidak efektif lagi Tunggal M.
Menurut Barrett, Richard dalam “Building Values-Driven Organization”, [2006] sehubungan dengan manusia keberhasilan perubahan sistem-keseluruhan mempunyai tiga pra syarat. • Para pimpinan kelompok seyogyanya menjalankan proses perubahan; mereka perlu punya komitmen, dan menjadi contoh-contoh dalam hal visi, misi, nilai-nilai dan perilaku – harus “Walk the talk” -. Perubahan bermula dengan transformasi personal kepemimpinan kelompok. • Visi, misi dan nilai-nilai termasuk perilaku pendukungnya seyogyanya berpengaruh terhadap semua pembuat-keputusan. Nilai-nilai dan perilaku seyogyanya mereflaksikan setiap aspek struktur, sistem-sistem dan proses-proses kelompok. Setiap aspek tentang apa yang dilaksanakan perlu sejalan dengan visi, misi, nilai-nilai dan perilaku. • Mempertahankan kinerja tinggi, budaya seyogyanya teramati secara komprehensip melalui pengukuran individu dan kolektif dari indikator kinerja “kausal” (nilai dan perilaku). Sebaiknya tidak diperlukan “early-warning system” yang mengukur entropi kultural atau suatu pnurunan ketahanan kultural. Tunggal M.
Administrative Coordination and Support Services Collaborative Workflow Intranet Salah satu contoh tentang “the value chain of a firm” dalam kaitannya dengan “competitive advantage”. Human Resources Management Support Processes Employee Benefit Intranet Technology Development Product Development Extranet with Partners Procurement of Resources E-Commerce Web Portals for Suppliers Competitive Advantage Inbound Logistics Outbound Logistics Marketing and Sales Operations Customer Service Primary Business Processes Customer Relationship Management Online Port-of-State and Order Processing Automated Just-in-time Warehaus-ing Computer-Aided Flexible Manufac-turing Targeted Marketing Tunggal M.
The components of an information system People Resources End Users and IS Specialists Software Resources Programs and Procedures System Activities Control of Systems Performance Input Of Data Resources Processing Data Into Information Output Of Information Products Data Resources Hardware Resources Machines and Media Data and Knowledge Bases Storage of Data Resources Network Resources Tunggal M. Communication Media and Network Support
Bilamana • Organisasi baru • Sistem informasi sudah obsolete • Sistem informasi tanpa teknologi informasi • Lembaga/organisasi hasil merger • Lembaga/organisasi yang melepaskan diri • Sistem informasi belum ada • ??? Perlu melaksanakan desain sistem informasi baru yang lengkap Dimulai dengan perencanaan (planning) Tunggal M.
Planning phaseis the initial phase of the SDLC whose objective is to identify the scope of the new system and plan the projectAnalysis phaseis one phase of the SDLC whose objective is to understand the user needs and develop requirements Tunggal M.
Problem domainis the area of the user’s business for which a system is being developedDesign phaseis the phase of the SDLC where the system and programs are designed Tunggal M.
Applicationis the portion of the new information system that satisfies the user’s needs in the problem domainImplementation phaseisthe phase of the SDLC where the new system is programmed and installed Tunggal M.
Support phaseis the phase of the SDLC that occurs after the system is installedHelp deskis the availability of support staff to help user with any technical or processing problem associated with an information system Tunggal M.
Five activities in the project planning • Define the problem • Produce the project schedule • Confirm project feasibility • Staff the project • Launch the project Tunggal M.
Seven major activities must be done during the design phase • Design and integrate the network • Design the application architecture • Design the user interfaces • Design the system interfaces • Design and integrate the data base or Data Ware Housing 6. Prototype of design details 7. Design and integrate the system controls Tunggal M.
Five major activities make upthe implementation phase • Construct software components • Verify and test • Convert data • Train users and document the system • Installed the system Tunggal M.
Three major activities occurs during the support phase • Maintain the system • Enhance the system • Support the users Tunggal M.
PROJECT MANAGEMENTIS ORGANIZING AND DIRECTING OF OTHER PEOPLE TO ACHIEVE A PLANNED RESULT WITHIN A PREDETERMINED SCHEDULE AND BUDGET SOME PRIMARY REASONSWHY PROJECT FAIL, OR ARE ONLY PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: • Incomplete or changing system requirements • Limited user involvement • Lack of technical support • Poor project planning • Unclear objectives • Lack of required resources Tunggal M.
Some reasons why projects succeed • Clear system requirement definitions • Substantial user involevment • Support from upper management • Thorough and detailed project plans • Realistic work schedule and milestones Tunggal M.
ORGANISASI • Sekumpulan orang-orang yang mempunyai tujuan bersama Dapat legal dan “beridirinya” berdasarkan • (1) akta notaris atau suatu badan yang berwenang – lembaga-lembaga swasta, koperasi – • (2) Surat Keputusan Kepala Suatu Lembanga Negara – unit-unit lem-baga pemerintah – • (3) Peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku bagi organisasi masa dan partai politik • (4) Kesepakatan bersama, seperti perkumpulan arisan, paguyuban Dapat tidak legal ….??? Tunggal M.
Dalamsurat keputusan yang resmitentang suatu organisasi yang legal, misalnya akta notaris suatu Perseroan Terbatas, misalnya ITB BHMN, dsb. di AD dan ART terungkap tentang • Tujuan mendirikan organisasi • Visi dan Misi organisasi Tunggal M.
Organisasi ???? Dari Akta Notaris atau SK TERDAPAT AD/ART Anggaran Dasar Tugas dan Fungsi mengandung visi dan misi Biasanya berakhir dengan Escape closure sehubungan adanya “keterbtasan” Anggaran Rumah Tangga Struktur Organisasi (pembagian wewenang/tanggungjawab setiap unit organ) Tatatertib Tunggal M.
Sitem-sistem informasi muncul dalam bermacam-macam bentuk dan ukuran, dan nama yang saling terkait menjadi suatu “tenunan” dalam sistem-sistem bisinis yang didukungnya. Kadang-kadang sukar membedakan antara sistem-sistem bisinis dan sistem-sistem informasi yang mendukungnya. Tunggal M.