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WELCOME TO DATABASE and SQL. By Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, 2 nd shift, Bhubaneswar. What is Database ?. A database is the collection of data in an organised manner. What is the difference between Database and Databank ?. A database also can be called as a databank Insertion

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  1. WELCOME TO DATABASE and SQL By Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, 2nd shift, Bhubaneswar Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  2. What is Database ? A database is the collection of data in an organised manner Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  3. What is the difference between Database and Databank ? A database also can be called as a databank Insertion Updation Deletion Selection Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  4. What is Database Management System (DBMS) ? DBMS = Database + Programs to access those data Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  5. Advantages of DBMS • Centralisation of Data • Data Independence • Reduction of Data redundancies • Shared Data • Data Integrity • Data Security • Conflict Resolution • Removes Data isolation • Atomicity Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  6. Disadvantages of DBMS • Cost : S/W Development and H/W upgradation • Processing overhead to implement security, integrity and sharing of the data degrades the response time • Lack of duplication • Centralisation causes downtime and failure • Backup and restore Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  7. View of DataDATA ABSTRACTION View 1 View 2 View 3 View n Conceptual Level Database Administrator Physical Level Database Creator Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  8. View of DataInstances and Schema • Instance : The collection of information stored in the database at a particular moment is called an instance. • Schema : The overall design of the database is called the database schema Lowest Level : Physical Schema Intermediate Level : Logical Schema Highest Level : Subschema Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  9. View of DataData Independence Ability to modify the schema definition at one level without affecting a schema definition in the next higher level is called as data independence • Physical Data Independence : Ability to modify the physical schema without affecting the other levels • Logical Data Independence : Ability to modify the conceptual schema without affecting the other levels. Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  10. Data ModelsA data model is the collection of conceptual tools for describing data,data relationships, data semantics and consistency constraints • Object Based Logical Models • Entity-Relationship Model • Object-oriented Model • Semantic Data Model • Functional Data Model Data Models • Record Based Logical Models • Relational Model • Network Model • Hierarchical Model • Physical Data Models • Unifying Model • Frame Memory Model Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  11. Database Administrator DBA has the central control of the database. The functions of the DBA area • Schema definition • Creating/deleting the database users • Giving authorization to access the database • Acquiring s/w and h/w resources as needed • Looking after the security of the database • Performance of the system (poor response time) Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  12. Database Users • Application Programmers : Writing application programs with embedded statements. • Sophisticated Users : Who thoroughly knows the details of facilities of the DBMS Ex : Engineers,Scientists,Business Analyst etc. • Specialized Users : Sophisticated users who write specialized database applications • Naive Users : Unsophisticated users who use some specific portion of the database but use it constantly. • Casual Users : occasionally use the database Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  13. Database Languages • Data Definition Language (DDL) : Structuring the database • Data Manipulation Language (DML) : Using the database. • Data Control Language (DCL) : Securing the database. Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  14. Relational Database Languages Relational Database languages provide notations for deriving information from the permanent relations in the database. • Relational Algebra : Specialized operators are used. • Relational Calculus : Based on the predicate calculus Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR


  16. The SELECT Operation SELECT operation is an unary operation and is used to select a subset of the tuples from a relation that satisfy the selection condition Syntax : <selection condition> (R) Sigma -> used to denote the SELECT operator <selection condition> -> is a boolean expression. Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  17. Query-1 Retrieve from the STUDENT relation the tuples for those students having level >= 2 Result : LEVEL>=2(STUDENT) Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  18. Query-2 Retrieve tuples from REPORT for Course code is 312 and marks less than 50 or Course code 121 and marks greater than 50 Result :  (REPORT) (C#=312 AND MARKS<50) OR (C#=121 AND MARKS>50) Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  19. The PROJECT Operation It is a unary operator which projects out a vertical subset of a given relation Syntax : <attribute list> (R) Query : Retrieve the room numbers of lecturers Result : ROOM# (LECTURER) Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  20. The RENAME Operation When sequence of operations are exercised on the relations, then in many cases, the relation names and attribute names are renamed Query : Rename the STUDENT(S#,SNAME,LEVEL) to LEARNER (ROLL,NAME,DEGREE) Result : LEARNER(ROLL,NAME,DEGREE) (STUDENT) Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  21. Set Theoretic Operation • UNION : The set of tuples that are in relation R or in relation S, or in both is denoted by R U S or (R union S) • INTERSECTION : The set of tuples that are in R and also in S and is denoted by RS or (R intersect S) • SET DIFFERENCE : The set of tuples that are in R but not in S is denoted by (R minus S) or R-S Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  22. CARTESIAN PRODUCT Let R and S be relations of degree n1 and n2 respectively. Then the Cartesian Product of R and S, is of degree n1+n2. It is denoted by R X S Suppose relation R is R(A1,A2,…,An) and relation S is S(B1,B2,….,Bm) then Q=R X S is Q(A1,A2,…An,B1,B2,….Bm) If R has k1 tuples and S has k2 tuples then R X S will have k1*k2 tuples. Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

  23. A complete set of Relational Algebra Operations The following set of relational algebra operations {,,,-,X} is a complete set. Any other relational algebra operations can be expressed using the sequence of operations from the above set. Arun Kumar, PGT CS K.V. No.-1, BBSR

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