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IV Nutrition vitamins

We provide IV treatments and Vitamin Infusions in Dubai. For more information about IV Nutrition Vitamins visit at http://www.theelixirclinic.com/<br>

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IV Nutrition vitamins

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IV NUTRITION VITAMINS Source- http://healthcareindubai.blogspot.ae/2017/07/iv-nutrition- vitamins.html

  2. MYERS COCKTAIL DRIP Composes your natural nutrients enriching Vitamin C, B5, B6, B- complex, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals.

  3. RESTORATION OF ADRENAL ENERGY Enables the nutrients to sustain and recondition the adrenal glands to lessen brain fog and overtiredness.

  4. IMMUNE REINFORCING Consists of larger dosage of vitamin C, vital immune minerals and the herbal immune booster to shield your immune system from the virus you had encountered.

  5. HORMONE BALANCER Give supportive nutrients to balance your hormones and take away toxic materials from your body.

  6. NUTRIENTS FINISHING TOUCH S t r o n g l y r e c o m m e n d e d t o t h e o n e s t h o s e w h o e n c o u n t e r e d d i f f i c u l t i e s i n t a k i n g o f n u t r i e n t s . T h i s I V t h e r a p y h e l p s g o i n g t o t h e d i g e s t i v e p a r t a n d g i v e s c o m p l e t e 1 0 0 % c o n s u m p t i o n .


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