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Doctors near me | Book Doctors appointment | Cataract Surgery

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Doctors near me | Book Doctors appointment | Cataract Surgery

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  1. Download App CATARACT www.meddco.com

  2. ABOUT CATARACT Download App • A cataract is an opacification of the visual lens which results in a decrease in vision. • Cataracts often develop slowly and may affect one or both eyes. Poor vision caused by cataracts can also end in an increased risk of falling and depression. • Cataracts cause half all cases of blindness and 33% of visual defect worldwide. • About 20 million people are blind reason being cataracts. It is the explanation for approximately 5% of blindness within the US and nearly 60% of blindness in parts of Africa and South America. • Blindness from cataracts occurs in about 1 to 4 per 100,000 children within the developed world and 10 to 40 per 100,000 children within the developing world, www.meddco.com

  3. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Download App • Symptoms include faded colors, blurry or double vision, halos around light, trouble with bright lights, and trouble seeing at night. This may end in trouble driving, reading, or recognizing faces. • Aging is the most common reason for the cataracts but can also occur as a result of trauma or radiation exposure, be present from birth, or occur following eye surgery for other problems. www.meddco.com

  4. CAUSES Download App • The lens inside the eye is mostly made of water and protein. The protein is arranged during a precise way that keeps the lens clear and lets light undergo it. But as we age, a number of the protein may clump together and begin to cloud a little area of the lens. • This is a cataract, and over time, it's going to grow larger and cloud more of the lens, making the vision difficult. • Researchers worldwide have identified factors which will cause cataracts or are related to cataract development. www.meddco.com

  5. RISK FACTORS Download App • Other than advancing age, cataract risk factors include: •  Ultraviolet radiation •  Diabetes •  Hypertension •  Obesity •  Smoking •  Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications •  Statin medicines used to reduce cholesterol • Previous eye surgery​ • Hormone replacement therapy​ • Significant alcohol consumption​ • High myopia​ • Family history​ • Previous eye injury or inflammation www.meddco.com

  6. PREVENTION Download App • Take regular eye examinations. Eye examinations can help diagnose cataracts and other problems related to eye at their earliest stages. • Quit smoking. • Manage other health problems. • Intake healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. • Wear sunglasses. • Reduce alcohol use. • Maintain a healthy body weight for adults. • Reduce intake of deitary sodium <100 mmol/ day. • Engage in daily aerobic physical activity such as brisk walking, running, etc. • Limit consumption of alcohol to not more than 3 units/day in men & not more than 2 units/day in women. • Consumption of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables. www.meddco.com

  7. Download App Meddco House 209, Flying Colors, DeendayalUpadhyaya Marg, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. PIN Code : 400080, Contact Us : +91703997039 www.meddco.com

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