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Stress, lack of sleep, anxiety are some of the common reasons that give rise to dark circles. They look nothing but ugly and no matter how hard you try, it will make you appear older than you are. For more information visit us at https://www.vlccwellness.com/Kenya/skin-care/<br>
Best Remedies for DarkCircles https://www.vlccwellness.com/Kenya/skin-care/
Stress,lackofsleep,anxietyaresomeofthecommonreasonsthatgiveriseto darkcircles.Theylooknothingbutuglyandnomatterhowhardyoutry,itwill makeyouappearolderthanyouare.
PotatoJuice–Potatoesareeasilyavailableinthekitchenandallyouhavetodo isgratesomeandapplythejuicewithacottonundertheeyes.Makesurethatthe juice is applied evenly to the entire dark circle area. Keep it for at least half an hour. CucumberandRose–Cucumberandrosewaterarealsoextremelyusefulin removingdarkcircles.Blendthesetwoingredientsandstrainthejuice.Apply usingcottonpadsontheeyes.Keepitforabout15-20minutes.
Tea Bags – Tea bags are also the best remedy for dark circles. Boil water with tea bagsdippedinitfor5minutes.Turntheburneroffandtakeoutthebags.Coolthem in the freezer for15 minutes. FrozenSpoons–Justlikefrozenteabags,frozenspoonsarealsoextremelyhelpful for getting rid of the ugly dark circles. You can keep several spoons frozen. When yougetbackhomefromwork,youcanjustplacethespoonsontheeyelids.Thiswill help increase the blood circulation and help you relax after a long, tiring and stressfulday!
AloeVeraGel–Noonecanignorethetremendousbenefitsofaloevera.Butdidyou know that the plant also helps in treating dark circles? Just mix a teaspoon of aloe vera gel with equal parts cucumber juice and mix them well. Place them in the fridge for about 15-20 minutes. Apply this chilled mix with a cotton on the dark circles. You can leave it overnight if you want. The result will be reduced darkcircles, These are some of the instant tips using which you can say goodbye to dark circles. Dotrytheseoutandletusknowwhatworkedforyouandwhatdidn’t!!We’reallears
This article isoriginally appearedon http://healthcareindubai.blogspot.com/2018/07/6-best-remedies-for-dark-circles.html