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Application Specific Module

Application Specific Module. Tutorial Akos Balasko 02/07/2012. Outline. Technical Session: Sample web-interface (JSP) Implement event-handler class Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE Adjusting as a new component in gUSE. Overview. Sample application:. Input file(inputval.txt). Output

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Application Specific Module

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  1. Application Specific Module Tutorial Akos Balasko 02/07/2012

  2. Outline • Technical Session: • Sample web-interface (JSP) • Implement event-handler class • Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE • Adjusting as a new component in gUSE

  3. Overview • Sample application: Input file(inputval.txt) Output (internal file name: outputval.txt) Command-line Shell-script: Read and count numbers from input file and command line

  4. Overview Button to create new Query Date of creation Status Action Buttons List of created queriesEachrow is identified by the application id

  5. Information Transfer: ServerClient SERVER CODE publicvoiddoView(RenderRequestreq, RenderResponse res) throwsPortletException { ArrayList<String> developers= newArrayList<String>(); developers.add(„10168"); developers.add(„10169"); req.setAttribute(„developers",developers); PortletRequestDispatcherdispatcher; dispatcher= getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(nextJSP); dispatcher.include(req, res); } CLIENT CODE <selectid=„devs" name=„devs"> <c:forEach var=„dev„ items="${developers}"> <option> ${dev} </option> </c:forEach> </select> (developers=[„10168” ; „10169”] ) CLIENT BROWSER

  6. Information Transfer : ClientServer CLIENT BROWSER • CLIENT CODE • <portlet:actionURL var="pURL" portletMode="VIEW" /> • <form id="confform" method="post" action="${pURL}"> • <input type="hidden" name="action" id="action„ value="doHandleEvent"> • <select id=„devs" name=„devs"> • <c:forEach var=„dev" items="${developers}"> • <option> • ${dev} • </option> • </c:forEach> • </select> • <input type="submit" value="List Workflows from repository„ class="portlet-form-button"> • </form> (action=„doHandleEvent; devs=„10168”) SERVER CODE publicvoidprocessAction(ActionRequestrequest, ActionResponseresponse)throwsPortletException { Stringaction = ""; if ((request.getParameter("action") != null) && (!request.getParameter("action").equals(""))) { action = request.getParameter("action"); } if (action != null) { Methodmethod= this.getClass().getMethod(action, newClass[]{ActionRequest.class, ActionResponse.class}); method.invoke(this, newObject[]{request, response}); } CalldoHandleEvent

  7. Informationtransfer: ActionHandler Rendering CalldoHandleEvent ACTION HANDLER publicvoiddoHandleEvent(ActionRequestrequest, ActionResponseresponse)throwsPortletException { Stringselected_dev= request.getParameter(„devs"); //(selected_dev = 10168) response.setRenderParameter(„goahead", selected_dev); } (goahead=„10168”) RENDER (DOVIEW) public void doView(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res) throws PortletException { if (req.getParameter(„goahead") != null) { String devid = req.getParameter(„goahead"); }

  8. Create JSP file <%@ tagliburi="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %> <%@ tagliburi="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %> <portlet:resourceURL var="resURL" /> <portlet:renderURL var="rURL" /> <portlet:actionURL var="uploadURL" /> <portlet:resourceURL var="ajaxURL" /> <script> <portlet:defineObjects/>  <portlet:actionURL var="pURL" portletMode="VIEW" />

  9. Howtomake JSR-286 compliantportletfrom a class? • ExtenditfromGenericPortletclass • CreateprocessActionmethod • CreatedoViewmethod • CreateeventhandlermethodswithActionRequest and ActionResponseparameters

  10. 1. Extend it from GenericPortlet class • Open MyFirstASMInterface.java for editing and extend it from GenericPortlet class: • public class MyFirstASMInterface extends GenericPortlet { • }

  11. 2. Create ProcessAction method • public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException { • String action = ""; • // Checking if the call contains multipart content • boolean isMultipart = PortletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); • if (!isMultipart) { • // if not, it's a simple calling, let's get the name of the function from „action” parameter and check the reference of it • if ((request.getParameter("action") != null) && (!request.getParameter("action").equals(""))) { • action = request.getParameter("action"); • } • if (action != null) { • try { • // it's not null, invoke this function from the event-handler class and handle the possible exceptions • Method method = this.getClass().getMethod(action, new Class[]{ActionRequest.class, ActionResponse.class}); • method.invoke(this, new Object[]{request, response}); • } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { • System.out.println("-----------------------No such method"); • } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { • System.out.println("----------------------Illegal access"); • } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { • System.out.println("-------------------Invocation target Exception"); • e.printStackTrace(); • } • } • } else { • // it contains multipart content, call the upload function and handle the next steps there • doUpload(request, response); • } • }

  12. 3.Create doView method publicvoiddoView(RenderRequestreq, RenderResponse res) throwsPortletException { try { StringnextJSP = (String) req.getParameter("nextJSP"); if (nextJSP == null){ nextJSP = DISPLAY_PAGE; } // generatingthe JSP page PortletRequestDispatcherdispatcher; dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(nextJSP); dispatcher.include(req, res); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ASM_SamplePortlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,ex); }

  13. First step to connect to gUSE privateString DISPLAY_PAGE = "/jsp/asm_sample/asmsample.jsp"; ASMServiceasm_service = null; publicMyFirstASMInterface() { asm_service = ASMService.getInstance(); }

  14. Browser Create new application Clientcode • <table width="100%"> • <tr> • <td align="center"> • <form id="importform" method="post" action="${pURL}" > • <input type="hidden" name="action" id="action" value="doCreateNewWorkflow"> • <input type="submit" value="Crete new Counter Query" class="portlet-form-button"> • </form> • </td> • </tr> • </table> Eventhandlercode public void doCreateNewWorkflow(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException { try { String userId = request.getRemoteUser(); // getting workflows for All workflow developers Vector<String> developers = asm_service.getWorkflowDevelopers(RepositoryItemTypeConstants.Application); Vector<ASMRepositoryItemBean> workflows = new Vector<ASMRepositoryItemBean>(); for (String dev: developers){ workflows.addAll(asm_service.getWorkflowsFromRepository(dev, RepositoryItemTypeConstants.Application)); } …..

  15. Create new application • …. • // Getting the current workflow exported by the workflow developer • …. • ….latestWorkflow =w.getId().toString(); • …. • Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); • SimpleDateFormatudf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); • String workflowName = WorkflowPrefix + "_"+ udf.format(cal.getTime()); • asm_service.ImportWorkflow(userId,workflowName, workflowDeveloper, RepositoryItemTypeConstants.Application, latestWorkflow); • } catch (Exception ex) { • ex.printStackTrace(); • } • } Eventhandlercode

  16. Browser Create a table for the workflows to be listed Clientcode • <c:if test="${fn:length(asm_instances) gt 0}"> • <table width="100%" border="1"> • <tr> • <td align="center"> • <strong><i>Query Creation Date And Time</i></strong> • </td> • <td align="center"> • <strong><i>Status</i></strong> • </td> • <td colspan="4" align="center"> • <strong><i>Actions</i></strong> • </td> • </tr>

  17. Browser Iterate through the workflows,get name and status • <c:forEach var="workflows" items="${asm_instances}"> • <tr> • <td align="center"> • <c:set var="datetime" value=" ${fn:split(workflows.workflowName,'_')[1]}"/> • ${fn:split(datetime,"-")[0]}/${fn:split(datetime,"-")[1]}/${fn:split(datetime,"-")[2]} • at • ${fn:split(datetime,"-")[3]}:${fn:split(datetime,"-")[4]}:${fn:split(datetime,"-")[5]} • </td> • <td bgcolor="${workflows.statusbean.color}"> • ${workflows.statusbean.status} • </td> • ….. • </tr> • </c:forEach> • </table> • </c:if> • <hr/> Clientcode

  18. Browser Iterate through the workflows,get name and status • public void doView(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res) throws PortletException { • try { • String userID = req.getRemoteUser(); • try { • req.setAttribute("asm_instances", asm_service.getASMWorkflows(userID)); • } catch (Exception e) { • e.printStackTrace(); • // not found notify file • } • ….. Eventhandler code

  19. Show imported applications 1/2 • doView method : • … • // passing arguments back, list of workflow that are already imported using getASMWorkflows(String userID) method • req.setAttribute("asm_instances", asm_service.getASMWorkflows(userID)); • It returns : List< > , where ASMWorkflow is

  20. Set inputs and Submit Browser • <td align="center"> • <input type="button" value="Start" onclick="jQuery.facebox({ div: '#div_settings_${workflows.workflowName}' });"> • </td> • … • <c:forEach var="inst" items="${asm_instances}"> • <div style="display:none" id="div_settings_${inst.workflowName}"> • <form method="post" action="${pURL}" > • <table> • <tr><td>Type the first number:</td><td> <input type="text" id="input_numb" name="input_numb" value=""/></td> • </tr> • <tr><td>Type the second number:</td><td> <input type="text" id="command_line" name="command_line" value=""/></td> • </tr> • </table> • <input type="hidden" id="user_selected_instance" name="user_selected_instance" value="${inst.workflowName}"/> • <br> • <input type="hidden" name="action" id="action" value="doSubmit"> • <br> • <input type="submit" value="Set Parameters" class="portlet-form-button"> • </form> • </div> • </c:forEach> Clientcode

  21. Set inputs and Submit • public void doSubmit(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException { • try { • String userID = (String) request.getRemoteUser(); • String selected_wf = request.getParameter("user_selected_instance"); • String input_numb = request.getParameter("input_numb"); • String actual_command_line = request.getParameter("command_line"); • asm_service.setCommandLineArg(userID, selected_wf, "add", actual_command_line); • try{ • asm_service.setInputText(userID, input_numb ,selected_wf, "add", "0"); • }catch(Exception ex){ • Logger.getLogger(ASM_SimplePortlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); • } • asm_service.submit(userID, selected_wf); • } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { • Logger.getLogger(ASM_SimplePortlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); • } catch (InstantiationException ex) { • Logger.getLogger(ASM_SimplePortlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); • } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { • Logger.getLogger(ASM_SimplePortlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); • } • } Eventhandlercode

  22. Browser Download method Clientcode • <td align="center"> • <form method="post" action="${resURL}"> • <input type="hidden" id="download_${workflows.workflowName}" name="download_${workflows.workflowName}"/> • <input type="submit" value="Download" class="portlet-form-button"> • </form> • </td> Eventhandlercode @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { String userID = request.getRemoteUser(); Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames(); String selected_wf = ""; while(paramNames.hasMoreElements()){ String act_param = (String)paramNames.nextElement(); if (act_param.startsWith("download_")){ selected_wf = act_param.substring(9); } }

  23. Download method • try { • response.setContentType("application/zip"); • response.setProperty("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\"" + selected_wf + "_enduser_outputs.zip\""); • asm_service.getFileStream(userID, selected_wf, "add", "outputval.txt", response); • } catch (Exception e) { • e.printStackTrace(); • } • } Eventhandlercode

  24. Browser Delete method Clientcode • <td align="center"> • <div id="div_delete"> • <form method="post" action="${pURL}" > • <input type="hidden" id="user_selected_instance" name="user_selected_instance" value="${workflows.workflowName}"/> • <input type="hidden" name="action" id="action" value="doDelete"> • <input type="submit" value="Delete " class="portlet-form-button"> • </form> • </div> • </td> Eventhandlercode public void doDelete(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException { String userID = (String) request.getRemoteUser(); String selected_wf = request.getParameter("user_selected_instance"); asm_service.DeleteWorkflow(userID, selected_wf); }

  25. Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE • And set it as a new component in gUSE

  26. Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE Signinas a userwithadminroles (defaultusername is : test@liferay.com, password is : test )

  27. Deploy it to Liferay-based gUSE • Navigate to Plugin Installer panel by clicking Manage -> Control Panel, and by selecting Plugins Installation from the menu in the left hand-side, finally clicking install More Portlets button and upload File link.

  28. Adjusting it as a new component (just once) • As admin, please go to Settings menu and select Internal Services

  29. Adjusting it as a new component (just once) • Click to New button and set the followings: • Type of Component: portal • Service group: gUSE • URL of Component: http://localhost:8080/MyFirstASMInterface • URL to initialize Component: http://localhost:8080/MyFirstASMInterface/init • Public URL of Component: http://localhost:8080/MyFirstASMInterface • State: active • Then click to Save button!

  30. Adjusting it as a new component (just once) • Click to copy component Properties tab • Set http://localhost:8080/wspgrade as Source component and http://localhost:8080/MyFirstASMInterface as Destination one, then click to copy

  31. Adjusting it as a new component • Finally initialize the whole portal again by calling http://localhost:8080/information/init.jsp • (in some cases portal restart required.)

  32. Creating new menuitem for it (just once)

  33. Adding the portlet under this menu (just once) • Click to „Add” and select „more”The newly developed portlet should be available under undefined group. • Finally click to „add” in the row of the portlet

  34. Thank you for your attention! • Questions?

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