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An efficient algorithm for detecting frequent subgraphs in biological networks

Explore an efficient algorithm for mining frequent subgraphs in biological networks, focusing on metabolic pathways and protein interaction networks. The presentation covers definitions, algorithm details, results, and insightful comments on graph isomorphism problems.

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An efficient algorithm for detecting frequent subgraphs in biological networks

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An efficient algorithm for detecting frequent subgraphs in biological networks Class presentation for CPSC 689-604 Authors: Mehmet Kouturk, Ananth Grama and Wojciech Szpankowski Presented by: Songjian Lu Professor: Jianer Chen

  2. Contents • Introduction • Metabolic Pathways in detail • Mining metabolic pathways • Algorithm • Result • Some comments

  3. Introduction-1 • Metabolic pathways • Model to a directed graph • Node—representing enzymes • Edge—representing the product of one enzyme is consumed by a reaction catalyzed by another enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme

  4. Introduction-2 • Protein interaction network • Node—representing Protein • Edge—representing interaction between proteins • Pairwise interactions—getting by two-hybrid experiments • Multi-way interactions—getting by mass spectrometry experiments • Database BIND(http://www.blueprint.org/bind) • Database DIP(http://dip.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/) protein protein protein

  5. Metabolic pathway detail-1 • DEFINITION:A metabolic pathway P(M,Z,R) is a collection of metabolites M, enzymes Z, and reactions R, where each reaction rR is associated with a set of enzymes Z(r)Z, a set of substrates S(r)M, and a set of products T(r) M. S(r) Z(r) T(r)

  6. Metabolic pathway detail-2 • DEFINITION:Given metabolic pathway P(M,Z,R), the associated directed graph G(V,E) of P is constructed as follows:for any enzyme zi  Z, there is a node vi  V. There is an edge from vi to vj, i.e. (vi,vj)  E if and only if r1,r2  R, such that zi  Z(r1), zj  Z(r2) and T(r1)S(r2)  .

  7. Metabolic pathway detail-3

  8. Mining Metabolic pathways-1 • DEFINITION:Given a collection of graphs G1,G2,…,Gn and support threshold , the Maximal Frequent Subgraph Discovery problem is one of finding all maximal connected subgraphs that are contained in at least n of the input graphs.

  9. Mining Metabolic pathways-2

  10. Algorithm

  11. Result-1

  12. Result-2

  13. Comment-1 • Graph isomorphism problem is very hard • Given two graphs, if they are isomorphic? • Given two graphs, if one graph is isomorphic to a subgraph of another graph?

  14. Comment-2 • Given two graph G1, G2, if there exists a induced subgraph of k vertices in G1 and a induced subgraph of k vertices in G2, such that these two subgraph are isomorphic?(w[1] hard) • Given two graph G1, G2, if there exists a subgraph of k edges in G1 and a subgraph of k edges in G2, such that these two subgraphs are isomorphic?(w[1] hard) • Given two graph G1, G2, if there exists a subtree of k vertices in G1 and a subtree of k vertices in G2, such that these two subtrees are isomorphic?(FPT) • Given two graph G1, G2, if there exists a subpath of k vertices in G1 and a subpath of k vertices in G2, such that these two subpaths are isomorphic?(FPT)

  15. Comment-3 • Given two graph G1, G2, if there exists a induced subgraph of k vertices in G1 and a induced subgraph of k vertices in G2, such that these two subgraph are isomorphic?(w[1] hard) G1 G2 G v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 v1

  16. Thank you very much

  17. Homework • Problem 1: Given G1=(V1,E1),G2=(V2,E2), and integer k, if there exists a subgraph G1’ of k edges in G1, a subgraph G2’ of k edges in G2 such that there is an isomorphic mapping  from G1’ to G2’. Prove this problem is NP-complete. • Problem2:Given G=(V,E), IV, and integer k, if there exists a subtree T of k vertices, such that all leaves are in I. Prove this problem is NP-complete.

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