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Discover the TOSSD framework for measuring resources supporting the SDGs. Learn about why TOSSD is essential, the International TOSSD Task Force's work, and the progress made in TOSSD development. Explore the need for transparency and information in development planning and bridging data gaps.
Overview and update on Total Official Support for Sustainable Development TUAC, 8 April 2019 Guillaume Delalande (guillaume.delalande@oecd.org) OECD DCD/FSD Statistical Standards and Methods Unit
Outline • What is TOSSD? • Why is TOSSD needed? • The work of the International TOSSD Task Force • The progress & timeline of TOSSD development
Outline • What is TOSSD? • Why is TOSSD needed? • The work of the International TOSSD Task Force • The progress & timeline of TOSSD development
1. What is TOSSD? • TOSSD is a framework to measure resources in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • It includes all external resource flows to promote sustainable development in developing countries and to support development enablers or to address global challenges at regional or global levels. Pillar I Pillar II
1. What is TOSSD? • Which types of resources are included? • External official resources • Private finance mobilised by the official sector to promote sustainable development • Which actors are included? • Official bilateral and multilateral institutions • Traditional donors and emerging economies, including through South-South and triangular co-operation • Which instruments are included? • All financial instruments (concessional and non concessional) • But alsootherforms of support e.g. in-kindtechnicalco-operation • It includes all resource flows to promote sustainable development in developing countries and to support development enablers or to address global challenges at regional or global levels.
Outline • What is TOSSD? • Why is TOSSD needed? • The work of the International TOSSD Task Force • The progress & timeline of TOSSD development
2. Political anchorage of TOSSD The international community committed to holding “open, inclusive and transparent discussions on the new measure of TOSSD” in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the 3rdInternational Conference on Financing for Development.
2. Why is TOSSD needed?More transparency and information for developing countries to improve development planning
2. Why is TOSSD needed?More information for all actors on different sets of flows that are not entirely captured by existing statistics Sustainable development filter Existing data on official support ODA OOF (other official flows) South-South co-operation Additional data required to inform recipient countries Triangular co-operation Private finance mobilised International Public Goods for sustainabledevelopment(e.g.research and peace & security) No data available in current international statistics
2. Why is TOSSD needed?Closing data gaps - Country and thematic pilots • Pilot studies to betterunderstand gaps and ensurethat the measureresponds to the data needs at country level • 2018 • Nigeria • Costa Rica • Peace and Security • 2019 • Burkina Faso • Twoother pilots
2. Why is TOSSD needed?More information on investments towards international public goods
Outline • What is TOSSD? • Why is TOSSD needed? • The work of the International TOSSD Task Force • The progress & timeline of TOSSD development
3. Work of the International TOSSD Task Force Established in 2017 following the call in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda at the 3rdInternational Conference on Financing for Development Co-chairs: Mr Risenga Maluleke (South Africa) and Mr Laurent Sarazin (European Union) Observers Two non-DAC providers (CAITEC from China and IPEA/ABC for Brazil) Members 8 national statisticaloffices6 DAC members 5 Partner Countries & Non-DAC Providers 3 int. organisations
3. Task Force mandate and process for developing TOSSD • Mandate: Develop the TOSSD statistical framework (definitions, measurement parameters and methodologies, eligibility criteria). • Meetings: 7 Task Force meetings held since July 2017 in France, Costa Rica, Canada, Belgium, Ghana, Sweden. Next meeting in June in Ottawa, Canada 4-6 June. • An open, inclusive and transparent process: All documents are posted on the Task Force website to allow for “open, inclusive and transparent” discussions: http://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/tossd-task-force.htm
Outline • What is TOSSD? • Why is TOSSD needed? • The work of the International TOSSD Task Force • The progress & timeline of TOSSD development
3. Task Force mandate and progress made so far Three key workstreams (WS) • WS 1: Finalising the TOSSD methodology • Pillar I methodology now concluded (70% of the work) • Pillar II to be finalised in 2019 • WS2: Collecting and analysing TOSSD data • TOSSD Data Survey launched at the end of February 2019 • Results expected by end of April 2019 • WS3: Integrating TOSSD in the SDG indicator framework and identifying a co-custodian UN agency • TOSSD will be proposed to replace target 17.3.1: • “Foreign direct investment (FDI), official development assistance and South-South cooperation as a proportion of total domestic budget” • TOSSD increasingly recognisedin the UN context: • TOSSD mentioned in the last UN StatCom official records • TOSSD mentioned at BAPA+40 conference on South-South and Triangular Cooperation • Upcoming side-events to take place at the FfD Forum, HLPF and the UNGA
Thankyou! http://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/tossd-task-force.htm