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Substance use disorders. They are common disorders which have an impact on the society. Medical illness and psychiatric disorders are frequently complicated or associated with these disorders . Substance use disorders. CriteriaIntense desire urge and compulsion: to take the substance on continuous
1. Substance use disorders By:
Doaa Ahmed Khalifa
MD in Psychiatry
Psych. Consultant, King Abdulaziz university
2. Substance use disorders They are common disorders which have an impact on the society. Medical illness and psychiatric disorders are frequently complicated or associated with these disorders
3. Substance use disorders Criteria
Intense desire urge and compulsion: to take the substance on continuous basis
Physical and/or psychological dependance:
Physical dependance: requirement for regular supply of drug to experience the physiological effects or avoid discomfort of its abstain
Psychological dependance( addiction): compulsion to take substance for pleasure and release of inner tension
Tolerance: The need to increase the dose to reach the same effect or to prevent withdrawal syndrome
Withdrawal: Stopping the drug causes withdrawal symptoms
Abuse: maladaptive pattern of substance use in physical hazardous situations, with recurrent legal, social and interpersonal problems.
4. Signs of Dependance Continued use despite harm
Difficulty controlling the use
Development of tolerance
Appearance of signs of withdrawal
5. Main presentations Mood changes( elevation, depression, anxiety)
Sleep and sexual problems
Physical complications of the substance or from contaminated needles
Accidents or injuries
Legal and social problems (family, work, and financial problems)
6. Epidemiology
Life time prevalence = 20%
Lower education
Lower income
Age=15-25 years
Vulnerable personalities: antisocial, dependent, and borderline personality
7. Etiology
I) Cognitive theory
Dependence is a life style with common core beliefs:-
Immediate pleasure
Does not estimate consequences
Counts time in small units
Low self esteem
Life centered around the substance
8. II) Behavioral theory
Modeling with parents
Operant conditioning( +ve and ve)
Classical conditioning (external and internal cues)
Reinforcement from the society
9. III) Sociocultural theory
Childhood traumatic event
Family theory
Peer influence
Social preferences
Effect of media
Drug availability
IV) Genetic factors
V) Pharmacological mechanisms
Increased neurotransmitter receptor supersenstivity
Dysfunction of endorphins
10. Classification of substances CNS depressants
Alcohol- opiates-benzodiazepines- barbiturates
CNS hallucinogens
Cannabis- LSD- PCP
CNS stimulants
Ephedrine- amphetamines- cocaine- ecstacy
11. Alcohol related disorders Alcohol dependance (chronic use)
Liver(hepatitis,cirrhosis, fatty liver, late stage liver failure)
GIT( oesophagitis, gastritis, portal hypertension, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer)
CVS( cardiac arrythmias, hypertension, cardiomyopathy)
CNS( diffuse brain damage, Wernick-Korsakoff syndrome,cerebellar degeneration, epilepsy, amnesia)
Metabolic( hypoglycemia, hypercholostrolemia, ketoacidosis)
Hematological (anemia, iron deficiency anemia, thrombocytopenia)
Psychiatric complications( hallucinations, depression, suicide, anxiety)
12. Alcohol related disorders Alcohol intoxication( evidence of recent ingestion of sufficient amount)
Unsteady gait, ataxia, nystagmus, slurred speech, diminished attention, memory, stupor and coma
Alcohol withdrawal( evidence of stoppage or decrease in dose)
Hand trmors, hallucinations, seizures, nausea and vomiting, delirium
13. Treatment Intoxication
According to blood level
0.15-0.25% No treatment
0.25-0.35% Symptomatic treatment
If ?0.35% in ICU
High CHO diet
good hydration
Benzodiazepines with gradual tapering
Clonidine, inderal for ANS
Tegretol for convulsion control
14. Benzodiazepines & Barbiturates Chronic use
Slurred speech, cognitive impairment, dysphoria, behavioral disturbances, impaired concentration
Disorientation, sedation, nystagmus, ataxia, respiratory depression, CVS collapse, coma
Anxiety, tremors, agitation, insomnia, irritability, seizures, delirium
15. Treatment Intoxication
BDZ antagonist, anexate (flumazinil)
Airway safety
Consciousness and vital signs observation
Gradual tapering from short to longer acting + antiepileptic( Tegretol)
16. Opioid related disorders Opiates : naturally occurring derivative of opium( heroin, codeine, morphine)
Opioids : Synthetic narcotic with same action
( methadone)
Route: oral, snored, IV, SC
17. Opioid related disorders Chronic use
Euphoria, followed by sedation, analgesia, behavioral changes, cognitive impairment, flushy face, warmth and heaviness of extremities, legal problems, risk of AIDS, hepatitis, and phlebitis.
Constricted pupil, colic, respiratory depression, decrease pulse, temp., retardation, drowsiness, slurred speech, CVS collapse and coma.
Nausea, vomiting, sweating, diarrhea, lacrimation, pains and abdominal cramps, shivering, pupillary dilatation, fever, tachycardia, and hyperthermia.
18. Treatment of opioid related disorders Overdose
Triad: Coma, pinpointed pupil, respiratory depression
Treatment: airway, vital signs, opioid antagonist(Naloxone) IV
Opioid withdrawal
3.Symptomatic treatment ( analgesics, antiepileptics, antipsychotics, sedatives for sleep, good nutrition and fluids, clonidine for noradrenergic hyperactivity,SSRI for drug seeking behavior).
4. Opiate antagonist (Naltrexone) as aversive therapy
19. Treatment of opioid withdrawal (cont.) 5. Rehabilitation
Psychological treatment,
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Relapse prevention strategies
Occupational therapy
Religious group
Support group
20. Hallucinogens related disorders (Cannabis-LSD) Chronic use: depression, lack of motivation, pulmonary complications, cognitive impairment, psychosis, panic attacks. Intoxication: red eye, increased heart rate, perceptual disturbances( hallucinations and illusions), impaired coordination, euphoria, impaired consciousness, sweating, hypoglycemia. Withdrawal: irritability, mood changes.