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RIDE/RITAP 2002. Goals. Write IEP Present Levels of Performance and Goals to StandardsAssess IEP Present Level of Performance and Goals using the IEP RubricIdentify specific issues and concerns. RIDE/RITAP 2002. Choose Student. Share IEPs deleting identifying informationChoose IEP to work on for
1. Writing IEPs to Standards Level III
IEP Resource Network
October 2002 GOALS:
Write IEP Present Levels of Performance and Goals to Standards
Assess IEP Present Level of Performance and Goals using the IEP Rubric
Identify specific issues and concerns
IEP Guidebooks- 1 per audience member
Overhead projector and overheads
Blank transparencies and markers
Index cards for questions
Resource Packet
Pre and post workshop survey
Sign in sheets
IEP Network information
Application Forms
Rolodex forms
Participants should bring an IEP deleting identifying information
Standards books or curriculum guides for the district
Depending upon size of group you may handle ?s in one of two ways. If it is a large group (more than 15) do not take questions from the audience. Have them write their ?s on index cards. Leave 10 minutes at the end to go over ?s.
If group is small you can respond to ?s on an ongoing basis. Use common sense as to when to move on.
This presentation can extend from 90 minutes to a full day depending on how much time you have. Notes are provided throughout to make adjustments for the different time frames.GOALS:
Write IEP Present Levels of Performance and Goals to Standards
Assess IEP Present Level of Performance and Goals using the IEP Rubric
Identify specific issues and concerns
IEP Guidebooks- 1 per audience member
Overhead projector and overheads
Blank transparencies and markers
Index cards for questions
Resource Packet
Pre and post workshop survey
Sign in sheets
IEP Network information
Application Forms
Rolodex forms
Participants should bring an IEP deleting identifying information
Standards books or curriculum guides for the district
Depending upon size of group you may handle ?s in one of two ways. If it is a large group (more than 15) do not take questions from the audience. Have them write their ?s on index cards. Leave 10 minutes at the end to go over ?s.
If group is small you can respond to ?s on an ongoing basis. Use common sense as to when to move on.
This presentation can extend from 90 minutes to a full day depending on how much time you have. Notes are provided throughout to make adjustments for the different time frames.
2. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Goals Write IEP Present Levels of Performance and Goals to Standards
Assess IEP Present Level of Performance and Goals using the IEP Rubric
Identify specific issues and concerns
Welcome participants
Have individuals sit by teams/districts
Introduce presenters and participants
Small Audience
Ask participants for their name and role
Larger Audience
Ask to raise hand if you are a parent, special educator, general educator, administrator, related service provider
Complete preworkshop survey form
Have volunteers share expectations and record on chart paper Welcome participants
Have individuals sit by teams/districts
Introduce presenters and participants
Small Audience
Ask participants for their name and role
Larger Audience
Ask to raise hand if you are a parent, special educator, general educator, administrator, related service provider
Complete preworkshop survey form
Have volunteers share expectations and record on chart paper
3. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Choose Student Share IEPs deleting identifying information
Choose IEP to work on for todays workshop
Assign a recorder
Break participants up into groups.
Depending on how many are at a table a group could be the entire table or the table could be divided into two groups.
Each group should have at least one district IEP to review.
Caution groups not to share identifying information.
If a group has more than one IEP have the group decide whose IEP in the group will be the focus of its work for this workshop.
Pass out the worksheets. Have them assign a recorder who will complete the worksheets.
Break participants up into groups.
Depending on how many are at a table a group could be the entire table or the table could be divided into two groups.
Each group should have at least one district IEP to review.
Caution groups not to share identifying information.
If a group has more than one IEP have the group decide whose IEP in the group will be the focus of its work for this workshop.
Pass out the worksheets. Have them assign a recorder who will complete the worksheets.
4. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Brief Description of Student Provide brief portrait of student (e.g. age, grade)
Record on worksheet
From portrait list students strengths and needs
Record on worksheet
2 hours or less Leave this slide out
More than 2 hours Have team members share information on case student. Have the recorder briefly describe case study student
Record a few relevant strengths and needs
Remind participants not to share identifying information
2 hours or less Leave this slide out
More than 2 hours Have team members share information on case student. Have the recorder briefly describe case study student
Record a few relevant strengths and needs
Remind participants not to share identifying information
5. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Choose One Goal Area Describe the students present level of performance in the area of need.
Write it on worksheet
Ask participants to choose one area of need. Reading,writing and/or language arts are usually the easiest to use.
Have participants write down information on worksheet and/or chart paper
Ask participants to choose one area of need. Reading,writing and/or language arts are usually the easiest to use.
Have participants write down information on worksheet and/or chart paper
6. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Review Present Level of Performance Mary understands problem solving procedures for computation and estimation of double digit math problems in addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but her performance is inconsistent. She still needs to develop proficiency with addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers and understanding of division. She does not use calculators to solve problems. (p. 56 IEP Guidebook)
The samples in the IEP Guidebook may not meet the exceptional level. They are examples - not models. This activity is to provide participants with some guided practice in rewriting a present level of performance to an exceptional level. Have participants evaluate the present level on page 56 of guidebook using the IEP rubric located on page 65. You could have one person open Guidebook to page 56, another person open to page 65.
Review the PLEP using the IEP rubric at the exceptional level as the criteria. For example Is the PLEP related to an area of need? Assume yes.
Describes performance in general curriculum
Continue with entire rubric.This activity is to provide participants with some guided practice in rewriting a present level of performance to an exceptional level. Have participants evaluate the present level on page 56 of guidebook using the IEP rubric located on page 65. You could have one person open Guidebook to page 56, another person open to page 65.
Review the PLEP using the IEP rubric at the exceptional level as the criteria. For example Is the PLEP related to an area of need? Assume yes.
Describes performance in general curriculum
Continue with entire rubric.
7. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Rewriting to an Exceptional Level How could we rewrite this present level of performance so that it meets the exceptional level on the IEP rubric? Ask participants to rewrite to an exceptional level. Depending on time you could have them actually rewrite it or simply tell you what they would change.
Discuss in terms of exceptional level on IEP rubric.Ask participants to rewrite to an exceptional level. Depending on time you could have them actually rewrite it or simply tell you what they would change.
Discuss in terms of exceptional level on IEP rubric.
8. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Review Present Level of Performance Review the present level for your IEP student using the IEP rubric on p. 65 of IEP Guidebook
What rubric level is it on and why?
If it is not at the exceptional level rewrite it to bring it to exceptional level.
Have them now assess their own Present Levels for their IEP student. Have them write it on large chart paper as well as on the worksheet form.
If it is not at an exceptional level have them revise it - preferably on large chart paper as well as on the worksheet form.
Depending on time and group you may have them share with you what they did. It is helpful to have the original on chart paper and the revisions made to the chart paper so participants can easily see the changes. (You may sense that not all groups will be comfortable with the sharing) You can have all groups share or just one or two.
Have them now assess their own Present Levels for their IEP student. Have them write it on large chart paper as well as on the worksheet form.
If it is not at an exceptional level have them revise it - preferably on large chart paper as well as on the worksheet form.
Depending on time and group you may have them share with you what they did. It is helpful to have the original on chart paper and the revisions made to the chart paper so participants can easily see the changes. (You may sense that not all groups will be comfortable with the sharing) You can have all groups share or just one or two.
9. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Through problem solving situations Mary will construct her own understanding of the four operations of mathematics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division with whole numbers (RI Math Frameworks: Computation and Estimation) (p. 56 IEP Guidebook)
The samples in the IEP Guidebook may not meet the exceptional level. They are examples - not models.
Annual Goal=Standard + Target Performance Ask participants to review the annual goal written on page 56 of the IEP Guidebook according to the exceptional level of the IEP rubric page 65.
Review goal and decide if it meets exceptional level.
If not ask participants to rewrite it to an exceptional level.
Depending on time you can actually write annual goal down on chart paper and make revisions or you can discuss orally.Ask participants to review the annual goal written on page 56 of the IEP Guidebook according to the exceptional level of the IEP rubric page 65.
Review goal and decide if it meets exceptional level.
If not ask participants to rewrite it to an exceptional level.
Depending on time you can actually write annual goal down on chart paper and make revisions or you can discuss orally.
10. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Reviewing Annual Goals Statement Review the annual goal statement for your IEP student according to the exceptional level on the IEP rubric.
Write it on worksheet
If it is not at exceptional level rewrite it to be at the exceptional level. Have them now assess the Goal statement for their IEP student
If it is not at an exceptional level have them revise.
Depending on time and group you may have them share with you what they did. It is helpful to have the original on chart paper as well as on the worksheet and the revisions made to the chart paper as well as to the worksheet so participants can easily see the changes. (You may sense that not all groups will be comfortable with the sharing). You can have all groups share or just one or two.
Have them now assess the Goal statement for their IEP student
If it is not at an exceptional level have them revise.
Depending on time and group you may have them share with you what they did. It is helpful to have the original on chart paper as well as on the worksheet and the revisions made to the chart paper as well as to the worksheet so participants can easily see the changes. (You may sense that not all groups will be comfortable with the sharing). You can have all groups share or just one or two.
11. RIDE/RITAP 2002 Evaluation and Next Steps Encourage the participants to review their own IEPS individually using the IEP rubric or to use the rubric to review IEPs developed by their IEP teams. If the components are not at the exceptional level how could we bump them up to that level?
Answer a few questions on index cards if you havent addressed them on an ongoing basis.
Bring the other questions to PD group.
Have participants complete postworkshop assessment.
Thank them for their participation
Collect worksheets Encourage the participants to review their own IEPS individually using the IEP rubric or to use the rubric to review IEPs developed by their IEP teams. If the components are not at the exceptional level how could we bump them up to that level?
Answer a few questions on index cards if you havent addressed them on an ongoing basis.
Bring the other questions to PD group.
Have participants complete postworkshop assessment.
Thank them for their participation
Collect worksheets
12. IEP Resource NetworkPreworkshop SurveyDate: _____________________ Location: _____________________Level: I _____ II _____ III _____Your current role: parent ___ general educator ___ special educator ____administrator ___ related service provider ____ other _______1.What are your expectations for this workshop? 2.My current comfort level with this topic is:_____ High Comfort_____ Medium Comfort_____ Little Comfort_____ Clueless
13. IEP Postworkshop Survey Date:_____ ________________Location:___________________________Level: I_______ II ________ III ________Your current role: parent ___ general educator ___ special educator ___administrator __related service provider ___ Other ___1. Did this workshop meet your expectations? Yes ____ No _____Comments:2. Were the materials helpful? Yes _____ No _____Comments:3. Would you like to see anything added to this workshop? Yes _____ No _____Comments:4. Would you like to see anything deleted from this workshop? Yes _____ No _____ Comments: 5. My current comfort level with this topic is: ___High Comfort ____Medium Comfort ____Low Comfort ____ Clueless 6. What one thing will you do differently when developing IEPs as a result of this workshop?
14. IEP Resource Network SIGN IN SHEETDate: ____________ Location: _________________Level: I _____ II _____ III _____PLEASE PRINT
15. Level III Worksheet Name_______________________ Date_________________ Position_____________________ Level: Elem __, MS__, HS__ Childs Grade________________ Strengths: Needs: Original Present Level of Educational Performance Revised Present Level of Educational Performance Original Annual Goal Statement Revised Annual Goal Statement