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Teaching Module . Creating Well-Rounded Assessment Plans for Virtual Instruction. Teaching Module Objectives. Teachers will… Know and understand Standards G and H from the iNACOL National Standards for Online Teaching ( iNACOL , 2011 ).
Teaching Module Creating Well-Rounded Assessment Plans for Virtual Instruction
Teaching Module Objectives • Teachers will… • Know and understand Standards G and H from the iNACOL National Standards for Online Teaching (iNACOL, 2011). • Know and understand standards F-I in the SREB Standards for Quality Online Teaching (Glowa, 2009). • All standards in these sections of these document pertain to developing a student assessment plan.
Teaching Module Objectives • Teachers will… • Begin with the end in mind by examining current LA Standards/GLE’s and Common Core Standards. • Identify key features of assessment plans for online courses. • Identify key features of K-12 assessment plans: • Formative vs. summative assessments • Differentiated assessments • Assessment validity and reliability
Teaching Module Objectives • Teachers will… • Develop a draft of an assessment plan for their assigned course(s) that meets the guidelines presented in this module.
I. Begin with the end in mind… • Visit the following websites: • http://www.inacol.org/research/nationalstandards/iNACOL_TeachingStandardsv2.pdf • Review standards G and H with regard to student assessments. • http://publications.sreb.org/2009/09T01_Guide_profdev_online_teach.pdf • Review standards F through I with regard to students assessments
I. Begin with the end in mind… (cont.) • Watch an overview of Common Core Standards and PARCC Assessments by watching 2 video overviews of them. • https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/common-core-state-standards-middle-school • https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/common-core-state-standards-high-school • Visit the LA Department of Education site specific to the standards for your course. • http://www.doe.state.la.us/topics/gle.html
I. Begin with the end in mind… (cont.) • Having reviewed the teaching standards online teachers must reach, and given the learning standards your students must reach, generate a discussion board post summarizing these “ends in mind.” • Where must you as a teacher go with regard to developing an assessment plan? • What goals must your students reach within the context of your course?
II. Online Assessment Overview • Read the article “Online Assessment Techniques” (Robles & Braathen, 2002). • http://www.acousticslab.org/dots_sample/module2/RoblesAndBraathen2002.pdf • Visit the Teacher Vision Assessment page and peruse the various links to articles regarding assessment. http://www.teachervision.fen.com/assessment/resource/5815.html
II. Online Assessment Overview (cont.) • Visit Kathy Schrock’s site to Assessment and Rubrics: http://www.schrockguide.net/assessment-and-rubrics.html • Review all links on both websites.
II. Online Assessment Overview (cont.) • Create a PowerpointPresentation with the following information: • Outline key features of assessment plans in general • Use the information reviewed on the websites. • Outline key features of online assessment plans specifically.
III. Types of Assessment • Formative vs. Summative Assessments • Read article on use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom (Garrison & Ehringhaus, 2007): http://ccti.colfinder.org/sites/default/files/guyana/resources/TL/TL%20M02U03%20docs/Formative%20and%20Summative%20Assessment%20in%20the%20Classroom.pdf • Formative Assessment • Read article on formative assessment (Boston, 2002): http://www.vtaide.com/png/ERIC/Formative-Assessment.htm
III. Types of Assessment (cont.) • After reading the 2 articles, develop a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the 2 types of assessment. • Generate lists of possible formative and summative assessments that can be used within your content area. • Keep the list out—will be updating as we learn more about assessments
IV. Differentiated Assessments • An assessment plan should have a variety of assessment measures to reach all learning styles. • Meeting the multiple learning styles of your students requires the use of multiple assessment types. • Review the following links at the Teacher Vision site: Categories of Evaluation, Alternative Assessment, Creating Meaningful Performance Assessments and Using Multiple Intelligences in Testing and Assessment. http://www.teachervision.fen.com/assessment/resource/5815.html
IV. Differentiated Assessments (cont.) • Review the extensive list of possible assessment strategies at the Alaska Department of Education website: http://www.eed.state.ak.us/tls/frameworks/mathsci/ms5_2as1.htm • Revisit your draft of formative and summative assessments. • Update this list to include ideas generated from the websites on the previous 2 slides.
IV. Differentiated Assessments (cont.) • Many assessments will require rubrics in order to standardize scoring and to provide students with advance knowledge of requirements. • Read article by Moskal (2000) on scoring rubrics: http://www.peopledev.co.za/library/Scoring%20rubrics%20-%20Moskal%20B.pdf • Devise a rubric for one of the assessments in your plan.
IV. Differentiated Assessments (cont.) • You must meet the needs of your learners with special needs (IDEA, 504, RTI) through accommodations. • Review the information regarding assessment accommodations: http://www.teachervision.fen.com/teaching-methods/educational-testing/4170.html?detoured=1 • On the assessment list you have developed, identify 2 ways you can make accommodations on at least 2 of the measures.
V. Assessment Validity and Reliability • For the integrity of the online (or any) course, assessment measures must be reliable and valid to determine whether or not students have met learning goals. • Find one scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal on assessment reliability and validity. • Write a discussion board post summarizing the highlights of the article. • Revisit your assessment list to determine whether or not the assessments are reliable and valid.
Assessment Plan Review • Review the assessment plan you drafted throughout this module. • Ensure all guidelines are considered in the development of your final plan. • Have you considered all components? • Formative and summative • Differentiation • Learning styles • Learner accommodations • Rubrics for performance based • Validity and reliability
References Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. (1996, June 16). A collection of assessment strategies. Retrieved from Alaska Department of Education website: http://www.eed.state.ak.us/tls/frameworks/mathsci/ms5_2as1.htm Boston, C. (October, 2002). The concept of formative assessment. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation. Retrieved from: http://www.vtaide.com/png/ERIC/Formative-Assessment.htm Garrison, C. & Ehringhaus, M. (2007). Formative and summative assessments in the classroom. Retrieved from: http://ccti.colfinder.org/sites/default/files/guyana/resources/TL/TL%20M02U03%20docs/Formative%20and%20Summative%20Assessment%20in%20the%20Classroom.pdf Glowa, E. (2009, March). Guidelines for professional development of online teachers. Southern Regional Educational Board. Retrieved from SREB website: http://publications.sreb.org/2009/09T01_Guide_profdev_online_teach.pdf iNACOL International Association for K-12 Online Teaching. (October, 2011). National Standards for Quality Online Courses, Version 2. Retrieved from iNACOL website: http://www.inacol.org/research/nationalstandards/iNACOL_TeachingStandardsv2.pdf
References Louisiana Department of Education. (2012). Grade Level Expectations. Retrieved from LADOE website: http://www.doe.state.la.us/topics/gle.html Moskal, B.M. (2000). Scoring rubrics: what, when and how?. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 7(3). Retrieved from: http://www.peopledev.co.za/library/Scoring%20rubrics%20- %20Moskal%20B.pdf Robles, M. & Braathen, S. (2002). Online assessment techniques. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, XLIV(1), p. 39-49. Retrieved from: http://www.acousticslab.org/dots_sample/module2/RoblesAndBraathen2002.pdf Schrock, K. (2012, June 24). Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything: Assessment and Rubrics. Retrieved from Kathy Schrock’s website: http://www.schrockguide.net/assessment-and-rubrics.html
References Teacher Vision Assessment Advice and Forms. (2012). Retrieved from Teacher Vision website: http://www.teachervision.fen.com/assessment/resource/5815.html Teacher Vision Types of Assessment Accommodations. (2012). Excerpted from Assessment Accommodations Toolkit. Retrieved from Teacher Vision website: http://www.teachervision.fen.com/teaching-methods/educational-testing/4170.html?detoured=1 Teaching Channel. (2012). Common Core Overview Video Clips: Middle and High Schools. Retrieved from Teaching Channel website: https://www.teachingchannel.org/