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SELECT COMMITTEE PRESENTATION By SACE On 17 JUNE 2015 @ CAPE TOWN. SYNOPSIS. SACE: Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Collaboration and Outreach. 2016 BUDGET ALLOCATION. SYNOPSIS. FINANCE AND ADMIN
SYNOPSIS SACE: Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Collaboration and Outreach
SYNOPSIS • FINANCE AND ADMIN • R10 per educator per month levies, Registration fees and Department (DBE) grant for R9m per annum guaranteed till 2017/18 years (approx.) revenue of R60m p.a. • DBE funding to be negotiated for minimising period and top-ups. • Projected levy increase of 50% in 5 year term. • SACE premises purchased (R60m) and two Provincial offices have been established (KZN & FREE STATE). • SACE current staff complement (100 approx.) Resource persons (100 approx.). • PDE’s and SACE collaboration on payment of levies and fines. Prognosis: SACE project sustainable at an enhanced level for the five year period 2015/16 to 2019/20.
SYNOPSIS CONT.. • REGISTRATION: • Certificates within 7 working days of office receiving applications; • At least 80% of all applications to be finalized annually; • All educators to be vetted and all qualifications verified in the 5 year period; • Validation, categorization of register to be completed; • SACE and PEDs collaborate on registration status and standing of educators (current and new).
SYNOPSIS CONT.. • ETHICS: • All complaints to be processed within a three month cycle; • At least 80% of all complaints to be finalized annually; • SACE code and procedures to be updated annually; • Intensive Outreach to reduce breaches of Code; • SACE and PDE’s exchange information regularly on complaints received, processes and outcomes.
SYNOPSIS CONT.. • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: • All educators to be participating in Continuing Professional Development activities by end of five year period; • At least 80% of approval and endorsement requests processed within 3 months; • Professional standards, induction methodology and designations to be established and operationalized within the five year period; • SACE’s research agenda to be broadened to complement national efforts re educational and professional matters; • SACE and DBE’s to collaborate re: • Needs determination; • Appropriate provisioning; • Information sharing; • Advocacy; • Orientation; and • Monitoring of uptake, provisioning and impact.
SYNOPSIS CONT.. • OUTREACH: • SACE call centre and assistance facility operational; • Regular meetings with National and Provincial Stakeholders; • Electronic facilities viz Facebook, twitter, e-mails and telephone for communication purposes functional; • Regular publications and updates on Website affected; • Electronic and print media interactions facilitated; • SACE addresses conference, imbizos and seminars; • International profile: • Member of the International Forum of Teacher Regulatory Authorities (IFTRA) and; • CEO is President of the African Forum for Teacher Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA). 6. CONCLUSION SACE has now matured to deliver its Mandates at full stream for the next five year period. R. BRIJRAJ (CEO – JUNE 2015)
1.1.2 NOTES Main source of funding at R10 per month per educator; The Council will consider an increase of member subscription over the MTEF by 50% to counter the effect of inflation and to increase its delivery levels at provincial levels; Council receives funds from DBE to subsidize the administration of The Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) System . Since written commitment for the subsidy amount has been received, budget will be adjusted. Registration fees remain at R400 for Foreigners, R200 for South Africans and R50 for renewals. Reduction of interest income in line with reduced bank balance due to purchase of own building.
NOTES CONT/ The purchase process of own building has been concluded and registration of the property will be concluded soon; The funds which were directed to the building are now directed towards the improvement of mandatory functions; The increase in subscription over the MTEF will assist the Council to improve delivery levels of Mandatory functions; The Department has made a commitment to fund the CPTD System for R8.9m for 2015/16 and escalated by 5% per annum for the next three years; A reserve fund is planned towards the establishment of provincial offices over the MTEF period.
1.2.2 NOTES The council has decided to direct the projected surplus towards the expansion of its provincial presence starting with the Free State and KZN provinces in this financial year; The current provincial budget is included in the summation budget above; The Council is renting existing space , hence operational budget line items indicate furniture and computers only; Council will not pay rent from July onwards as we will own the building; All mandatory functions will be delivered at Provincial points; The provincial offices will start operating as of the 1st July 2015; The Council projects to have established all 8 Provincial Offices within the MTEF period; and There will be no other office in Gauteng since the Head Office will serve the purpose.
REGISTRATION CONT/ Programme performance indicators and Annual Targets for 2015/16
REGISTRATION CONT/ Quarterly targets for 2015/16
REGISTRATION CONT/ In the 2015/16 Financial year we are expecting to register 20 000new educators ; The 20 000 is targeting all educators who will be registering for the first time e.g. (current educators on the system not registered, final students who have graduated); 60% of those we anticipate to register will fall within the provisional register;(the 60% is comprised of 2nd year BED student, educators employed without a formal teaching qualification) 2% will be for Foreign educators; And update 30 000 provisional registrations; The provisional Registration consists of Conditional status and Foreign educators; All Conditional registered educators are given a 5 year registration status so as to allow them to study further; All Foreign Educators are also given up to a maximum of 5 years or the expiry date on their work permits.
REGISTRATION CONT/ (VETTING) The Council will vet all applications and verify qualifications of all applicants (including those already in the register). This process will be done in partnership with SAQA and Higher Education Institutions. Educators’ names will also be vetted against the Child Protection Register and Sexual Offenders Register. For the current year SACE will be vetting all the 20 000 new applicants, and verifying their qualifications and those of the 30 000 updating their registration status. SACE is working with Provincial Departments to ensure that : - All practising educators are registered and are of good standing; - Doubtful registrations are verified, and - All de-registered teachers are removed from the system and also prevented from being employed in governing body posts and independent schools.
ETHICS CONT/ Programme performance indicators and Annual Targets 2015/16
ETHICS CONT/ Quarterly targets for 2015/16
ETHICS CONT/ The main function of this division is to promote ethical conduct amongst educators through the development and adherence to the SACE Code of Ethics. SACE facilitates interventions and supports schools and stakeholders on Ethical matters. In the 2015/16 year SACE will be apprising 15 000 stakeholders on the Professional Code of Ethics. SACE and the DBE have developed a programme where they will be sharing practical and relevant information for Teachers Learners and parentsto advocate professionalism. There will be more emphasis given to this indicator this year, so as to minimise violations of the code. SACE expects to receive 720 complaints in this financial year. Council will be training more panelists,investigators,prosecutors and presiding officers to assist in finalising 80% of the complaints received by the end of the year. Council will also employ two full-time investigators and a legal clerk.
ETHICS CONT/ MOU’s are being developed between SACE and PDE’s so as to streamline our work and to ensure efficiency. SACE and PDE’s work together to exchange details of complaints received, processes and outcomes. All names that are struck off the roll are forwarded to the Department of Social Development so as to update the Child Protection Register. All Employers/ School’s SGB’s can access the list of struck off Educators by contacting SACE.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC GOALS PROGRAMME: Continuing Professional Development (CPTD) System STRATEGIC GOAL NO.2: Improved participation in continuing professional development that contributes to quality teaching and learning STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: To promote career-long quality continuing professional development for all school-based educators FIVE YEAR TARGET: 85% of the signed-up educators participate in the CPTD Management System Links: DBE’s Output no.1 in the Framework of Delivery Agreement Outputs and MSTF Sub-Outputs, ISPFTED, NPFTED, NDP
PROVIDER APPROVAL • Quality Assurance Terms • Approval of Providers, and • Endorsement of PD Activities / Programmes • Providers in this context refers to: • Employers (9 x Provincial DoEs, SGBs, Independent Schools, and others), • Other Government Departments, • Higher Education Institutions, • Private Providers • NGOs / CBOs / FBOs, • Teacher Unions, • SGBs and SGB Associations • Independent Schools Boards / Groups / Associations • Professional Associations, and • Others
PROVIDER APPROVAL • Approval is a decision by SACE that a provider meets its criteria and is fit to offer quality PD activities • All providers must apply for SACE approval when they submit activities for endorsement • Only “SACE Approved Providers” may provide SACE endorsed PD activities
ENDORSEMENT OF PD ACTIVITIES • Endorsement is a term introduced by the NPFTED alongside the introduction of the CPTD system • Endorsement includes a process of examining the quality of an activity with respect to how it contributes to the professional development of the teacher • A process of evaluating and approving professional development activities against a set of criteria and coming up with an endorsement decision • Quality Councils – Accreditation and SACE - Endorsement • Evaluation – By Evaluators • Endorsement – By Endorsement Sub-Committee • Final Approval / Ratification – Council through PRODCO (Professional Development Committee)
ENDORSEMENT CRITERIA • Fitness of Purpose (Relevance and Appropriateness) • Fitness for Purpose • Quality • Teaching Method • Learning and Teaching Support Material • Assessment • Learner Support • Monitoring and Feedback
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC GOALS – CPTD System Next 5 Years PROVIDERS Increase the number of quality SACE Approved professional development providers by 1250 over five years spread across the 9 provinces Increase the number of quality and fit for purpose SACE Endorsed professional development activities / programmes by 2800 over five years across the 9 provinces Monitoring and evaluating the quality of professional development provisioning by the SACE Approved Providers TEACHERS • Sign-up and Orientation of 310 000 PL1 teachers and prospective teachers divided as follows: • 110 000 secondary and combined school teachers in 2015/16 financial year • 200 000 primary and special education needs teachers, therapists and psychologists in 2016/17 financial year • 31 500 final year student teachers over five years • Increase teachers’ participation in and reporting of the three types of Professional Development Activities / Programmes by 85% in 2020. • Monitoring and evaluating professional development uptake by teachers and producing periodic reports to inform the Minister and the profession as a whole
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – CPTD SYSTEM 2015/16 Programme 1: Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) System Purpose of the Programme: The programme is responsible for managing and promoting the continuing professional development of teachers: • Programme is being phased-in in terms of orientating and signing up teachers to participate in the CPTD management system and earn 150 points in 3 year cycles; • Approval of service providers ; • Endorsement of PD programmes that are presented to teachers; and • Monitoring and Supporting Professional Development uptake.
THIRD COHORT ORIENTATION AND SIGN-UPS The third cohort will be split into two years due to the current funding , PEDs performance trends, capacity and numbers: • Secondary and combined school Teachers • Final Year Student Teachers studying BED and PGCE (face-to-face, distance, learner ship) • Three Year Cycle (2016 – 2018) January – December 2015 • Primary School Teachers • Special Education Needs School Teachers • Final Year Student Teachers • Therapists and Psychologists employed as educators in terms of the EEA of 1998 • Three Year Cycle (2017 – 2019) January – December 2016
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC GOALS / OBJECTIVES PROGRAMME 2: Professional Standards (New Programme) STRATEGIC GOAL : Enhanced teacher professionalization STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: To enhance teacher preparation and professional practice. FIVE YEAR TARGET: 70% of the educators practice in line with the approved professional standards Links: DBE – standard for principal ship and Induction, DHET’s MRTEQ, SAQA, Commonwealth Professional Standards Setting Document, NQF Act.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC GOALS – Professional Standards Next 5 Years SACE RECOGNITION AND PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATION Approved Research Report on teacher professional designations and implementation plans. SACE awarded Recognition Status by SAQA. Teacher Professional Designations registered on the NQF. 50% - 70% of newly qualified teachers are awarded professional designations subsequent to induction by the employers over a period of 3 years. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS • Conceptualisation and Approved Research Report on the professional standards and implementation plan • Standards for IPET are set and approved. • Standards for CPTD are set and approved. • 50% of the teachers practising in line with the professional standards.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS 2015/16 Programme 2: Professional Standards Purpose of the Programme: Working collaboratively with stakeholders and partners in setting, upholding and monitoring professional standards on: • Entry into the teaching profession from admission into IPET to full registration with SACE • IPET and CPTD programme content • professional practice • Coupled with this is recognition of SACE by SAQA as a professional body, development of the professional designations for teachers, linkages with induction by employers and full professional registration status.
NOTES FOR PROGRAMME 2 Programme 2 is completely new to SACE
RESEARCH STRATEGIC GOALS / OBJECTIVES PROGRAMME 3: Policy and Research STRATEGIC GOAL NO : Improved research production to advise and inform the teaching profession. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: To influence national policy and initiatives through evidence-based research and advice. FIVE YEAR TARGET: Links: 60% of the produced research is utilised to inform policy and advice the Minister, Council and the teaching profession