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The Decade of Action for Road Safety aims to address the rising global epidemic of road traffic deaths and injuries by targeting key risk factors such as speed, helmets, seat belts, and drink driving. The initiative focuses on building capacity, improving road infrastructure, enhancing vehicle safety, promoting safer user behavior, and enhancing post-crash care. By garnering political commitment and resources, the Decade of Action seeks to save millions of lives worldwide. Learn more about this critical initiative at www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action and www.decadeofaction.org.
The Decade of Action for Road Safety Rob Klein GHVI /FiA Foundation
Why is this happening? • Low institutional & technical capacity • Lack of driver training • Unsafe/unsuitable roads • Little enforcement of key risk factors: e.g. Speed, helmets, seat belts, drink driving • Vehicles constantly added to unsafe environment
Global Impact of road traffic injuries Harvard University
Road traffic injuries…the forgotten killer… Source: WHO GBD 2008
Commission for Global Road Safety & Make Roads Safe Campaign • Framed road safety as a development issue • Proposed and campaigned for a global ministerial – level conference • Proposed and campaigned for a UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
Launching the Decade of Action Saul Billingsley, Deputy Director, FIA Foundation Policy Forum, Como, 17th May 2010
Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety Moscow November 2009
UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 2nd March 2010: “Proclaims the period 2011-2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety, with a goal to stabilize and then reduce the forecast level of road traffic fatalities around the world”
Harvard Projections on RTI Deaths Decade of Action
Changing Direction: Potential of a Decade of Action for Road Safety Best case scenario, assuming policy era investment
Changing Direction: Potential of a Decade of Action for Road Safety Best case scenario, assuming policy era investment Guria, J for CGRS, 2009
Changing Direction: Potential of a Decade of Action for Road Safety Best case scenario, assuming policy era investment Stabilisation Guria, J for CGRS, 2009
G20 road death rates – a concern for all WHO Global Status Report, 2009
- non monthly - DECADE ACTION PLAN Five pillars for a Safe Systems approach Build Capacity Build Safer Roads Build Safer Vehicles Safer User behaviour Improve Post-crash care www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action/
WHAT IS THE DECADE OPPORTUNITY? • For road safety to punch its weight as a policy issue • To motivate and encourage political and resource commitments both globally and nationally • To stimulate donors to integrate road safety into their assistance programmes • To encourage industry and regulators to perform • Accelerate the adoption of good practices in LMICs • To save millions of lives
Ban Ki Moon UN Secretary General
Endorsement of the Tag Public figures and celebrities…
MORE INFORMATION: Go to the following websites: http://www.who.int/roadsafety/decade_of_action http://www.decadeofaction.org