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Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome: Treatment, Self-Care Tips & More

The grierson-gopalan syndrome is also known as the burning feet syndrome & you feel like your feet become painful & hot. Click here for everytihing you need to know.

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Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome: Treatment, Self-Care Tips & More

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  1. Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome: Treatment, Self-Care Tips & More Do your feet feel like they are on fire? Do you feel an irritating burning sensation while standing, walking, or at any point in time? Well, you are not alone to feel so. Many people suffer from this kind of discomfort in their day-to-day lives. Approximately 1 in 20 people in the US suffer from this disease, commonly known as Burning Feet Syndrome, technically known as Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome. What is Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome? Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome is a medical condition in which the patient’s feet ache badly and feel a burning sensation in the feet. This sensation gets worsened during the night, and it remains restricted to the patient’s soles. However, there is a possibility that sometimes this burning sensation can spread up to the ankles, top of the feet, and the lower leg. Grierson-Gopalan syndrome is very painful and disturbing. So, in this blog, we will discuss everything about it, from symptoms to treatments. Our goal is to help you better understand this discomforting condition so that you can effortlessly identify the syndrome if you suffer from it and take the right steps to get cured. Whether you feel a constant burning sensation or some changes in its intensity during the daytime, you shouldn’t accept this pain and discomfort as a long-term reality. There are effective diagnoses and treatments available. But before we dive into that, let’s identify the reasons which cause Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome.

  2. What Causes Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome? Source: codingahead.com There are various causes responsible for a burning sensation in your feet. We will discuss the most common and significant ones. Let’s read… Nervous Damage Nerve Damage is one of the foremost causes of suffering from burning feet syndrome, also known as Grierson-Gopalan syndrome. We know that our nerves are the messengers of different sensations we feel all around our bodies. And if they are damaged or overactive, it can lead to a burning feeling, which is nothing but the Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome. When the nerves are damaged, they interpret wrong sensations and send pain and heat signals to the brain. Some of the common causes of such nerve damage

  3. include Diabetes, Alcohol Abuse, Deficiency of vitamins, and exposure to certain toxins. A small part of your foot, like your toe, can be impacted because of nerve damage in Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome and sometimes, altogether, your entire limbs will be affected. Inflammation Whether you have inflammation because of some muscle or bone damage or suffering from any inflammatory medical condition like rheumatoid arthritis, you will have more blood flowing to your feet. It will result in swelling, redness, and heat. So, if you find that the burning sensation in your feet is accompanied by inflammation, you should understand that there might be some underlying cause. And it’s essential to treat that cause. One of the biggest causes of such inflammations is an underlying infection. When your body catches an infection, your body sends out such blood cells associated with fighting infection. This makes the area feel warm when touched. But if you think that you are facing other associated symptoms like swelling, redness, pain, or a developing fever, you must see a podiatrist immediately. Athlete’s Foot It is a fungal skin infection that affects the skin on your bottom and between your toes. When the fungal infection on the skin is paired with the warm and moist conditions inside your shoes (a perfect condition for fungus to thrive), it leads to an extreme burning sensation and itching on your feet.

  4. Too Tight Footwear and Unmatched Socks If you wear too tight shoes that can restrict your blood circulation, it can make your feet feel hot. Also, you will feel numbness and a tingling sensation. This discomfort in your feet is more prone to rubbing against the feet. If it happens, it can cause damage to the skin and bring redness and heat. Moreover, if you wear shoes and socks made of irritating synthetic materials, it can also make the sole of your feet hotter. This can be because of the annoying texture of the fabric or because you cannot remove moisture from your feet. If you are suffering from a burning sensation on your feet because of defective socks and shoes, you will have discomfort mostly during the daytime. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Do you know what the Tarsal Tunnel is? It is a narrow space within your ankle near the ankle bones. If you compress or squeeze your posterior Tibial nerve, which is present inside the Tarsal Tunnel, it can result in burning sensations, tingling, and even pain in different parts of your feet. If you don’t treat your tarsal tunnel syndrome as soon as possible, your inner ankles and calves of the legs can also get affected. We Grierson-Gopalan syndrome. Well, that’s not it. There are other reasons people suffer from burning sensations in their feet. They are chronic mountain sickness, Gitelman Syndrome, multiple sclerosis, psychological disorder, hereditary causes, etc. discussed some of the most prominent reasons people suffer from

  5. What are the Common Symptoms of Burning Feet Syndrome? Source: myfootdr.com.au The most common symptoms of Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome or Burning Feet Syndrome include: ● Heating or burning sensation on feet, a worsened situation at night ● Numbness in your feet and legs ● A sharp or stabbing pain ● Feeling a dull ache in the feet ● Excess warmth and skin redness ● A prickling or tingling feeling

  6. How Can You Diagnose Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome? Unfortunately, there are no specific tests available to measure the intensity of foot-burning sensation. Your doctor will preliminarily try to determine the associated causes of different symptoms. How can you do that? There are several effective methods to do that. They are: Physical Analysis If you are suffering from Grierson-Gopalan syndrome, your doctor will first ask you about your medical history, including relevant questions about your different physical symptoms and the medications you are consuming now. Also, the doctor will analyze and test your reflex actions and examine your feet for any signs of injury, infection, or other associated problems. Blood Tests Your healthcare provider will measure your blood glucose level and screen time to check whether you have any nutritional deficiency or endocrine disorders. Also, they will perform complete blood count and other lab works, which involve serum and urine electrolytes. Nerve Functioning Tests If you are suffering from a deep level of Grierson-Gopalan disease, your doctor can order electrodiagnostic tests if they suspect nerve damage. There are two types of nerve functioning diagnostic tests available for Grierson-Gopalan syndrome:

  7. Electromyography With Electromyography test, the doctors will measure the electrical activity of your muscles. They see how your muscles are responding to nerve stimulation. In this test, they will insert a thin needle through your skin into the muscle. It will help them measure your muscle’s activities as it contracts and relaxes simultaneously. This test is performed to determine the cause of heat, pain, numbness and tingling in your feet. Nerve Conduction Velocity Test The doctors perform this test to assess the speed at which electric impulses will move along your nerves. These impulses help to differentiate between original nerve disorders and conditions in which muscles get affected by a nerve injury. The Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome is diagnosed through this test by placing flat electrodes on the skin along the nerve pathway, followed by applying a low-intensity current. Treatment for Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome Source: i.dailymail.co.uk

  8. Getting your Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome treated depends on the underlying causes and conditions. There are different kinds of treatments involved. We have categorically discussed them below: Self-Care Tips ● You need to soak your feet in cool water for at least fifteen minutes. This will provide you temporary relief from the burning sensation. Don’t use ice-cold water. ● Don’t expose your feet to heat. Stay away from any heat. ● Keep your legs and feet raised ● Consume over-the-counter analgesics like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen. ● You can apply effective and soothing topical creams and ointments that contain capsaicin in them. It will help your feet get relieved from pain and the burning sensation. Some topical antifungal creams, lotions, and sprays are very effective in treating this condition. What Prescription Medications do Doctors Prescribe for Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome? Some of the best prescription medications for Grierson-Gopalan syndrome are: ● Insulin and oral hygienic drugs that can control blood glucose levels in people who are suffering from diabetes ● If the cause of Grierson-Gopalan syndrome has been identified to be a vitamin deficiency, doctors often prescribe nutritional supplements. ● Doctors often prescribe analgesics and topical narcotic and non-narcotic medications for those suffering from Grierson-Gopalan syndrome with pain. ● Tricyclic antidepressants and other relevant medications are commonly prescribed for chronic pain in Grierson-Gopalan syndrome, along with the burning sensation.

  9. ● Antifungal drugs are also suggested for such infections of Grierson-Gopalan syndrome who are resistant to topical products. The Bottom Line Suppose you are suffering from Grierson-Gopalan syndrome and the burning and tingling sensation in your feet persists for a longer time. In that case, it is always recommended to go to the doctor immediately. Until then, you can treat the condition with self-care at your home. Are you experiencing this irritating health condition? Identify the severity of the issue, treat yourself, and recover soon. ,, Caution: Severe cases of undiagnosed and untreated Grierson-Gopalan syndrome can cause irreversible damage to your peripheral nerves. Stay alert! For more health-related information, visit Healthclubfinder. Contact Us : Website: https://healthclubfinder.org Email Id: https://healthclubfinder.org To Connect With Us Visit

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