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Neutrino detector studies with plastic scintillator readout TASD and MIND

Neutrino detector studies with plastic scintillator readout TASD and MIND. Aim of meeting: 1. Review of R&D plans 2. What can Aida give and what it demands 3. Establish input to work plan 4. Establish meeting dates 5. If possible distribute first set of tasks.

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Neutrino detector studies with plastic scintillator readout TASD and MIND

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Neutrino detector studies with plastic scintillator readout TASD and MIND Aim of meeting: 1. Review of R&D plans 2. What can Aida give and what it demands 3. Establish input to work plan 4. Establish meeting dates 5. If possible distribute first set of tasks. Alain Blondel. AIDA-Neutrino meeting CERN 17-18 March 2010

  2. Most detectors use plastic scintillator with siPM readout 60000 siPMs! 0.2T Magnetic field for tracking of muons and electrons with TPCs up to 1 GeV. ND280 With hinsight: could do better .by integrating .higher B ->DUSEL?

  3. neutrino event in ND280

  4. Fine-Resolution Totally Active Segmented Detector 150 m 15 m 15 m 1.5 cm 15 m 3 cm Totally Active Scintillating Detector (TASD) using Nona and Minerna concepts with Geant4 • 35 kT (total mass) • 10,000 Modules (X and Y plane) • Each plane contains 1000 cells • Total: 10M channels • Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c • Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T • Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm B = 0.5T 4 Alan Bross IDS Plenary Meeting – Mumbai October 12-14, 2009

  5. Proton Decay P -> K+n P -> e+p0 • black - kaon (+) • red - muon (+) • green - positron • blue - electron NB in scintillator and MPPC timing resolution is < 1ns (ND280) 5 Alan Bross IDS Plenary Meeting – Mumbai October 12-14, 2009

  6. Near detectors for future neutrino beams almost invariably involve scintillator detectors (see ND280) because of rate -- ex 1: C2FR (CERN to FREJUS) situation similar to that of T2K far detector is WCherenkov but that technology cannot be used for near detector (rate too high) -- ex 2. C2PY(CERN to Pyhasalmi) far detector could be LArg (or TASD or MIND!) but again near detector rate is too high to be LArg -- ex 3. PSNF Near detector for short baseline experiment

  7. Physics issues: -- Stopping properties of pions and muons in Minerva detector This will be studied in the MICE EMR at RAL using stopping e/mu/pi of both signs -- Charge separation for electrons in Minerva – like detector (with lower density?) in magnetic field This can be studied in the MORPURGO magnet at CERN -- Charge separation in MIND-like detector This can be studied in a baby-MIND detector at CERN -- hadronic shower angular and transverse momentum resolution in TASD and MIND or LArg (tau detection in superbeam or high energy neutrino factory) this requires about 2m deep MIND (that is CDHS shower box) and 5m deep (?) TASD or LArg (!) in hadron test beam e.g. at CERN or Fermilab How many interaction lengths are needed?

  8. Discussion to be had -- Who can/(would like to) do what? -- What are the available resources in AIDA and what more needs to be sought -- how do we organize ourselves (CERN-based collaboration?) -- collaboration meeting? -- any other physics outcome?

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