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Post World War I Nationalism

Post World War I Nationalism. Zionism. Definition:

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Post World War I Nationalism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Post World War I Nationalism

  2. Zionism • Definition: • The national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.  Has come to include the development of the State of Israel and the protection of the Jewish nation in Israel. • The Jewish people wanted their own land to create a nation. • The Issue: Conflicting promises were made.

  3. Pan-Arabism • During WWI many Arabs helped the Allies. • Ottoman lands were divided. • France : Syria & Lebanon • Britain: Palestine & Iraq • What’s missing here?

  4. China • A whole heck of a mess. • Chinese Republic leader, Sun Yat-sen stepped down. • Internal War which led to the collapse in the economy. • Power struggle between: • May Fourth Movement: • Communists: • Nationalists:

  5. China • Unite to defeat Japan, but Civil War ensued. • World War I spelled more problems.

  6. In your notes: • Write down at least 4 points: • What makes a good leader/ ruler?

  7. Globalization IT’S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!

  8. Why Do Other Countries Watch Our Stock Market? • Key Term: Globalization: • If Great Britain’s economy suddenly plummets tonight, what can we assume with happen in the United States?

  9. After World War I • Men returned home and needed jobs. • Europe: • War debts. • Rebuilding • The United States • Until 1929

  10. 3 Main Causes: • Less Demand for Raw Goods • Supply & Demand • Overproduction of Manufactured Goods • Stock Market Crash

  11. The Economic Issues Present the Perfect Environment for Strong Leaders to Swoop in and Save the Day!

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