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Dryel Ad Test. oneCARE. Dry Clean Results Guaranteed. Dry Cleaner. Presented October 30 th , 2008. October 2008. Background & Objectives. Research Objectives. Research to help understand if ‘Dry Clean Results Guaranteed’ … Leaves a lasting branded impression for Dryel
Dryel Ad Test oneCARE Dry Clean Results Guaranteed Dry Cleaner Presented October 30th, 2008 October 2008
Research Objectives • Research to help understand if ‘Dry Clean Results Guaranteed’ … • Leaves a lasting branded impression for Dryel • Communicates the intended strategy effectively • Motivates behaviors and attitudes in favor of the brand
Sample • Sample: General Population Sample of Females age 25-65 • Control Respondents are contacted and qualified with the same sampling procedures and definitions used for the test sample. Control Respondents answer select questions without exposure to any program or test material for comparison with responses from the test sample. • Data was analyzed by: • Total Females 25-65 • P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers • Based on household’s monthly dry cleaning spending*: • Occasional Dry Cleaning Users = spend under $10/month • Light Dry Cleaning Users = spend $10-50/month • Do Not Use Dry Cleaning = reportedly do not use dry cleaning outside the home • “Dry Cleaning Users” = P12M professional dry cleaning users (heavy to light) and/or P12M at-home dry cleaning Purchasers * Caution: Some sub-group base sizes are very small.
Ipsos ASI Perspective onHow Effective Ads Work EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING Short Term Response in Sales and/or Brand Equity REACH andRESPONSE The ad must win viewers’ attention to get noticedand the brandmust“get credit!” The ad needs to triggera rational and/or emotional consumer responseto the brand
Reach and Response in Next*TV • Reach is measured with Related Recall • Related Recall indicates the ad’s ability to win viewers’ attention, and leave an impression associated with the brand. • Ads are tested in program, in-home to simulate a natural TV environment • Viewers are not alerted to the “test” for advertising… it’s about the TV show • Delayed recall (the day after viewing) allows time for “forgetting,” to measure retained impressions. • The Related Recall score represents viewers who remember seeing an ad for the test brand, and prove it by playing back any ad-related elements. • Recall is an efficiency measure: A higher score means more people noticed the ad, associate it with the brand, and have the potential to react to the message.
Reach and Response in Next*TV • Response is measured with the Purchase Probability Score (PPS). • For established Brands/Products, PPS is the net change in combined ratings of Purchase Intent and Frequency, relative to a matched Control group not exposed to the test ad. • The “weights” or values assigned to each point of the Intent ratings come from a brand-specific model, based on their relationship to reported purchase or usage behavior in the Control group. • PPS is evaluated in comparison with its PAR value. • PAR is the “Predicted Average Result” – an estimated, brand-specific norm from a database model, using input values from the Control group. • PAR accounts for differences in Control group levels, which can affect the persuasion score. • PPS, in relation to its PAR benchmark, indicates the ad’s potential to motivate consumer response.
Next*TV Test Design 2 5 1 3 4 Forced Exposure Intent RatingsCommunication & Diagnostics MailPackets Recruit Sample Consumer watchesprogram with ads RecallInterview Next Day TEST TestversusControl Recruit Sample No Ad Exposure Matched Control Group Intent RatingsAttribute Ratings CONTROL
Ipsos-ASI Copy Effect Index Ipsos-ASI’s Copy Effect Index® is a validated measure of expected overall advertising effectiveness. Persuasion Index: Persuasion ScorevsPAR value Recall Index: Recall ScorevsNorm Modeled Relationship to Sales Effect of Spending Copy Effect Index
Success Criteria Good Below Average Above Average
Summary • As was noted in the “Dry Cleaner” presentation, the slumping economy is forcing consumers to re-evaluate their spending. With volatile gas prices and the expense of professional dry cleaning, Dryel offers a unique alternative for consumers. • “Results Guaranteed” exhibits the potential to be ‘above-average’ advertising for Dryel. • It is a very persuasive ad, generating purchase probability that significantly exceeds the ‘expected’ level for Dryel. • It increases purchase interest across all sub-groups. • Like “Dry Cleaner”, “Results Guaranteed” is a very message-driven ad. It conveys the value of using Dryel, and is even more effective than “Dry Cleaner” in conveying a perception of the ease and convenience. • “Results Guaranteed” is also a very memorable ad, efficiently gaining the attention of the ‘dry cleaner users’ and leaving her with a strongly branded impression.
Copy Effect Index – Dryel “Results Guaranteed” exceeds success criteria for established product advertising, with a CEI that falls well into the ‘above average’ range. This CEI is comprised of very strong Recall and even stronger persuasion. This ad ranks #4 when compared to all P&G laundry ads ever tested. Total Sample 129 Good Range 70
Response The ad needs to trigger a rational and/or emotional consumer response to the brand.
Ipsos ASI Purchase Probability Score (PPS) • PPS is a persuasion measure based on a weighted combination of purchase intent and frequency ratings. • Applicable to new and established products. • PPS can measure persuasion for the brand or product line, and/or for a featured product form, variant, or line extension. • A flexible approach accommodates these variations. • All tests use the same basic purchase intent/frequency ratings. • In all cases, the model provides a Persuasion score (PPS) and PAR norm for evaluation. • Supports Ipsos ASI Copy Effect Index for all products. • Evaluated against its “PAR” value (Predicted Average Result) • A modeled Norm, specific to the brand/category. • PAR is an important reference point for comparing scores based on different Control groups, or for comparison across different brands. • Scores that have different PAR values are not directly comparable – a shift of 8% might be great for one brand, but not another (even in the same category).
Test Sample Control Group Previous Purchase Previous Purchase Matched Sample No Exposure TestCommercial Exposure Purchase Intent & Intended Frequency Purchase Intent & Intended Frequency Purchase Probability Model Purchase Probability Score Implied Purchase Probability(Test Sample) Implied Purchase Probability (Control Group)
Persuasion vs. PAR – Total Brand “Results Guaranteed” displays very strong persuasion, generating Purchase Probability that is nearly double the “expected” level for Dryel. Total Sample Pers. Index = 214 Pers. Index = 89 [S] [A] [n=120] [B] [n=125] [T] There are two PAR scores, one from each control leg fielded, July and then October S/s- Significantly different from PAR at 95%/90% CL A/B- Significantly higher at the 95%/90% CL
Purchase Intent - Dryel Both “Dry Cleaner” and now “Results Guaranteed” increase purchase interest in Dryel among the Total Sample. “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed” is more effective in moving category purchasers to a more strongly committed ‘definitely would buy’ level. P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Total Sample [S] [n=8*] [D] [n=15*] [S] [n=148] [B] [n=125] [A] [n=120] [C] [n=8*] 13 - 13 29S Might or might not buy 22s - - 7 41 18S Probably would not buy 24S - - 7 27 7S Definitely would not buy Dryel 7S 13 Caution: small base sizes S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D- Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test.
Purchase Intent - Dryel This increase in purchase interest is present across all sub-groups. “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed” is particularly motivating to ‘light’ professional dry cleaning users. Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Dry Cleaner Users [S] [n=123] [L] [n=98] [M] [n=101] [H] [n=25*] [G] [n=25*] [S] [n=24*] [E] [n=68] [K] [n=24*] [S] [n=25*] [J] [n=22*] [F] [n=70] [S] [n=90] 22 24 16 - - - Might or might not buy 16 23S 27S 12 38 18 25S 21S 46 42 16 Probably would not buy 8 28 23S 18S 44 21 32 7S 4S 22 25 - Definitely would not buy Dryel 12 48 5S 6S 23 13 14 S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base sizes less than 30, too low to stat test.
Purchase Frequency - Dryel The ads also elicit an increase in Viewers perceptions of purchase frequency. P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Total Sample [A] [n=120] [B] [n=125] [S] [n=148] [S] [n=8*] [C] [n=8*] [D] [n=15*] 47 18S 13 8 19S 25 Once every 2 to 3 months 7 8s 13 3 6 13 Once every 4 to 6 months 20 34S 13 18 26 25 Once or twice a year - 14 - 14 17 - Less often than once a year 13 13S 13 51 16S - Never S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D- Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test.
Purchase Frequency - Dryel The increase in purchase frequency is the most significant among the ‘light’ professional dry cleaning users and the ‘dry cleaner users’ (those that use any type of dry cleaning, home or professional). Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Dry Cleaner Users Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users [S] [n=90] [F] [n=70] [E] [n=68] [S] [n=25*] [S] [n=123] [G] [n=25*] [H] [n=25*] [S] [n=24*] [J] [n=22*] [K] [n=24*] [M] [n=101] [L] [n=98] 17 9 Once every 2 to 3 months 13 18S 44 28 14 4 20S 21S 4 7 8 2 Once every 4 to 6 months 7S 10S 4 - 5 8 6 8S 4 1 8 20 Once or twice a year 33 36s 16 16 23 50 27 31s 8 24 8 13 Less often than once a year 19 17 4 8 27 17 14 14 20 16 46 48 Never 16S 10S 4 16 27 17 13S 12S 64 48 S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base sizes less than 30, too low to stat test.
Ad Introductions of Website, Toll-Free Number and Coupon “Results Guaranteed” displays the Dryel website address through the entire 60-seconds. The toll-free number is introduced about 1/3 of the way in and the offer in the last 10 seconds. First scene of the ad, and throughout Scene 37 of 120 – toll-free number introduced Scene 91 of 120 – coupon introduced
Likelihood Of Calling A Toll-Free Number “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed” generates some interest in calling the toll-free number. The shift in interest is most pronounced among ‘light’ professional dry cleaning users, with a slight ‘lift’ in interest among Dry Cleaner Users. Dry Cleaner Users Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Total Sample [A] [n=120] [S] [n=150] [C] [n=8*] [S] [n=8*] [E] [n=68] [S] [n=90] [G] [n=25*] [S] [n=26*] [J] [n=22*] [S] [n=25*] [L] [n=98] [S] [n=125] S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL E/G/J… - Significantly higher than (E/G/J…) at 95%/90% CL *Base sizes less than 30, too low to stat test.
Likelihood Of Visiting A Website Viewers are more likely to say they will visit the website, especially the ‘occasional’ professional users and the ‘dry cleaner users’. Dry Cleaner Users Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Total Sample [A] [n=120] [S] [n=150] [C] [n=8*] [S] [n=8*] [E] [n=68] [S] [n=90] [G] [n=25*] [S] [n=26*] [J] [n=22*] [S] [n=25*] [L] [n=98] [S] [n=125] S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL E/G/J… - Significantly higher than (E/G/J…) at 95%/90% CL *Base sizes less than 30, too low to stat test.
Likelihood Of Redeeming A Coupon Viewers are very interested in redeeming the Dryel coupon. Again, especially the ‘occasional’ professional dry cleaning users and ‘dry cleaner users’. P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Total Sample Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users Dry Cleaner Users [A] [n=120] [S] [n=150] [C] [n=8*] [S] [n=8*] [E] [n=68] [S] [n=90] [G] [n=25*] [S] [n=26*] [J] [n=22*] [S] [n=25*] [L] [n=98] [S] [n=125] S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL E/G/J… - Significantly higher than (E/G/J…) at 95%/90% CL *Base sizes less than 30, too low to stat test.
Related Recall The ad must win viewers’ attention to get noticed and the brand must “get credit!”
Related Recall Diagnostics Related Recall (Branded Impressions) Brand = Linkage Measured Attention (Executional Impressions) • Related Recall indicates the ad’s ability to get noticed and leave an impression associated with the brand. • Measured Attention • Viewers who can recognize the ad from an unbranded description • Indicates the extent to which viewers noticed and remembered the ad itself • Brand Linkage • Branded, Related Recall as a proportion of Measured Attention • Indicates how well viewers who remember the ad can associate it with the brand
Related Recall Both Dryel ads are very memorable, generating day-after Recall that is more than double normative levels. Total Sample Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Dry Cleaner Users Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users Recall Index = 175 Recall Index = 179 S/s - Significantly different from :60 All Commercial Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Measured Attention As we saw in “Dry Cleaner”, “Results Guaranteed” successfully gains Viewer attention. Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Total Sample P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Dry Cleaner Users S/s - Significantly different from :60 All Commercial Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Commercial Ratings – Entertainment/Attention Category purchasers describe “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed” as more unique than “Dry Clean”, but overall, Viewers do not garner a great deal of entertainment value from these ads. This is an indication that their ability to engage their audience is driven more by the interest value of their messages than by enjoyment of the drama. S/s - Significantly different from :60 Household Products Including Housewares among F 25-65 Norm/ † :60 All Com’l Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Brand Linkage Both ads leave their audience with a strongly branded impression. Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Dry Cleaner Users Total Sample S/s - Significantly different from :60 All Commercial Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Effective Ads: Integration • The ads that work best often connect the key elements of situation/story, message, and brand so that they are inseparable. • It means that the brand and message are so intrinsic to the ad that you can’t tell the “story” without them. • This is easier to recognize when you see it than it is to define. • Well-integrated ads often have a “seamless” quality that can make them look simple even if they’re technically complex. • Integration is reflected qualitatively in open-end response measures, where we look for associations among product, message, and narrative in viewers’ description of the execution.
Tell A Friend Verbatim Commentary When Viewers re-tell the story of “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed”, ~40% mention Dryel by name, indicating the brand is an integral part of the drama. • The Dryel product offers you the chance to do dry cleaning at home, saving you time and money. I • They have this product called Dryel. It is really good. Put the clothes in the bag and then put the whole bag in the dryer for 30 minutes, hang them up and they come out great. It saves a lot of money on dry cleaning. You just toss the clothes into the bag and the Dryel sheet must be put in. • I was just looking at this commercial called Dryel. It tells you what it was. How to dry clean your own clothes without taking them to a dry cleaners. • There is a woman showing the hassle of taking dry cleaning to a drycleaners. I showed her in her car. And when they showed that part it was in black and white not in color. Then they showed a woman in color using Dryel. She put her clothes in a special Dryel bag. A Dryel sheet. • It had a lady that was frustrated taking her clothes to the drycleaner and then it showed her using Dryel and she was much happier. • A woman was doing her dry cleaning in, she put it in the dryer with the Dryel, showed a before and after, showed sort of a rack showing u could clean 10 items instead of dry cleaning, then they show a website and coupon.
Detailed Recall Day-after memory of “Results Guaranteed” messages is primarily economy and usage. Viewers remember that Dryel will save them money on dry cleaning and it is an at-home product. A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Message Communication Diagnostics: Main Idea of the ad Differentiation, Relevance & Believability of the Main Idea
Main Idea Communication After re-exposure to the ad, Viewers most often perceive the main idea of “Results Guaranteed” as economy. However, it conveys a stronger secondary ‘saves time’ message than did “Dry Cleaner”. A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Value of Dryel Viewers ‘get’ the value message, “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed” significantly enhances Dry Cleaner Users perception of Dryel as a very good value over both control levels and that of “Dry Cleaner”. S/s- Significantly different from Control at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D- Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test.
Commercial Ratings - Information Viewers don’t get a great deal of new information from “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed”, but it delivers its messages in a manner that is perceived as significantly more interesting and important to Dry Cleaner Users than “Dry Cleaner”. S/s - Significantly different from :60 Household Products Including Housewares among F 25-65 Norm/ † :60 All Com’l Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Consumer’s Reactions How did the viewers like the ad: Commercial Likeability Specific Likes/Dislikes
Commercial Likeability “Results Guaranteed” is not a very appealing ad. Overall. ‘likeability’ falls significantly below the normative level, similar to “Dry Cleaner”. Category purchasers and ‘light’ professional dry cleaning users are most likely to appreciate the ad. P12M At Home Dry Cleaning Purchasers Total Sample Occasional Professional Dry Cleaning Users Dry Cleaner Users Do Not Use Dry Cleaning Outside Of Home Light Professional Dry Cleaning Users A commercial for a dry cleaning product which is for Dryel and the company said it was new and I have seen Dryel and I do not know what is Dryel the commercial was outdated and dumb. The lady was out of style and had old-fashioned hair. I thought it was boring. [S] [A] [n=120] [B] [n=125] [C] [n=8*] [D] [n=15*] [E] [n=68] [F] [n=70] [G] [n=25*] [H] [n=25*] [J] [n=22*] [K] [n=24*] [L] [n=98] [M] [n=101] S/s - Significantly different from :60 Household Products Including Housewares among F 25-65 Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Commercial Ratings – Connection to the brand Therefore, it does not build a strong emotional connection to the brand overall, but surpasses “Dry Cleaner” in making category purchasers feel good about Dryel. S/s - Significantly different from :60 Household Products Including Housewares among F 25-65 Norm/ † :60 All Com’l Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Commercial Likes Specific likes directionally exceed the level we normally see, driven primarily by the ads’ message appeal. While overall message appeal of “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed” falls significantly below “Dry Cleaner”, its economy message is especially salient to Category Purchasers and ‘Light’ Professional Users. S/s - Significantly different from :60 All Commercial Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Commercial Likes Overall, ease and convenience messages are perceived as more appealing as presented in “Dry Cleaner”, but again the time savings is more pronounced (and appreciated) asdepicted in “Dry Clean Results Guaranteed”. S/s - Significantly different from :60 All Commercial Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test
Commercial Likes While the level of specific visual likes is lower than we typically see, it is higher for “Dry clean Results Guaranteed” than for “Dry Cleaner”. Viewers especially like the scene showing the rack of clothes coming out of the Dryel box and the look of the clothes themselves. S/s - Significantly different from :60 All Commercial Norm at 95%/90% CL A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K… - Significantly higher than (A/B, C/D, E/F, G/H, J/K, L/M ,E/G/J, F/H/K…) at 95%/90% CL *Base size less than 30, too low to stat test