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Facing with giants – Struggling with mediaprostitution

Facing with giants – Struggling with mediaprostitution. How can the unprotected protect themselves ?. Th e goals of the three- month long program me. Speaking about the danger Giving tools to the residents of children’s homes , so they can recognize the danger

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Facing with giants – Struggling with mediaprostitution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Facing with giants – Struggling with mediaprostitution How can the unprotected protectthemselves?

  2. The goals of the three- month long programme • Speaking about the danger • Giving tools to the residents of children’shomes, so they can recognize the danger • Giving tools to the childrenlivinginchildren’shomes, so they can effectively protect themselves. • Teaching how to warn their friends

  3. The detailed program • Twothree- day longcampsinMátészalka and TiszadobinAugustfrom12to19 • Two weekends with the youth leaders where they organize the autumn camp and they also get a know-how how to teach what they havelearnt. • A three-daylong autumn camp in Budapest, where the youth leaders pass their knowledge to other residents of children’shomes

  4. Who are these children and why is this programme exactly for them? There are many reasons why a child can be in a children’s home. Thesereasonscould be abusive parents, or aggressive background, truancy from school or the death of the parents. Many times the children’s livesarenot easy before getting into the children’s home.They all suffer and have their deep pain. They either have a family or they don’t, either have relationship with them or they don’t even know them. The experiences of the last couple of years haveshown us, that these children are extremely endangered in the topic of prostitution. That’s why we havealready organized some camps about sex and prostitution. In this year we would like to enter a tight area because we see that the social media (facebook) is a new area where they arebecoming more defenseless.

  5. The children’s homes: • Mátészalka: first three- daycamp takes place here • Tiszadob: second three- day camp takes place here Other children’s homes from: Baktalórántháza, Berkesz, Nyírszőlős, Nyírbátor – all from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County which is consideredto be an underdevelopedregion of Hungary

  6. The professionals who hold the programmes • Nameless Roads Foundation: the staff of the foundation have been working in the streets with prositutes for ten years. They have beenrunning a shelter for two years where they work with the victims of human trafficking. • KUL Foundation: the foundation havebeenworking with children livinginchildren’shomessince 2007. Involving volunteers we organize clubs, programmes, camps, festivals. In these years wehave reached more than 800 youngsters.

  7. The costs of the three- monthlong programme • Twothree-daylong campsinMátészalka and Tiszadob: 1800 Euros- includes: accomodation, food, travel and the payment of the professionals • Two weekends in September and October: 330 Euros – includes: accomodation, food, travel • A three- daylong camp in Budapest: 2200 Euros – includes: accomodation, food, travel and some extra programmes in Budapest • A staff member, who organizes the camps, the volunteers etc. (20 hours/per week from AugusttoOctober): 700 Euros • Total: 5030Euros for the 3 months

  8. Thank you for your attention, we hope that our programme got your attention! KUL Foundation (www.kulalapitvany.hu) Account number: HU 20 1091 8001 0000 0042 8548 0009 More information: Judit Apáthy – apathyjudit@gmail.com

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